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DISCOVER INSIDE ➵ joining - Printable Version

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DISCOVER INSIDE ➵ joining - arcy - 12-28-2018

Link is used to running -- more used to it than he probably should be. The pound of his heart, his paws gliding over the ground. Most of the time, hes running towards something -- a monster, maybe. One of those warped creatures that inhabited the land, the groups, around Hyrule. He hasn't seen any here, not for miles.
He doesn't know when he got here, so far past the other groups. So far away from what was apparently supposed to be his duty. He didn't ask for this. He didn't ask to wake up without his memories, to be tasked with saving so many people. Link didn't even know what it meant to be a hero -- all he knew was that he was one, and it's weight is like lead on his shoulders.
Helping people made him feel good. He liked it when Sidon thanked him so profusely for taking down the giant beast of their group, the relieved sighs of the people as he tore down the foe terrorizing them. But that was all. People expected him to save them. The work was thankless.
He didn't ask for this.
Which is why he doesn't immediately double down once he realizes how far he's come from where he was supposed to be. Miles and miles -- it was hard to tell where you were, deep in the wilderness. Granted, crossing over oceans wasn't really capable of being an accident, which begged the question of how he got here to begin with. Ears lie back warily.
He knows forests. Forests are familiar -- though nowhere near as safe as mountains. He remembers the monsters crawling all through the woods.
There's no scent of them now.
He can recognize signs of civilization, however. The scent of the air, pawprints in the dirt. Link's expression is guarded. Civilization is safe, he knows this much. He does not know what it is like outside of Hyrule -- Link's lack of memory proves this, but he can't help the lack of wariness. Not to say he's not wary, he is. Just not enough. He takes another few pawsteps, ears straining to hear. Where were they? He wonders if they'd mind if he stayed a while. He's so tired, too tired to go back and to continue his great quest. .. Not like he knew what his quest was all about, anyways, besides to protect people, to tame the divine beasts.
So, maybe, it just doesn't matter.
//sorry this is kind of disjointed
(lore info cause this is kind of confusing: basically its just loz as animals. monsters, divine beasts, ganon, etc, are all just,,, big op animals. he never really learned what his quest was all about.)

"we will not be torn" —-- link / ascendants / roleplayer

Re: DISCOVER INSIDE ➵ joining - Grimm - 12-28-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Run. Simplistic the structure of the word, faint the draw of it lingering upon the edge of the tongue as it curls to fit its contours, yet within so much may be found buried beneath the skin. Many times before had he tasted it, felt the press of it within the spaces separating his teeth, the call lingering in ears whistling with the call of winds. So too did he know it within his heart, felt it drawn across the surface of it for it became the beat, worked into ragged tempo breaking apart his breath.

Press of paws toned within the sheen of ivory felt its pull, worked until the nerves contained within his skin tingled and pulsed, faint the trail of pain, yet bright the laughter drawn forth from open mouth. Few and far between had been such instances he felt the pull of muscle beneath his skin, tight stretched where seam of scar had formed, branching the path of it decorating his side. Enjoyment touched the depths of eyes touched with the shadings of sunrise, orange and yellow drawn together about the darkness of pupil reduced to but a pinprick, glimmer of teeth within a grin that stretched his face until it seemed it may break apart.

Skittering the halt, the stuttering slow of a pace that gathered beneath him grooves of loose earth and the fine powder of snow, slight the crust of it still though time may see it grow, exhale broken as weight drew him forward. “Ow...” Muffled where his face pressed into the surface of the earth the youth took a few moments to recollect himself, though difficult might such been from so wondrous an introduction, distance between them enough he felt free to speak into the dirt once more “Stupid, stop doing that, gonna hurt someone.”

Uneasy the lift of head, the curl of smile taking hold, ears flicking back as best they might for weak had their structure grown and thus were left to flop over atop itself. Sprawled out Keyne made a sight, drawing as close he might though apparent was the lack of attempt to arise once more, twitch of muscle, jump of it within shoulder, twist of paw, uneven the flick of limb, all drawn together such made even the simplistic task daunting.

“I...uh, w-welcome, I'm not sure what to do,” voice faltered, trailing until silence took its place. Though he trailed Atticus, followed him about on walks that encircled the land and many times found the strangers that came to their borders with him nothing seemed to stick, or if it had the memory fled him in this moment. “Do you... want to stay, we're the Ascendants and I'm sure da-Atticus will be okay with it.”

[ this is an utter mess cause it is late but he pretty much face planted and is laying on the ground a bit away from link still cause he can't get up on his own ]

Re: DISCOVER INSIDE ➵ joining - arcy - 12-28-2018

Link heard the approach, of course. He'd tensed, even so, starting just so slightly when the tabby comes into view. His slight puzzlement is obvious in his body language, though it doesn't occur to him to find the other's crashland funny. He tilts his head, barely hears what they're saying. Except that he does. It's somewhat startling, how quick the offer is.
Link does not attempt to answer, yet. Instead, he approaches the fallen feline, and attempts to, wordlessly and somewhat thoughtlessly, pick them up by their scruff and lift them up enough to steady them. If he manages it, he will step back a few more steps, though not quite enough for comfort. He hasn't quite grasped 'personal space' yet -- he hasn't interacted with people enough to notice.
He considers the option again. .. It almost feels like a betrayal to whatever his unknown duty may be to abandon it, even temporarily, in favor of this. But Link doesn't know how to go back, so he ... he supposes it doesn't really matter. A long moment of pause, and Link dips his head in a nod. He makes no move to introduce himself, merely nods in acceptance. It genuinely doesn't occur to him that people might want his name -- people had never cared. Some had already known it(they knew it before Link did, really.), or they just hadn't cared to know. Which, incidentally, is a path that wouldn't be followed here. His reach had only ever extended to the edges of Hyrule, after all, and even then, dubiously. A hundred years is a long time, though, especially for animals.
"we will not be torn" —-- link / ascendants / roleplayer

Re: DISCOVER INSIDE ➵ joining - JERSEYBOY - 12-28-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]YOU AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A HOUND DOG — TAGS[/glow]
Jerseyboy never tended to stay in one place for long. It was unusual for him to pick one place and stick to it, and even more so, to pledge his life to it. He could never understand the minds of these clan-goers. Giving your life to a group of random people? Yeah, no thanks. The tom roamed wherever he wanted whenever he wanted. He had just so happened to take up residency in the Ascendants because Sunhaven was a mess right now and he didn't want to go anywhere else. From what he had heard, everyone had a bit of war drama going on with them and he wanted no part of it. He had no doubt that he would move on to another town soon.

The tuxedo tom arrived beside Keyne, judgemental hues landing on the stranger. He managed a sneer upon his features as the other had outright asked if he had wanted to stay. As if he couldn't be a lowly trespasser or rogue or even a messenger from another group! But, it appeared that this kid did indeed want to stay in the Ascendants. What bothered the ever-vocal feline was that he hadn't spoken a word, not even some sort of acknowledgement. Yeah, like that was gonna fly. [glow=black,1,400]"Ey, fella, are you gonna talk or what? You got a name?"[/glow] Grunted Jerseyboy. How stupid would it be if they just let in some shady person who didn't speak a word?

Re: DISCOVER INSIDE ➵ joining - arcy - 12-28-2018

Link remembers hearing a lot about him giving up his life for Hyrule. He doesn't remember it, of course -- but he knows it happened. Link still isn't quite sure how to feel about it. Maybe he doesn't. His feelings about his past, where there weren't any memories, were clinical at best, for however much he regretted the gap of them.
Link regards Jerseyboy with a strange sort of flatness, though his head is still tilted. A lot of things about people or civilization don't occur to him -- the fact that the small tuxedo is being rude is one of these things. He wouldn't even be bothered, except for the other's mention of talking. Link understood that talking was important to people -- the people where he came from weren't usually bothered, but he could tell that they sometimes got frustrated by his unwillingness to talk. Link shakes his head to Jerseyboy's 'question', but contradicts himself moments later. ".. Link," He says, voice hoarse from disuse. Trying to talk is like .. he's not sure. It's hard. He doesn't like it, and it always makes him feel .. unsafe, uncomfortable. So, if he can help it, he doesn't. Charades are fine, though difficult -- it's just a shame that animals couldn't use sign language effectively, honestly.
"we will not be torn" —-- link / ascendants / roleplayer