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ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Printable Version

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ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Quill - 12-27-2018

As we lead into the new year, what better way to end of 2018 than with a chance to get to know everyone a little better? If you have any questions for Staff, now's the time to ask! And we will probably ask questions right back! 

As a disclaimer, any questions about warnings, bans, or personal account matters should be directly pmed to a staff member to ensure privacy. We also reserve the right to not answer any questions that we feel uncomfortable with. But, with that, feel free to ask any weird, crazy questions that come to mind!

Staff to Ask
Orion (Admin / Site Owner)
Axiom (Moderator)
Andromeda (Moderator)
Tikki (Jr. Moderator)
Woody (Jr. Moderator)

Ask away!

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - tikki - 12-27-2018

tracking !!

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - aureate - 12-27-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]For everyone, do you have any pets? Do your pets have any weird quirks?

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - tikki - 12-27-2018

I have a couple of pets actually! I have two dogs, a cat, a leopard gecko, and two rabbits ( though one of the dogs and one of the rabbits are actually my sister's pets ) and my rabbit likes to fall asleep by her food dish and then gets scared because it's touching her and she'll wake up and knock it over

if you could have any pet without repercussions, what kind of pet would you get?

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - axiom - 12-27-2018

Unfortunately, my apartment doesn't allow pets. Once my fiance and I move (hopefully in August), we'll find a place that allows pets and adopt a pupper. :3

Besides that, we just have our baby plants lol

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Quill - 12-27-2018

[member=1325]AUREATE™[/member] Our house is a zoo! We have two dogs (German shepherd and min-pin terrier), a snake (ball python), a parrot (cinnamon GCC), a ferret, and a cat! Of all my animals, I think my dogs are the weirdest. My shepherd is lovingly named "Chewy" because she sounds like Chewbacca when she howls, and always feels the need to "protect" any toys that squeak by carrying them around everywhere. She's also pretty expressive and you pretty much know what she wants at all points in time. The bird is weird too, she likes to hang upside down by one foot off the top of her cage and just swing

What would be your "go-to" pet?

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - aureate - 12-27-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Oh my gosh I love all of your pets,,, Chewy would NOT like my dog, he disembowels squeaky toys as soon as he gets them. And Tikki your rabbit is absolutely precious.

Do you know what kind of puppy you're looking to get when you move?

[member=227]tinsel tikki[/member] 
I've always wanted a horse! But I'm not sure if "no repercussions" covers just literally not having the space for one lmao so for something more reasonable, I would likely get another Boxer.

Oh man that's tough. I've owned cats, dogs, birds, reptiles, and fish and I've loved all of them so picking just one go-to pet is,,, hard. But I'd have to say dogs, they've always been a part of my life and I couldn't imagine not having one.

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - dreamiplier - 12-28-2018

this is a TOTALLY SERIOUS question is for everyone:
is water wet

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - Quill - 12-28-2018


OH MAN I've had this discussion with people and the answer we came up with: No, water is not inherently wet, yet it possesses the properties to make other objects wet.

What's your take on the argument?

Re: ASK THE STAFF! | Staff Q & A! - woody - 12-28-2018

[member=1325]AUREATE™[/member] yes!!!  we have one dog at the moment, a malteese/poodle mix named teddy!! his weird lil quirk is that he acts exactly like a he gets down and pounces like a cat, plays like a cat....its weird but adorable!

[member=8]imajinary[/member] simply, yes.  just yes