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Stricken//Joining - Printable Version

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Stricken//Joining - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-29-2018

She'd finally made her way to the edge of their territory. it had taken her quite a while to heal enough to walk even slightly, a time spent in chains to prevent takao from getting out and time spent trying to find out how to get here. the place where the one person who may truly be able to help her lived. she felt terrible for loosing control and attacking the dragon, even if she was the one who ended up broken. she arrived half dragging her hind legs behind her, still unable to fully support herself but not willing to give up. the dragon would have the most knowledge and maybe the most willing to help her.... if it wasn't too angry from her loosing control. she hoped she arrived soon. she was close to passing out again from the pain and exhaustion and was unsure how much further she could go. maybe if she just rested a bit and gathered her strength?NO she couldn't she had to get there first. if she fell asleep she knew she might not wake and she couldn't take that chance. hopefully someone found her and could lead her to the dragon.

Re: Stricken//Joining - teef - 12-29-2018

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[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


said dragon would appear, lips pressed together in a disapproving way. bai shi was not at all fond of the stranger on the border, no, because they had encountered this stranger rather recently. aggression curdled through their veins as they saw the broken female's body, knowing their own teeth left marks on her leg. guilt? what was that? not something they felt.

in their defense, they had been on an envoy mission to tanglewood with their pharoah when takao had emerged in usagi and proceeded to threaten them until their pharoah stepped in. they still bore those healing wounds, the nomarch nome too pleased. sephiroth had been stupid, so stupid, they had thought, to intercept the attack aimed at them. they could remember the blood and pain they could smell on his fur afterwards on the trip home.

so now, perhaps they were a little biased, but they did not want to have her, the carrier of takao, in their territory close to everyone they cared about. this is one situation that they would have to bring to the pharoah himself, to get his judgement on letting the demon infested female join.


Re: Stricken//Joining - sephiroth - 12-30-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth was a petty and vengeful beast, and he did not forgive easily.  That was his defining trait, on top of his coldness and refined cruelty licking at the surface at his form's spirit.  There was very little evidence of Usagi's assault on his form; the male strangely didn't scar very much or frequently so one would not even know he took a blow aimed at his Nomarch.  But despite that, Sephiroth did not forget.

"If you're here to make another attempt on Bai Shi,"  The great silver lion would approach with shoulders tensed and muscles visibly rippling underneath his pelt.  Sephiroth slit pupil eyes were focused on Usagi with icy glittering his gaze, his silver tufted tail flicking harshly.  "I won't hesitate to act accordingly.  You're on our territory now, going by our rules.  If you have business here, I suggest telling me quick."  The male was suspicious as ever, keeping close to the dragon that was his groupmate as he awaited a response.

Re: Stricken//Joining - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-30-2018

Usagi was scared, there was no doubt about it, these twords could easily kill her right here and now if they so wished. She had not come to fight but for help.

Best she can with her broken hind legs she bows to sephiroth,head held low and touching the ground

[Color=Orange]"N-no Great one i-I do not seek to harm o-only to beg forgiveness for my actions under takao's controll and t-to ask for m-my  Royals h-help i-in learning to c-controll him s-so I c-can not be controlled a-and he c-cannot harm

Re: Stricken//Joining - teef - 12-31-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the dragon gave a low growl in response, moving to be physically protective of sephiroth, their eyes fixed on usagi. "my help in controlling takao? I was born as I am, not double spirited like my dame" they rumbled, tail twitching back and forth.

this could be used to their advantage, definitely. looking at sephiroth, they fell silent again, ignoring the urge to lean against him to feel he was there. turning their gaze back onto usagi, waiting.

Re: Stricken//Joining - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-31-2018

Usagi carefully remains in the bow only looking up slightly at them"O-our F-father did not sire me this way...The beast came when I was young and with great fever when j was weakest. I-I was I hoping b-because he said you have th-the crown now a-and because you knew the beast th-that you could help m-me contain it and possibly controll it..i-I don't want it to gain controll again and hurt anyone else....if you wish it you may take my life...I am yours to command and do with as you wish."

Re: Stricken//Joining - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 12-31-2018

It was so hard getting around the territory lately, this body just needed to die already she was growing sick of dealing with whatever unnatural growth had attached itself to her spine. Not once did she stop to consider what was sprouting beneath her flesh was something she actually wanted to get back for years. Honestly, sometimes she was just glad it was silent again, emotions and soul entirely drown out by her coldness again.

Back hunched movements painfully slow she crept up next to Bai, glancing at him the context enough to help her put together what she didn't know due to her current state. "If you wish to forgive her." the calico's dead voice filled the air, stopping short for a moment debating if she wanted to reveal what would be unveiled in the second half of her statement if she chose to make it. "I have some experience in dealing with situations somewhat like hers, though my exact experience is in dealing with a soul split in two, one side of it was fairly harmless while the other would hurt anything when it could, even its other half once it broke free of their body, with my help the one who split was able to keep the other half suppressed and controlled until it found its own solid form." she didn't have to reveal where that experience came from, just how personal that information was.

Re: Stricken//Joining - sephiroth - 01-03-2019

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The lion had to admit that being treated like the grand god he believed himself to be was quite pleasing, as he looked down his pale muzzle to settle his eyes lazily on Usagi.  Sephiroth glanced quietly at Bai Shi and Jiyu as they spoke, keeping his eyes on the Nomarch for a little while longer before his turquoise optics returned to the creature before him.  He allowed the silence to continue for half a minute more before he finally cast his judgement.

"If my Vizer is willing to help with your...situation, then yes.  You may stay as you learn to control this.  This does not mean you are forgiven, and i'm not asking my Nomarch to forgive you either for what you pulled at the Tanglewood."  The Pharaoh would glance back at the dragon for a brief heartbeat.  Did his eyes gentle for a moment there?  Though his expression returned to the cold stone that was muscle memory for him when he looked back at Usagi.  "Note that I shall be keeping an eye on you.  And if you or your spirit decide to lash out at any member of this group, I will not be as merciful as I am being now."

Re: Stricken//Joining - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-03-2019

Usagi painfully remains bowed untill told to stand but looks up sligjtly so that she isn't speaking to the dirt and they can actually hear her "y-yes I understand great one...I shall do as you wish and leash the beast best I can.."she turns her head slightly to face the vizier"I-I am yours to command master and will also do as you wish"

Re: Stricken//Joining - teef - 01-04-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai shi kept mainly quiet throughout the entire situation, the dragon's gaze caught on the female before them. "stand up. you will be in jiyu's and my care. you as an individual who has been caught up in messy affairs of the demon realm, are excused from pardons. takao, the demon within you, must face my punishment for his crimes. we will help you to turn him into your ... weapon." they stated, sliding a quick glance to sephiroth and jiyu, missing the gentleness that momentarily appeared in the lion's gaze.

"usagi. you will stay in my den, so that i can keep an eye on you. takao will find it hard to take control while you rest there." they rumbled in final decision, making it so that it couldn't be spoken against just yet.