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DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - Printable Version

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DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - Character Graveyard. - 12-28-2018

The heavy pitter-patter of rain hitting against the ground was obnoxious. The rain was falling quickly, drenching their striped brown pelt. Maroon eyes blinked and they shook their head, sending water droplets flying everywhere. After they were done removing the water from their head, they turned their head and stared off into the distance, curiosity in their eyes. They could clearly see an Observatory, so they immediately decided to head in the direction of it, seeking shelter from the rain.

Once they had reached the Observatory, they pushed the doors open and blinked, observing their surroundings. They went to a corner in the room and curled up behind some boxes, trying to warm up.

Re: DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - clarence a. - 12-28-2018

Clarence absolutely adored rainy days. They were perfect background noise to a simple day of reading a book or watching one of those glowy box things with a cup of tea (about the only thing he could make without nearly catching the kitchen on fire). The only time he hadn't care for them was when he'd been on the Queen Charlotte. Rain could be dangerous there and, while they had never hit storms that were unmanageable, they weren't fun to navigate through. Besides that, everything got far too cold and the rain was far too loud on that ship. However, now that he was back on dry land he was happy to see the weather warming just enough to allow a bit of rain today. He had only ducked out for a moment from his room, towards the observatory, to see what sorts of books might be there. He was intrigued by the science of this new age he'd been transported into and he'd just finished his last novel. That was when he noticed a much smaller creature slipping in to escape the rain and he moved quickly to follow whoever it was. Once he reached the interior and came across the same being curled up among some boxes, he cleared his throat to make himself known. He didn't want to sneak up on them, after all. "Excuse me? Who are you? My name is Clarence Aston. Do you need some help? Any food or water?" he offered. They didn't seem dangerous, after all, only looking for a place to stay, and he didn't see why it'd be any trouble having them here.

Re: DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - charactercemetary. - 12-29-2018

Krisriel knew the bitter feeling of cold. Seeing as to how it was winter, it often happened more than before. Without their money around to keep them warm, Krisriel had to... substitute. It was at this time they were actually looking for a blanket or the like, when they heard Clarence's call. The chocolate-colored cat shifted out of the box they were in and going near the older member. They held up a blanket, a signal to Frisk if they were cold, they could have it.
don't forget, i'm with you in the dark

Re: DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - arcy - 12-29-2018

Link had more than a few memories of slipping down entire mountains due to the rain, so it could very well be said that he hated the rain. And he did. Link didn't like sticking around the observatory -- Link had spent the months since he woke up exploring, doing things, and this would not change. But of course, it was raining, so he was just waiting it out.
It'd seem a stranger broke in. Well, at least groups are more regulated than the small settlements of the Hyrule area. Link eyes the duo surrounding the stranger, and considers if it was worth it to get involved as well. ... The canine decides it couldn't hurt, trotting over and hopping onto the box the feline has tucked themselves behind. The canine awkwardly balances to lift a paw and wave as he regards them curiously. How did they end up here? And so far in? Maybe it was because nobody wanted to be out in the rain. Now ... where did Link fit into this? The words the others say barely register to him for a long moment, but he turns to Clarence to blink a moment. Food ... Link remembers the exilirs and other such things that Link made to warm up. He wouldn't dare make something as foul-tasting as an exilir for somebody so unsuspecting, but he could probably make a drink, right? .. Link doesn't know what kind of drinks people like. Warm milk? He drank that, sometimes.
With this thought of, the canine huffs and inclines his head to try and convey that he'd get the items instead. And with that, without even waiting for Frisk's reply, Link trots off to throw something together for the feline. He'd be back in just a moment -- it wouldn't take long for him to make something simple, at least.
"we will not be torn" —-- link / ascendants / misc

Re: DOMINGO EN FUEGO / joining - Character Graveyard. - 01-09-2019

Upon hearing the soft sound of pawsteps, Frisk immediately lifted their head warily and their ears pinned to the back of their head. Sanguine-eyes ran over Clarence with cation in them, though it quickly faded when they didn't register him as a threat to them. They opened up their mouth in an "o" shape as they heard the older feline speak. Had they known that there was other creatures living in the observatory, they would've found another place to wait out the storm. Unfortunately, Frisk wasn't a big fan of speaking. Instead, they preferred to use sign language or write what they were going to say. "Frisk." They lifted both of their paws, speaking in sign language, though they were partially nervous Clarence might not understand them at all. Than ruby orbs turned to Kris as the other approached with a blanket. Slowly, the striped feline reached out for the blanket the other held out to them and wrapped it around themselves. That was better, it wasn't as cold as it had been a couple of minutes ago.

As soon as Link arrived on the scene, Frisk studied him for a few seconds, before he swiftly slipped away to fetch something. Like the canine had done, they lifted one paw and waved it back at him, rather awkwardly. Frisk wasn't the most social one, nor did they plan on becoming more social. They lived a sheltered life, mainly because Toriel was fiercely protective of them- but she wasn't here. Unfortunate.