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ASCENDANTS PLOTTING FORMS - clarence a. - 12-31-2018

Hi y'all! I just really wanted to encourage plotting so I'll be having a few OOC events going up, including this, to help with that! I feel like our community is relatively new and we've had a lot of recent members join, which is great because that means there's more opportunity for plotting, but that also means that no one's super established which can make looking for specific plots a little difficult. These forms are supposed to help out with that! I'll be filling out one as well and they're basically meant to just show what everyone's looking for so plotting can be made a bit easier. You can feel free to add more to this form if there are more specific things you're looking for but yeah! Feel free to look through these and contact those who you might be interested in plotting with?


[i]Your preferred name: [/i]
[i]Your pronouns:[/i]
[i]Character's name:[/i]
[i]Character's pronouns:[/i]
[i]Character's age: [/i]


[i]Pet Peeves: [/i]
[i]Positive qualities:[/i]
[i]Negative qualities:[/i]


[i]A mentee/mentor (please specify which one):[/i]
[i]A best friend (if yes, what are some things another character might bond with your's over?): [/i]
[i]A casual friend:[/i]
[i]A smoking/drinking/party buddy:[/i]
[i]Adopted family (please specify what relationship you're specifically looking for. Would you like parental figures, adopted children, adopted siblings, etc?): [/i]
[i]Biological family (same as above): [/i]
[i]An enemy:[/i]
[i]A rival: [/i]
[i]A serious romantic interest (if so, please state your character's sexuality):[/i]
[i]A casual romantic partner:[/i]
[i]Unrequited love: [/i]
[i]A tragic love plot: [/i]
[i]A betrayal plot (would you like y/c to be on the side of the betrayed or betrayer? or could they be on either side?): [/i]
[i]A relationship (friendship, mentorship, etc), that bonds over difficulty? Do you have specific ideas for this? And what kind of relationship specifically would you like to see grown this way?: [/i]
[i]A partner in crime (literally or figuratively? Try defining this a little more. Actual crimes or just mischief or perhaps just for adventures?): [/i]
[i]Someone to discover your character's secrets (if yes, what specifically?): [/i]
[i]Someone who's secrets y/c could discover (do you have a specific plot in mind?):[/i]
[i]Someone to start a club/organization with (what kind of club? How can other people help you establish this IC?):[/i]
[i]Is there anything else your interested in finding for your character not mentioned above? What is it? What kind of character are you looking for to fill it?:[/i]
[i]Is there anything you are completely closed to in terms of plots?: [/i]


[i]Do you have a Discord? If so, what's your username?: [/i]
[i]Are you comfortable with being private messaged on Discord?:[/i]
[i]If you do have a Discord, are you in the Ascendants Discord and would you see messages about plots in your character's channel?: [/i]
[i]Are you comfortable with being private messaged on site?:[/i]
[i]Do you have a plotting thread for your character? If so, please link it: [/i]
[i]Do you prefer expanding plots in open or private threads?: [/i]
[i]Are you open to plain interaction threads or do you prefer something with a plot behind them?: [/i]

Re: ASCENDANTS PLOTTING FORMS - clarence a. - 12-31-2018


Your preferred name: Apricity / Apri
Your pronouns: She/her
Character's name: Clarence Aston
Character's pronouns: He/him
Character's age: Unspecified. Assumed to be in an adult jaguar body.


Likes: Tea, movies, musicals, opera, music in general, sweets, baking (he's very bad at it), cooking (seriously he might burn down the kitchen you've been warned), chocolate, wandering around, exercise, dancing
Dislikes: Ships (but he knows a lot about them and will talk about them a lot when stressed so), war, conflict, most water-based activities, seafood, grey morality
Hobbies: dancing, cooking (if you can call it that), singing, playing instruments (tho he hasn't quite figured out how to do it as an animal whoops), watching moves on his 'glowy box'
Interests: history (particularly history post 1813), astronomy, religion, food, music, traditional choral music, any technology that's been developed since his death, cooking/baking
Fears: he wouldn't classify it as a fear but water tbh (it makes him v v anxious to be around large bodies of water), not being able to help someone, sharks, being alone for too long, leaving a lit candle, anything demonic in nature, powers
Pet Peeves: when people interrupt him, gossiping, people with bad table manners (chewing with your mouth open around clarence will prob make him asdfghj @ u), unnecessary violence/conflict, lying
Positive qualities: polite, kind, charismatic, compassionate, patient, trustworthy, trusting, intelligent, honest, warm, welcoming
Negative qualities: can be somewhat close-minded, too sacrificial, not very knowledgeable regarding modern culture, feels somewhat uncomfortable in his own skin, tends to trade dealing with problems for just random coping habits, can be too trusting, easily manipulated


A mentee/mentor (please specify which one): He'd be up for mentoring someone!
A best friend (if yes, what are some things another character might bond with your's over?): For sure! Literally any of his interests. He also wants to be interested in gardening but doesn't know a ton about it so they could talk about that.
A casual friend: For sure! Clarence is pretty warm and easy to get along with so he'll prob have a lot of these actually
A smoking/drinking/party buddy: He doesn't smoke or heavily drink but he's down for some tea parties and maybe even some light drinking but prob nothing too extreme
Adopted family (please specify what relationship you're specifically looking for. Would you like parental figures, adopted children, adopted siblings, etc?): For sure! Probably a sibling-like relationship or children
Biological family (same as above): Not currently! Tho I'm open to the idea of his mom being eventually introduced or even his dad or smth but I don't have plots for them rn.
An enemy: Yeah! This is kinda hard as he isn't super openly aggressive but if you come @ him or his family/friends he'll come @ u so
A rival: Yes!! Clarence can actually be p competitive so I'm def up for a sparring bud or smth along those lines.
A serious romantic interest (if so, please state your character's sexuality): For sure! Tho it'd be a long term plot bc currently Clarence is closeted so it's a bit of a struggle for him. He's homosexual and homoromantic.
A casual romantic partner: Not currently, it'll take a long time for him to even get a serious romantic interest so unless this was like a crush sort of situation prob not.
Unrequited love: Why not lol. I'm fine with it being @ him or him @ someone else.
A tragic love plot: I'd prefer not to tbh. I'm fine with some tragedy within a love plot but I want his first relationship to be relatively positive probably given his background bc otherwise I don't think he'd seek out anyone ever again tbh.
A betrayal plot (would you like y/c to be on the side of the betrayed or betrayer? or could they be on either side?): Sure! Clarence is very, very unlikely to betray someone except in extreme circumstances but he's very easily manipulated so he could be on the side of the betrayed. I'm not closed to him being a betrayer but there'd have to be a really good reason.
A relationship (friendship, mentorship, etc), that bonds over difficulty? Do you have specific ideas for this? And what kind of relationship specifically would you like to see grown this way?: Yeah!! Clarence would be willing to bond with anyone that's been through difficult social/family situations as he's been through that or anything related to war. He was also a former doctor so he could take care of someone's injuries n bond over that. I'm open to any sort of relationship bonding through this.
A partner in crime (literally or figuratively? Try defining this a little more. Actual crimes or just mischief or perhaps just for adventures?): Clarence isn't really he mischief type but I can see him getting accidentally roped into it lol
Someone to discover your character's secrets (if yes, what specifically?): Yeah! For him this would probably be the fact he has powers (which might not be a big deal to them but it terrifies him so it'd likely be a situation in which the individual either tries to calm him down or uses that to further distress him), his sexuality (same as before; something that he really struggles with), or possibly his PTSD, which is something he refuses to acknowledge despite having growing symptoms due to it being untreated.
Someone who's secrets y/c could discover (do you have a specific plot in mind?): Sure! Clarence is the type that would likely help them if he thinks they're in danger/trouble, but if they're doing something morally wrong he wouldn't hesitate to take action and stop them.
Someone to start a club/organization with (what kind of club? How can other people help you establish this IC?): YESSS. CLARENCE WOULD LOVE A TEA PARTY OR A MOVIE WATCHING CLUB. HE WOULD BE SO DOWN.
Is there anything else your interested in finding for your character not mentioned above? What is it? What kind of character are you looking for to fill it?: I can't think of anything rn but I'm more than open to other ideas!
Is there anything you are completely closed to in terms of plots?: Uhh just no maiming/death, I don't really want him to cause major injuries, and I don't want him to have any biological kiddos rn


Do you have a Discord? If so, what's your username?: Yup! Apricity#8145
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on Discord?: Yes!
If you do have a Discord, are you in the Ascendants Discord and would you see messages about plots in your character's channel?: Definitely!
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on site?: For sure!
Do you have a plotting thread for your character? If so, please link it: I thought I did but I just checked and apparently I don't. I'll be making one soon tho and I'll edit this with the link once I do!
Do you prefer expanding plots in open or private threads?: I prefer developing things naturally through open threads and then moving to private threads to expand on it more. Just know that private threads generally take me a bit longer to reply to, though I have no problem with them.
Are you open to plain interaction threads or do you prefer something with a plot behind them?: I would prefer threads with plots behind them.


[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]THE BASICS

Your preferred name: Rev
Your pronouns: Anything works, they/them for simplicity.
Character's name: Orpheus
Character's pronouns: He/Him
Character's age: Around three years old, a lil younger or older.


Likes: Sweet foods, poetry, adventures, warm places where people laugh, sparring, sleep lmao. Music? Some other things but I'll come back to this later.
Dislikes: People who hurt others without reason, strong smells, loud voices, feeling overwhelmed. Sudden contact, and again there's more and I'm lazy.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, anything relating to music. Gardening, baking, swimming.
Interests: Everything honestly he would love to learn about just about anything.
Fears: Being alone, being,,, too unalone. Being manipulated again, getting close to someone and losing them.
Pet Peeves: People who talk too loudly or take up too much space, leaving messes that could have been easily cleaned up, chewing for some reason it just bothers him.
Positive qualities: Overall very sweet and helpful, cares about everyone's feelings, patient, easy to talk to. Protective, a problem-solver.
Negative qualities: Very,,, very difficult to get close to, gets uncomfortable if people get too close to him, has very poor coping skills, tends to run away before confronting feelings.


A mentee/mentor: He would mentor people but only unofficially.
A best friend: UH that'd be hard but if it develops IC, yes! Any of his interests and hobbies are fair game, he'd happily talk about small things for hours.
A casual friend: Yeah sure, he's friendly!
A smoking/drinking/party buddy: mmMMm he's probably too paranoid to get drunk around anyone rn.
Adopted family: Only if it develops IC, he's really hard to get close to like that.
Biological family: At the moment, no.
An enemy: ALSKJH yes but good luck.
A rival: Yes!
A serious romantic interest: It's something that would have to develop over a long period of time IC, he's,, a mess right now. He's 99% gay.
A casual romantic partner: Probably no right now, he can't let people close to him.
Unrequited love: Sure! But him having a serious crush is unlikely at the moment.
A tragic love plot: Oh boy that'd take a long term plot so. Maybe not? Maybe? I'm bad at this lmao I don't plot very well.
A betrayal plot: OOH DRAMATIC I'd be down for that! He probably wouldn't betray anyone though he's Soft.
A relationship (friendship, mentorship, etc), that bonds over difficulty? Do you have specific ideas for this? And what kind of relationship specifically would you like to see grown this way?: Yes oh man he's someone who's been through hell multiple times and it would be easy to bond with him through any shared difficulties or general experiences. This would probably be a friendship or him taking someone under his wing.
A partner in crime (literally or figuratively? Try defining this a little more. Actual crimes or just mischief or perhaps just for adventures?): He's too good for crime and his mischief tends to be accidental so no for those two, but someone to drag on adventures would be cool.
Someone to discover your character's secrets (if yes, what specifically?): He holds a lot of things really really close to his chest, so I'm not sure if it would be possible, but I'd like for someone to eventually figure out parts of his past and maybe the reason he's so avoidant with emotions.
Someone who's secrets y/c could discover (do you have a specific plot in mind?): This would be A++ because he's nosy but in a gentle "I want to help" way if it's something that's bothering them, he would definitely try to figure stuff out.
Someone to start a club/organization with (what kind of club? How can other people help you establish this IC?): Ooh this sounds super neat but I have no idea how it'd work.
Is there anything else your interested in finding for your character not mentioned above? What is it? What kind of character are you looking for to fill it?: A lot of things would be cool but I don't have anything in particular, feel free to just throw ideas at me?
Is there anything you are completely closed to in terms of plots?: UH. No kids/sexual interactions right now, don't kill him. It's not a solid no but he's in a pretty fragile place so yelling at him is probably a bad idea.


Do you have a Discord? If so, what's your username?: Yes! I'm niightwings #8754.
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on Discord?: Yes but I'm not super active there so it might take a while. I swear I'm not ignoring anyone if it takes like three days I'm just,,, slow.
If you do have a Discord, are you in the Ascendants Discord and would you see messages about plots in your character's channel?: Yes! Again, not super active there but I'd get to it eventually.
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on site?: Yep!
Do you have a plotting thread for your character? If so, please link it: Yes but I'm remaking it soonish so I'll add a new link later.
Do you prefer expanding plots in open or private threads?: Open! I love a more organic plotting style. But private is excellent too.
Are you open to plain interaction threads or do you prefer something with a plot behind them?: Plain interaction is great! Though I do like threads with some sort of,,, plot/pretext? Even if it's something really simple like "it's raining" or "Orpheus lost something".

Re: ASCENDANTS PLOTTING FORMS - arcy - 12-31-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]THE BASICS

Your preferred name: arcy!! or just arc
Your pronouns: they/them!!
Character's name:  link
Character's pronouns: he/him, usually
Character's age: 9 months. baby.


Likes: cooking/food, sparring :'^), music, adventure, sleep. He hasnt encountered enough to really know so idk, introduce him 2 stuff
Dislikes: fuck,,,,, idk. he's kind of neutral abt most evrything gshdnd
Hobbies: cooking, training. Does wreaking havoc count as a hobby.
Interests: music, history, stories. weaponry, technology, w/e. still food.
Fears: mostly fearless. he's kinda worried abt forgetting stuff again, or meeting smbody frm his past. death, sort of. but not his own death.
pet peeves:  being overlooked(cause hes small nd mute). Other people risking themselves. Not doing ur jOB
Positive qualities: heroic qualities. yknow the ones. he likes to help nd solve othr people's problems. sofd boy. patient.
Negative qualities: reckless!! He doesnt' know anything abt people so he tends to do weird things. Naive, easily manipulated. he's an absolutely HELLSPAWN when he's not a soft boy. do puns count as bad qualities? nosy.


A mentee/mentor (please specify which one): hes a little too well trained for most mentors, a little too young to be a mentor, just w/e.
A best friend (if yes, what are some things another character might bond with your's over?): uh!! in theory he already has a bestie gits is makin but hes always open for more!! link can be encouraged to open up if u talk to him abt cooking or smthin. they can also try nd teach him how to be an Actual Member Of Society. or sm other hobbies.
A casual friend: sure!! link will be kind of awkward abt it fhsdnfn
A smoking/drinking/party buddy: no, hes a baby rn.....
Adopted family: sure!! parental figures or siblings. it'd be good for him to have smbody to lach onto sndnfn
Biological family: i mean,, unless u wanna come up w a way for them to have survived a whole-ass century. (he canonically has a sister nd a dad so w/e goes ig)
An enemy: probably not?? if u come up w smthin good tho sure!!
A rival: sure thing!!! hes not v competitive but u can p ease him into that gshdhf
A serious romantic interest: probablyyy not?? he barely has a concept of romance
A casual romantic partner: sure!!  (hes bi btw)
Unrequited love: i assure u not only does link develop compulsive crushes and 'oh fuck they were nice 2 me' crushes, hes also open 2 crushes on HIM
A tragic love plot: nah, not rn.
A betrayal plot: sure!! link cld in theory be the betrayer but he wldnt do it on purpose. bein betrayed wld be good development tho sndnfn
A relationship (friendship, mentorship, etc), that bonds over difficulty? Do you have specific ideas for this? And what kind of relationship specifically would you like to see grown this way?: yeah!! link Wont rlly talk abt it himself, but he can be encouraged to write or draw it. hes a good listener. he used to be involved in war and survival(tho dsnt rmmber the war thing). amnesia, whatever.
A partner in crime (literally or figuratively? Try defining this a little more. Actual crimes or just mischief or perhaps just for adventures?): suRE! no actual crimes(unless u mislead him) but link can be tugged into mischief pretty easy if he likes u, AND he loves adventure
Someone to discover your character's secrets (if yes, what specifically?): he doesnt rlly have secrets?? if  want u can learn abt his backstory but he wont rlly care
Someone who's secrets y/c could discover (do you have a specific plot in mind?):  suRE!! he'll keep secrets if asked, unless he doesnt want to. he might read ur chars diary. he wont hesitate to tell other ppl a lot of the time, but ur somewhat safe cause he wont talk SHDHD
Someone to start a club/organization with (what kind of club? How can other people help you establish this IC?):  suRE!! he likes picking up new hobbies even if he doesnt know it beforehand. hes not any good as a club leader but he'd be good as a silent shadow gshdh. basically Any club, esp those abt his interests
Is there anything else your interested in finding for your character not mentioned above? What is it? What kind of character are you looking for to fill it?:  cant think of anything atm!! ^^!!
Is there anything you are completely closed to in terms of plots?: the usual?? hes a baby, dont hurt him. im not convinced he even Really knows how babies r made


Do you have a Discord? If so, what's your username?: its,,, its dumbasser6 rn. (i have the # on my main)
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on Discord?:  sure thing!!
If you do have a Discord, are you in the Ascendants Discord and would you see messages about plots in your character's channel?: yea!!!
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on site?: preferably no!! if its how u prefer it, go for it, tho!!
Do you have a plotting thread for your character? If so, please link it: yeah!! here
Do you prefer expanding plots in open or private threads?: both!! i like having stuff develop over open tnreads, and delvig deeper in private ones ^^
Are you open to plain interaction threads or do you prefer something with a plot behind them?: at least a little bit of plot!! it doesnt have to be a lot, just enough to not just be small talk gshdnfnf



Your preferred name: Beatles
Your pronouns: She/her
Character's name: Jerseyboy
Character's pronouns: He/him
Character's age: Young adult


Likes: Parties, music ( specifically rock ), pasta, booze, cigarettes, freedom, being lazy, swimming, being in charge, uhhhh wahmen
Dislikes: Being belittled, being bossed around, people who clash with his ego, outspoken people, just a lot of people in general LMFAO. Also country music, screamo music, neon colors, flower crowns, and anything "sissy"
Hobbies: Being an asshole. He also likes to cook when he gets off his ass for once. His main passion is music, whether it's singing or playing the guitar.
Interests: Uhhh music?
Fears: Not being good enough, rejection
Pet Peeves: Being interrupted, being talked over, people who are needy, drama queens, invasions of his personal space
Positive qualities: Charming, loyal, protective, humorous, sociable
Negative qualities: Sly, egotistical, stubborn, blunt, insensitive, vulgar, aggressive, cocky


A mentee/mentor (please specify which one): Nope, he'd be terrible at both. Although maybe an unofficial mentorship of sorts, where he takes a younger character under his wing and he's a bad influence on them
A best friend (if yes, what are some things another character might bond with your's over?): Perhaps! If y/c's ego doesn't clash with his and if they get along well, then they are bound to be friends. If y/c is like him personality-wise then even more so.
A casual friend: Again, depends on if they get along
A smoking/drinking/party buddy: Oh definitely
Adopted family (please specify what relationship you're specifically looking for. Would you like parental figures, adopted children, adopted siblings, etc?): Noope
Biological family (same as above): Nope
An enemy: Hell yeah, these are easy to make
A rival: Perhaps? That would be interesting
A serious romantic interest (if so, please state your character's sexuality): Maybe? Kinda picky when it comes to these but if the ship/dynamic is good then I'd be open! He's a gross het
A casual romantic partner: He's up for one-night stands!
Unrequited love: Oh?? Maybe?? Mutual or vice versa would be interesting but I feel that it would be more likely if it was towards him
A tragic love plot: Nahh
A betrayal plot (would you like y/c to be on the side of the betrayed or betrayer? or could they be on either side?): Mmmm nah
A relationship (friendship, mentorship, etc), that bonds over difficulty? Do you have specific ideas for this? And what kind of relationship specifically would you like to see grown this way?: ?? I don't think so
A partner in crime (literally or figuratively? Try defining this a little more. Actual crimes or just mischief or perhaps just for adventures?): Refer to "mentee/mentor" section. He'd be willing to take a younger character out for mischief like stealing and pranking enemies and such
Someone to discover your character's secrets (if yes, what specifically?): Can't think of anything atm
Someone who's secrets y/c could discover (do you have a specific plot in mind?): ^
Someone to start a club/organization with (what kind of club? How can other people help you establish this IC?): Nah
Is there anything else your interested in finding for your character not mentioned above? What is it? What kind of character are you looking for to fill it?: Someone he could get into a big argument/fight with! We'd have to find a source of conflict for them of course
Is there anything you are completely closed to in terms of plots?: Litters/mass adopt litters, biological family


Do you have a Discord? If so, what's your username?: beatles#1098
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on Discord?: Of course!
If you do have a Discord, are you in the Ascendants Discord and would you see messages about plots in your character's channel?: Yes and yes!
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on site?: Yep!
Do you have a plotting thread for your character? If so, please link it: boop
Do you prefer expanding plots in open or private threads?: Depends on the plot tbh
Are you open to plain interaction threads or do you prefer something with a plot behind them?: Definitely plot-related threads

Re: ASCENDANTS PLOTTING FORMS - Grimm - 12-31-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]THE BASICS

Your preferred name: beau or grimm works
Your pronouns: they/them is preferred but if we've talked a good bit before he/him is fine too
Character's name: keyne
Character's pronouns: he/him
Character's age: eight months


Likes: science, storms, debates, mint choc ice cream and he will defend it to his death, running or walking just before sunrise so he can see it, swimming
Dislikes: mythology and most stories of fantastical nature, if not shoved onto him he may be okay with it
Hobbies: making star charts, learning new languages, teaching himself how to cook, learning to play an instrument though not set on which just fiddling with the idea for now
Interests: anything to do with storms and science, he will talk your ear off if you let him
Fears: small dark spaces, lightning
Pet Peeves: others talking with their mouth full though he does it himself, being spoken over but again he does it too, being nitpicked at for little things he can't control such as his inability to travel long distances or keep up with others
Positive qualities: becoming more thoughtful and optimistic, doing his best to assist others and make their days better though at times at the expense of his own feelings, imagination is growing and becoming a bit more childlike
Negative qualities: easily annoyed and becomes huffy when he thinks someone is pitying him or looks down on him for his difficulties at performing some tasks, very stubborn and set in his ways


A mentee/mentor (please specify which one): mentor though will need to be someone willing to be patient with him and know how to deal with his attitude when he gets grouchy and tired
A best friend (if yes, what are some things another character might bond with your's over?): possibly, he would love someone who knows about science or another language so he can teach them german and he can learn from them, anyone willing to go on little adventures with him is also welcome but he can be a bit of an ass at times
A casual friend: depends on if they get along since he is a bit scatter brained and can forget other people or brush their needs aside sometimes
A smoking/drinking/party buddy: no, he is a young bab but a bit later on can be tempted to try a few things
Adopted family (please specify what relationship you're specifically looking for. Would you like parental figures, adopted children, adopted siblings, etc?): possibly, he is kinda unsure after atticus but might be willing
Biological family (same as above): be happy to, his parents are suspected dead and he never knew any of his siblings or if he even had any so there is a chance there is some out there
An enemy: not for the moment
A rival: be happy to, i love little things between friends that can be a bit heated but are all in good fun
A serious romantic interest (if so, please state your character's sexuality): no he is a youngun
A casual romantic partner: maybe, be cute to have a little childhood thing, and he is bi
Unrequited love: he has a few crushes so one on him might be cute cause he would be so oblivious and have no idea what to do
A tragic love plot: nope
A betrayal plot (would you like y/c to be on the side of the betrayed or betrayer? or could they be on either side?): nah i don't really like that kind of thing
A relationship (friendship, mentorship, etc), that bonds over difficulty? Do you have specific ideas for this? And what kind of relationship specifically would you like to see grown this way?: this would fit well since he deals with a few things and tries to be a good listener to those who need it, helping where he can for he knows how hard it can be to deal with certain things
A partner in crime (literally or figuratively? Try defining this a little more. Actual crimes or just mischief or perhaps just for adventures?): yes he would love a little adventure or minor / harmless prank buddy, anything serious would take a great deal of convincing or downplaying it a lot because he has no wish to hurt anyone and likely will turn on the person once he realised what they made him do
Someone to discover your character's secrets (if yes, what specifically?): he doesn't really have any but someone could find his audio journal and listen to it but it is more observations over anything big
Someone who's secrets y/c could discover (do you have a specific plot in mind?): not sure on this since he isn't one to go snooping around other people's things and if he learnt anything would never talk about it unless it could hurt the person or someone else
Someone to start a club/organization with (what kind of club? How can other people help you establish this IC?): he is more secluded when it comes to the people he likes and would be terrible as a club leader but he is willing to try if it falls into things he is interest in
Is there anything else your interested in finding for your character not mentioned above? What is it? What kind of character are you looking for to fill it?: nothing at the moment
Is there anything you are completely closed to in terms of plots?: the usual stuff since he is only young


Do you have a Discord? If so, what's your username?: beau#2721
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on Discord?: i'll be slow to reply cause i forget about em a lot but i am more then okay with it
If you do have a Discord, are you in the Ascendants Discord and would you see messages about plots in your character's channel?: yep and yep
Are you comfortable with being private messaged on site?: i prefer discord since it is just easier but sure
Do you have a plotting thread for your character? If so, please link it: not at the moment
Do you prefer expanding plots in open or private threads?: a mix of both though bonding things i find better with open i usually need an idea behind privates to keep me interested that goes beyond just basic bonding
Are you open to plain interaction threads or do you prefer something with a plot behind them?: ^