Beasts of Beyond
WHEREVER YOU WOULD CALL ME // joining - Printable Version

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WHEREVER YOU WOULD CALL ME // joining - tristitia - 12-31-2018

Amber eyes scanned this area. If he knew anything, is that his wife had been here before. His cursed, demonic wife. Had he known she'd harbored such demons when they met, she would have left her behind. What did she call them. Oh, right. The "Force". Dio, she needed help.

That's why he was here. To talk with her old Clanmates, join this place, see what they noticed about her. Midnight black fur blocks the view of the Starpool as the leopard sits down. "Ah, um, buon giorno. May I join?"
"blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth" —-- amedeo de santis / italian / ascendants

Re: WHEREVER YOU WOULD CALL ME // joining - JERSEYBOY - 12-31-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]YOU AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A HOUND DOG — TAGS[/glow]
What in the hell? Jerseyboy was... not used to people speaking Italian, the language that he knew bits and pieces of. He knew mostly Italian-American slang, which rooted from the actual language but is very different in its own way.

The tuxedo tom had been lazing in the cradle of a tree branch when he had noted the presence of the bigger feline. He got to his paws, still up above, and he snorted, [glow=black,1,400]"Ey, jamoke[sup]1[/sup], you gonna tell us who you are or are we gonna have t' guess?"[/glow] Jerseyboy usually was not one to grill newcomers on the whole "name and business" spiel, but wasn't it common courtesy to tell people your name before you were allowed onto their territory? Sheesh.

1. Italian-American slang for "idiot"

Re: WHEREVER YOU WOULD CALL ME // joining - arcy - 01-01-2019

Link honestly didn't known enough about courtesy to really be aware that he was supposed to introduce himself upon prompting. To be fair, his previous interactions with people have been fleeting -- temporary. Now he was living with them. Which is a rather strange concept to the small canine. He had a house elsewhere, which he'd stayed in for a grand total of ten nights. The other villagers didn't really care about him, though they seemed to like him. He's .. not sure what's different, here.
Link blinks at Jerseyboy for a moment as the other swears at the newcomer, tilts his head. They keep saying words he doesn't understand ... a ... a different language, maybe? Yes, yes, other languages existed. He'd ... almost forgotten that, too.
He wishes he hadn't forgotten so much. Whatever putting him in the shrine had been, it hadn't been a favor, if it'd erased his memories. .. The canine lets out a soft chirp-like sound of greeting as he takes in the panther's appearance, head tilting, gaze focused. It might be considered unsettling, the way he stares unspeakingly at the other. Then, after a long moment, Link waves a paw in greeting. And that's ... all. He does nothing more, perhaps partly because it would probably require speaking, something which Link was avoiding as best as he could.
"we will not be torn" —-- link / ascendants / misc