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Question about site. - Printable Version

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Question about site. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-01-2019

I just noticed I can't find an advertisement board and thought it a bit weird. Than wondered if we advertise on other sites? Just curious.

Re: Question about site. - Beatles. - 01-01-2019

tru dat
we could probably rake in more members if we did so?

Re: Question about site. - Quill - 01-01-2019

Hey! Great question! I don't have an answer for you off hand, but I think us staff will talk about it in the morning, and we'll see what we come up with!

Re: Question about site. - woody - 01-01-2019

very good point, i havent seen any ads around anywhere else on the net so advertising might be a good move!

Re: Question about site. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-01-2019

I can help some if wanted if advertisement is decided on. But yeah, if we don't do it I think that it could be beneficial. Though it would likely be wisest to have someone from the site really good with graphics to make a clickable advertisement first, those tend to go over best.

Re: Question about site. - Orion - 01-01-2019

I actually did have advertisements out on the internet! (per the old affiliates program that broke) Perhaps they've disappeared into the depths of RP collections. Seeing that the site has changed a bit, I can definitely request to remove them and reupdate as needed.

Ideas? Ways to advertise and sites to post the site on would be wonderful!

Re: Question about site. - tikki - 01-01-2019

from what I can think of so far, sites like lioden and chickensmoothie, I believe, you are able to post in your signature other sites, so a banner would be good there


other than that, tumblr/instagram/twitter and have people reblog and retweet stuff if able

Re: Question about site. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-01-2019

In terms of ideas in my experience its best to find sites that have policy's which include things which allow us to bump advertisements we've made on them every so often and have someone in charge of it as it makes consistent advertisement easiest. Other than that, some sites only allow ads if they can link back, etc. Alongside the stuff tikki mentioned.
I can gather a list of sites but I would need to know if we'd be adding a link back board or not and if staff only wanted to advertise to a certain protion of the internet roleplay community or just as a whole, so I don't go compiling a list of sites that will just remove our advertisements for breaking their policies?

Re: Question about site. - axiom - 01-01-2019

go ahead and compile a list of sites for that -- we'll debate adding an advertising board (but i think it's needed, honestly, i was gonna bring it up but i kept forgetting lmao)

Re: Question about site. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-01-2019

Give me a few hours into tomorrow morning to account for if RL takes me away for the computer and there will be as complete of a list as I can manage. <3