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Message In A Bottle;; Crashlanding. - Printable Version

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Message In A Bottle;; Crashlanding. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 12-30-2018

Please wait for Axiom/Rosemary to post first.
Also as a note this thread is *semi* unusual from normal intrusions in the sense that no one *has* to realize what group my character is from , I wanted to leave things open so at the most she's only lightly carrying her groups scent if that due to her body being brand new and having flown through the rain right after getting it. If you guys want to have your character realize her group that's all good, but you don't have to. 

It had started raining in the miserably hot sandy place her group called home instantly when she left the caverns as she flew on the rain storm only grew worse. Flying for the first time in years through thick sheets of rain with barely any visibility up high in darkened skies dodging the occasional lightning strike coming up from the ground, was far from easy. "Hold on." not that the animal she was carrying could do anything else considering the altitude and her weakened state, but it was still stated as the flying creature banked around trying pitifully to gauge the air currents of the storm one pace away from failing miserably at it. Anyone looking in the sky? Could tell that the silent flyer had not flown in a very long time from the way the wind pushed back against a body that should have been capable of dive bombing speeds with wings large enough to fight this if only she remembered how to use them properly. "Almost there." her wings felt like they may fall off but this was worth the pain even if she would regret every moment of this once she took herself home, alone, if she got her way.

the cuss lacked tone but her body rippled enough to give the extra clue that something had just went wrong, wings extending right into a huge gust of wind that pushed her into a backwards spiral. "We're Going Down." she gave the best warning she could, but the slender dragoness was more focused on trying to regain balance as they spiraled downwards entirely out of control. Why did this storm have to hit now and do this to them? Didn't the weather know that the ocelot in her arms couldn't wait for the weather to clear, couldn't afford for her to make a mistake while doing this?! Quickly their altitude dropped, wings unable to gain purchase nearly pinned against her sides by the wind, the angle and speed of their fall. It felt like forever, but within a few moments she was able to catch some of the wind on the membranes at the base of her tail and extend her wings a half foot in spite of the pain it caused thus changing the direction of their fall.

As lightning lit up the sky the form of a dragon falling was clear. Mismatched optics opened wide as she saw the woods in front of them and water beneath. She let go, whoever she had been carrying being allowed to drop into the salty water no more than waist deep as a single flap sent the dragoness herself crashing into the forest, the breaking leaves and branches audibly painful.

Single blue and green eyes flying open she didn't stop to consider if she had lost concniousness following the crash she had just endured or not, only one thing in her brain. "Rose?!" she had planned to be discreet but hell with it she had already crashed into their territory. "Rosemary?!" and she had lost the entire reason she came here during the crash, well dropped to save the ocelot from the woods but still. Long limbs carried her to run towards the beach fallowing the path of damage from her crashing, desperately trying to take off in the woods so she could get there quicker but she could never get the clearance to get off the ground more than a foot or two.

"Rosemary Roux?! Come On Don't Do This! Rose?!" when she arrived at the beach, rain dripping down her body, she didn't see anything right away, couldn't spot or immediately hear the water witch she had been trying to save. Jiyu was willing to deal with The Typhoon's reaction to her crashing in their territory, but only if she had actually succeeded in trying to save Rosemary who had needed salt water desperately. Her reasoning for not just dropping the Roux at the mainland beach? Jiyu knew that if she did that Rose would likely be back in a few days, that wouldn't do, she needed to convince Rosemary to come here, convince this group to take the Ocelot. Ironically she was possibly not aware Rosemary had been a part of this group first, it was just wherelse would the healer be able to get enough of the ocean to stay healthy? But, first thing was first, she had to find Rose again.

Re: Message In A Bottle;; Crashlanding. - ROSEMARY - 01-05-2019

Rosemary knew flight, though her version involved less wings and more levitation. If she had the strength, she’d have flown here herself – she knew the way. She spent plenty of time running away from her responsibilities in the Rosebloods to succumb to the ocean’s call; though she never infringed upon the Typhoon’s territory. But even the storm’s wind and rain couldn’t obscure the shore enough for her not to recognize the jungle island. How could she not, when this place became her home? She belonged here more than she ever had at the coven or in the Rosebloods – though she liked to deny the truth over and over again.

But Jiyu approached the beach too fast. Just as her soupy mind recognized the danger, the dragon’s claws suddenly released her. Dead blue eyes flinging wide in a panic, adrenaline shot through the ocelot as she drew on her strength – and on the sea’s.

Slowing her decent with the wind, the ocelot dropped gently into the raging waves. The ocean instantly formed a radius of calmness around her, the waves crashing into the invisible walls of her circle only to become reborn beyond the reach of her powers. Shaking with the rush, the spotted wildcat hardly noticed clarity that oozed back into her mind – much like when consciousness slipped in when migraines suddenly dropped away. But she did know she felt alive again, belly-deep into the salt water with sea foam at all sides.

The ocelot’s ears twitched, hearing Jiyu’s calls for her. Her shoulders moved; she contemplated leaving the ocean, but she remembered the quiet terror of the stillness. So she stayed in her small circle of sea foam, surrounded by the crashing waves as the salt winds pulled at her fur every which way. “I’m alright, Jiyu!” she called to the dragon, not too far from her on the shore. The ocelot nearly laughed – from the joy of the freedom of the sea – but restrained herself, content to drink in the moment.

How she missed the sea.

Re: Message In A Bottle;; Crashlanding. - bubblegum - 01-06-2019

Re: Message In A Bottle;; Crashlanding. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-06-2019

If anyone knew about denial it was the white dragoness she spent her whole life denying how weak and frail she really was, protecting herself in an impervious shell. How could she make it by doing anything else when getting left behind, murdering others, or abused was all she knew? Jiyu was never willing to admit the truth because most of her still was not ready to start healing, not ready to feel the intensity of true pain again, shed tears once more when her eyes had been dry for so long. Naïve in social settings as she was, the former feline had always been able to see that Rosemary didn't belong, wasn't at home among The Roseblood, even if neither of them wanted to admit that truth. Now, she had to confront it for the both of them, but that was something she could do. Admitting that she wanted Rosemary to come back with her? Was harder than letting go, it had to be because otherwise the only thing awaiting the other was the misery and death she herself lived in. Protecting others was what she did.

Hearing the Ocelots voice the large dragoness went crashing down the beach, sand kicking up as she speed towards the location of the sound. That was when things momentarily got weird, she tried to take off again so she could reach the other without touching the water, crashing into the water and than scrambling out as if it was acid. "Rose." her voice was faint, the monotone fading out again for something almost floral as the name she spoke. While the joy of the ocean gave freedom to Rosemary it only gave fear to the tall creature. "We're really from different worlds, aren't we?" she almost laughed but now wasn't the time, this was sad after-all she would likely never see the four eyed female after today. "I can't swim." with a visible grimace she let her front feet carry themselves partway into the water, what was chest height for Rose was only knee depth for her after all, much as she was clearly uncomfortable in it. "I'm made for the sky and you're made for the sea." that much was clear now, as much as the sky and sea touched each other she just wasn't strong enough to stay.

Jiyu touched her large muzzle to the forehead of the ocelot, leaving it there for several moments before she backed out of the water a few feet up the beach a soft frown covering her normally stoic features. "Rose, stay here." it was easier to say now that she wasn't standing so close, now that she had put some distance between them again. "The desert is killing you inside and out, you belong here, surrounded by the sea." and she could never walk the world that Rosemary did, the ocean was death for her. Suddenly she could hear the voice of someone else calling out for one of the only creatures who had actually wormed into her heart in years. "Don't you think it's about time you went home to your family, Roux?" hearing the ocelots niece call out for her not caring who that happened to be it was another entity she could use to help the ocelot convince herself that this was where she wanted to be. Whatever may be between them meant nothing if they couldn't stay alive.

"I found her, over here." she walked towards Golden not knowing who she was and not really caring. "Do you think you could help convince the leader to let your aunt stay? I absolutely refuse to take her back to somewhere so dangerous for her." they could address the fact that unable to take flight due to some issue with her wing from the crash, she was trapped on the island without some help since without the incentive of rosemary she couldn't possibly cross the water logged bridge leading to this island. Even for Rose? She had barely managed to touch the waves.

Re: Message In A Bottle;; Crashlanding. - ROSEMARY - 01-27-2019

Water lapped at her fur, and the healer breathed out a sigh of relief; even the fatigued ache to her muscles faded by the second. Rosemary could lose herself in the sea – but for Jiyu, making quite the dramatic crash-landing on the beach. “Jiyu… we’re not that different,” she protested, weakly. Rosemary knew, deep down, this moment needed to happen; she procrastinated on leaving the desert wastes, just to avoid this.

“There are countless places where the sea meets the sky. I can’t live in the Rosebloods’ wastes, but… you’re not the desert sands, you’re not what’s toxic to me.” She hated the thought that all of that suffering and hard-won friendship amounted to nothing. That she left the Typhoon for irrational feelings, only to come back in the same position with nothing to show for her decision besides fractured relationships and trust. Surely, she meant enough to the dragoness not to simply be discarded.

But the ocelot knew she belonged with the sea. The witch stayed quiet after that, knowing she could hardly protest after her collapse in the lake forced Jiyu’s hand here. But she could still savor this moment with the woman.

The peaceful moment shattered when Rosemary heard Goldie’s voice; a pair of eyes immediately slid towards the young bengal. Yet Rosemary otherwise froze, sinking into the sand. Still believing the narrative that she betrayed the Typhoon with her choices – despite never giving intelligence to the Rosebloods, besides one healing lesson with poor attendance – the ocelot sunk into shame. Family meant everything to the young woman. Yet, even Rosemary knew this betrayal meant the second time she let selfish feelings guide her actions.

“Goldie, I’m sorry – ” she began to say, before cutting herself off and breaking their gaze. But she could not live in her self-loathing bubble. “Jiyu, that won’t help. I’m from here. I turned my back when I should’ve dug my heels in; I should live with the consequences of my poor decisions.” Admitting her mistakes came easier when she looked at the dragoness, perhaps because it felt less like an apology to Goldie. Maybe because she bonded with Jiyu deeper than she’d ever done with anyone. With all the emotions churning around, the witch couldn’t make sense of them all.

But she knew she felt sorry for leaving; the healer regretted the decision almost daily. The decay of her magic and health in the desert only further reinforced that truth; the water witch belonged with her ocean, and the Typhoon provided the shore.

[ sorry for the late reply and choppy post, been really sick! ]

Re: Message In A Bottle;; Crashlanding. - bubblegum - 02-02-2019

Re: Message In A Bottle;; Crashlanding. - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-07-2019

The idea of being apart from Rosemary was tearing her apart inside but that didn't matter, she didn't have emotions to begin with, all that mattered was keeping the one animal convinced she was more safe. Jiyu had no idea what had convinced the healer she could love her, but that blind faith no one had in her for so long was something the beast was not willing to lose so easily. Flawlessly lying to herself but her aura was pink and blue, loving and sad beneath the fog of her own deceit.

Normally stoic expression fell when Rosemary mentioned that she was not Toxic to her, an ironic chuckle coming from the vizier. "I've never met anyone I don't eventually poison, I've even managed to become dangerous to my own children." actually not just dangerous, deadly but she still had a hard time with that, aura frightened as she recalled all the things she had done, painfully reminding her it wasn't the truth that Rose loved. However, it would be far from the first time she let someone else love the lie she wished was truth, so why not do it all over again. Expect for the fact that they would exist in enemy groups now. Loyal as she was? How could she let that happen, how could she ever hope to be able to pretend she loved someone whose friends would try to kill what she was suppose to protect. Easily the truth would come out in the next fight when protecting her group she mercilessly maimed or killed the very group Rosemary called her family. She would only hurt the healer.

"Things can change if you let them Rosemary, don't dig your heels in to the point small mistakes add up to take everything you have like mine did. Once that happens its too late to reclaim emotions, loved ones, to take back things done, it's just emptiness so deep not even the pain remains, but it also takes away any possible future joy. Go home, to your family, please." she couldn't even see her own emotions when they were on her face anymore, so used to living without them because it was how she survived. Hearing Goldie admit to accept Rosemary back made her happy but she wasn't even aware of it even if her aura and face showed it to the multi eyed female clearly. "See, Your aunt wants you back." she had to convince the ocelot to stay here, that was the best thing a place where she could not only live but recover from damage done.

Jiyu wasn't even aware of how much she cared, not entirely in control of herself. "I know you love me, you think I'm more than I am." the ocelot payed more attention to her than anyone had in a long time, mismatched eyes softening. "But that's why you have to stay here." realizing she was too big the white dragoness shifted back slightly into a hybrid of her dragon and feline forms moving so her front paws touched the ocelots. "If you really believe there's enough of me left to love you, than you have to realize, whatever is left of me will die if I'm responsible for you hurting." This was one of the worst decisions of her entire life, easily. "Please, stay here, Rose I can't be responsible for hurting someone else who loves me or for you hurting yourself trying to save me, not again." it was the only thing that still hurt more than she could bear.

Than she moved when she certainly had not planned to, moved and kissed the Ocelot wrapping her uninjured wing around the smaller female. "Please, promise me you'll stay where I know you're safe and loved." the three foot female opened her eyes again, looking down at the shorter girl, praying Rosemary would agree to stay here. Completely unaware of the slight wetness to her eyes and the few tears streaked from them against her scale freckled face.