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Strange Happenings//Joiner - Printable Version

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Strange Happenings//Joiner - DarthGaming - 12-29-2018

Revan had been wandering through this damned swamp for the force knows how long, but it sure as hell felt like an eternity. It he'd been in this new body for a few days before he entered the damp and dripping forest with no clue what  had happened to him. He had tracked the emporor to a isolated planet at the edge of the outer rim when he'd been attacked by spacecraft he'd never seen before. There had been a short dogfight which had ended up with him spiraling towards the plannet and he had lost concious Ness uppm entry. The next thing he knew he was laying on his side as a wolf in the middle of nowhere. Hell knows it took him a solid day just to figure out how to walk and once he'd learned he chose a direction and began wandering that way. He had been relieved when he had finally found some drinkable water much less a snake for food. And now he was walking through this damp and muddy forest in hoped of finally fining some sort of civilization. His connection to the force had been severed so he had to be more cautious now, but that caution was beggining to fade as he hoped for some sort of interaction, violent or otherwise. He was sure that if he got into a fight he would not be the one winning "Hello?"he calls out his voice rebounding off the trees with a wince "Anyone have a clue where the hell I am?"

Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - aya - 12-29-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya enjoyed hearing voices she didn't recognise. Partially because it meant new and fun people, but mostly because it meant she could make an entrance. Today's entrance was nothing spectacular, just her regular - emerging from a swamp and blinking with totally empty yellow eyes at a wolf who looked like he'd learned to walk with cardboard on his legs and a stick rammed up his ass. "You're in or near Tanglewood, I could tell you which if I could smell anything!" She said breezily, ear flicking as she climbed out from the swamp and immediately shook mud everywhere. "I'm Aya! You look lost, dead, or maybe both?" She sniffed the air absently, confused at the lack of absolutely nothing as if she hadn't acknowledged 10 seconds ago that her sense of smell was basically useless. "Are you dead?" What was she doing again?

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Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - DarthGaming - 12-29-2018

He shakes his head in anyoance at the mud that was splattered on him by this newcomer and doing so caused his mask to lower, a mask which he had recovered during the great mandalorian wars after a duel with a particularly skilled opponent."First of all no I am not dead, I am very much living just trapped in this new body. Second of all who might you be and what the hell is tanglewood?"He wasn't too sure if this was the one who would help him. She seemed a little absent minded and by that he meant she seemed out of her mind and insane. A simple one to deal with should she attack.... that is if he had is lightsaber and his connection to the force wasn't severed for whatever reason. This was all beggining to piss him off, but he kept his cool. Last thing he needed right now was to get attacked by this newcomer or any of her presumably insane friends

Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - aya - 12-29-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]The tortoiseshell blinked absently at the guy's response, seeming to forget she had said anything. "Trapped? Oh, I could get you out, for the low low price of your lungs?" Aya offered, staring at his mask rather than the guy himself. "Tanglewood's a group. We all live together and work together, in a very non-cult way." The tortoiseshell hopped forward and up onto her hind legs, balancing shakily as she peered closer at the mask. "What's your name?" She asked casually, as if there had been no lull in the conversation.

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Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - Revan Malakith - 12-29-2018

Yes she deffinaetly seemed crazy and he waant too sure if he wanted to meet the rest of this "tanglewood group" they seemed like a very sketchy lot especially if one was asking to sell it his lung. If it came to a fight he'd be very disadvantaged....perhaps if he threw himself against it and into a tree? Yes that might work but only as a last resort for now he'd play along and see if he was just overreacting "My name is Revan Malakath and who might you be? Would you be able to take me to your main camp so I may talk to your leader and possibly join this group?"

Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - suvi. - 12-29-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
— kiira | tanglewood | medic —
Soft, snow white paws padded forward, a small creature attached.  Ghosting ears flicked, perked attentively to the new voice.  Unmatched hues danced with a strange mixture wariness and curiousity.  Kiira felt no ill towards strangers, but no excitement.

"An-anyone can j-join," the vixen explained, blinking. "S-so long as they-they're go-good intentioned."

"I-I'm Kiira, a-a medic h-here."

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[color=#da1633]— N̶̶OW͟ [color=#c32452]WE͢͜͞'͜͟͞R̸̡E LO̷͟Ś͜͞T S[color=#ad3271]O̷UL̵̛S̵҉ AL̛͏[color=#9e3a85]L ST[color=#8f449a]U̶CK I͞͠N T҉̵HE͡ PA[color=#804cae]S̷̶͘T̕͟ —

Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - Revan Malakith - 12-29-2018

Upon the entrance of this newcomer he turns to the fox and just looks at her in wonder before bowing his head and bowing best he can on these new legs "Greatings lovely Kiira, I am honored to meet your a quaintance amd would be most overjoyed to join your group. I can promise I mean no I'll harm. I am a member of the jedi order on coursaant and seek battle the sith and the dark side of the force wherever I may find it" And his words were no farse, she truly was a beautiful sight to behold and intrigued him greatly (sorry I kinda just went with it can change if you want)

Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - Anubis. - 12-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]Out of the dark, the small wolf emerged, stepping away from the shadows cast by trees. A pair of dark eyes blinked, narrowing in on the new face, immediately, instinctively, tugging on his link with his former mortal host -- the word Jedi had rung a rather strong bell in the young god.  A good association for the most part, as a friend in a previous time he dwelled among mortals, had taken to the title Jedi, though after some time turned her back on the old traditions and embraced new as a Gray.  Haven't seen or heard from her in a while though.  His linked friend, Ebra, knew her twin though, and he wondered if they knew of this Raven.

The negative side of it all happened to be just the sheer trouble and bad coincidences that seemed to follow anyone willing to call themself Jedi.  For that, he felt uncertain of this newcomer, standing beside Kiira, a single step forward, subconscious feelings of protectiveness taking control.  "Welcome to Tanglewood then," the words he offered were courteous only with no smile to accompany them.  He was nothing if not polite at nearly all times.  "I'm Anubis."

Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - Revan Malakith - 12-30-2018

Revan gets up from his bow, looking at Anubis throught the mask[color=red]"My thanks anubis.... to all of you for allowing me to join your group.."]

Re: Strange Happenings//Joiner - arcy - 12-30-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Strangers could be kind of weird. Was the scale of weird-ness a Tanglewood thing, or an everybody thing? Jim wouldn't know -- he's not all that interested in the other groups aside from how they relate to Tanglewood. His focus was ... very single-minded. But he liked being here, y'know? So, y'know. That's just how it was.
This was one of the weirder ones. Were they okay? Why were they trapped? The fuck was a jedi or whatever they're talking about? Yikes. Jim wasn't in the mood to be rude to a newcomer though, considering how hypocritical that would be of him. So, the canine grins that charming newcomer-specific grin of his as he approaches.
"No problemo, we're always open to people!" He tells Revan with a weird flourish. Or, as much as a flourish as he could get with four legs. In truth, Jim things new members do more than they do for the newcomers -- assuming they stayed at all, of course. The cycle of newcomers and leavers was pretty tedious, as far as Jim could tell. He's not entirely sure -- he hasn't been here longer than like .. two months, after all. "I'm Jim. If you need anything, questions or a tour of anything, just hit me up," His grin grows wider. It's probably actually hurting his face. He knew this place pretty well by now, after all. I mean. Not as well as some people, but still, pretty well.
