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WAR AND MURDER | "Chaos" Prep + Supply Gathering - Printable Version

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WAR AND MURDER | "Chaos" Prep + Supply Gathering - RHIANNON - 12-27-2018

―――― //for lack of better idea of what to title this thread also excuse my late night brain

Face it, the Pitt had no friends. They had quite the many enemies, and a few others that they simply let be since they caused no issue, but whatever the scenario, supplies were always needed. Be it poison to contaminate the Roseblood's water supply, or a large stockpile of wood to make effigies, or maybe even a nice home-made basket of muffins, just to mess with them, the Pitt not only needed to be able to think on their feet and take no crap, but also be able to dish out equal parts deadly and baffling scenarios for their "dear" friends. So, while Rhiannon had originally set out to gather herbs for herself, Cosette, and in some part Nina, her basket of herbs now sat neatly off to one side while the white-furred feline now took to weaving small, doll-like figures out of spare strands of desert shrubbery. Next to her, a few small bowls of paint. Whether they were red, or bright pink, Rhiannon wasn't sure, but either way, she had to assume that it would work for their purposes. With the last of her dolls being dipped, this time into an odd mingled shade of green and black, she set it aside to dry, almost cheerfully humming as she nonchalantly, and perhaps a bit creepily, wove these tiny voodoo-like dolls with the utmost glee, the scene equally inviting as it was almost terrifying.

Re: WAR AND MURDER | "Chaos" Prep + Supply Gathering - Stryker - 12-27-2018

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[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] What ('- the fuck.') an odd sight to see when wandering the territory in hopes of some entertainment. With an idea to visit Ninazu in the medicine area, he was not enthralled to see something different. Nor whatever... this was. To see Rhiannon messing with dolls was... different. The female had never appealed to him as a doll person, nor a medical enthusiast, but so far she seemed to have a lot of surprises tucked away. Stryker was enjoyably figuring them out. An enigma she was. Despite that, the lion was still trying to figure out the underlying purpose of whatever she was doing as he stood there for a few awkward moments.

Finally, the marauder just asked. "What are you doing?" he exasperated as casually as possible.

Re: WAR AND MURDER | "Chaos" Prep + Supply Gathering - RHIANNON - 12-27-2018

―――― The familiar plod of Stryker's heavy paws was the first thing to lift Rhiannon's attention from the paint-dripping dolls, but her paws did not still for a few moments as if she hadn't yet registered his presence, his question causing her to hum sweetly as she canted her head to one side, answering with all the innocence that her voice could muster, "Why, figuring out how to hex the Roseblooders, of course," the silky-sweet voice chimed as she gently set another doll aside, minding herself then as she dipped her head low, "You are welcome to join me, sir, if you would like. There are plenty of materials to make all sorts of objects that your heart may desire."

Re: WAR AND MURDER | "Chaos" Prep + Supply Gathering - Stryker - 12-27-2018

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[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] "Why, figuring out how to hex the Roseblooders, of course."

The words rang in his auditory loop for awhile. Stryker had never believed in any higher being, nor wanted to indulge in witchcraft or any type of magic-involved activity. To him, it was bogus. Yet, he was interested. Ideas of false hope and power intrigued him dearly, as it could potentially give the ivory lion an advantage over others. He was pessimistic about a result, but dearly desired one for his own sake. Plus, who didn't love arts and crafts? Hence he would participate.

Breaking out of thought, the male indicated his agreement with a sly grin. "I wouldn't know where to start," he remarked casually. A paw reached out towards a doll and picked it up by the head with two of his claws then dangled it above his eyes. There seemed to be nothing special about these things. "Walk me through this?" If it was up to Stryker, he'd just do the job himself and he eventually would, but for now, he'd go along with Rhiannon's game.

Re: WAR AND MURDER | "Chaos" Prep + Supply Gathering - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-30-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
The Rosebloods were a pain, that was for sure. Maybe not a royal pain in the ass, maybe not the worst enemy he had ever dealt with. They could be compared to a... cockroach. Yeah, a pest that never died no matter how much you tried to kill it. They were a minor problem, although they couldn't go ignored.

All Lucky knew was the art of murder, the art of ordering hits on people and getting the job done. It would not be easy to infiltrate the Rosebloods' territory, considering Lucky did not know the land and the way everything worked just yet. He could pop Sephiroth's head clean off if he wanted to, but he probably had guards out the wazoo. This wasn't just the city anymore; it was a strange place with strange creatures with strange powers. He was out of his element.

It seemed that Rhiannon had an idea on what action to take next... at least that's what it looked like. It was odd seeing her so small-looking. Lucky couldn't help but think of the bodily mishap, when he had nearly gone for her throat when it turned out that she had simply switched body with the help of some supernatural bullshit he probably couldn't even fathom. The hellhound knitted figurative brows at the display of dolls and paints, and he looked over at the white cat when she mentioned her so-called "strategy": hexing. What in the hell was that? [glow=black,1,400]"... Hex?"[/glow] Asked the streetsmart hellhound.