Beasts of Beyond
SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER - open - Printable Version

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SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER - open - rhosmari - 12-27-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]SOME PRINCESSES DON’T BECOME QUEENS — 。+゚[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]When creatures were born they began to collect memories. Ways to begin learning and taking on that curiosity of the world. They learned who their mothers or their fathers were and committed it to memory. They learned how to scoot their little warm bodies across the ground before struggling on their feet to begin learning how to walk and how to run. Remembering how it felt to move their own bodies and how each muscle felt. Memory was very important to learning and they went hand in hand together. For without memory what made a creature truly exist? Well she seemed to go against such logic and rule and her own memories laid barren and empty. As if a deep crevice had been carved her mentality. The young teen remembered nothing at all, not a birth or a loving embrace of her parents. Not the warmth of possible siblings and not even the months it took for her to grow as she had. It was as if she had just appeared into existence one faithful day and had been ever since. Though she knew that her body aged it was a strange process and she was ever the more confused as she wandered along and all on her own. Who was she exactly? The only thing that had decided to come forth was a simple name, something to call herself by and so she had taken it happily and without so much as a thought of why it was there in the first place.

Blaise. She liked the way it sounded and thus she kept it as openly as her wide eyes searched her surroundings now. There was something that she could hear in the distance, something that drew her to this area. These forest meant little to her and it was the lure, the pull of the ocean's waves that sent her heart pounding as she moved ever quicker to her destination. But as she grew closer her form began to slow and her muzzle scrunched up, black fur bristling ever so slightly as white smoke wafted up from her slightly parted jaws. "No, it's different. It sounds all wrong..." Anyone listening probably wouldn't understand what she meant by that but the maned wolf sat down with eyes watching the waves in disappointment. She'd thought that they were the same. What they were the same of she didn't know but she had a feeling and this didn't match it. These waters were not the same ones that she felt with her being and she almost felt like crying now. But it would do her no good. She'd felt this disappointment before, the trickling of defeat seeping into her and she lowered her head a bit to just take a moment for herself.

Re: SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER - open - VALE - 12-27-2018

Loud. The jaguar heard the maned wolf’s pawsteps meters away in the treetops, her hazel eyes immediately seeking out the teenager. Everyone walked so loud, their paws thundering against the frozen ground as though pleased with themselves for announcing their presence to the world. Vale hated how everyone else moved through the world as though it owed them the courtesy of listening to their every move – pawsteps, mumbling, breathing. Gods, even their breathing sounded far too loud.

Creeping through the trees, the melanistic jaguar prowled closer to the maned wolf. Even irritated, her paws moved fluidly over the bark; the woman hardly made a sound. Why would she, when the groaning of a branch screamed like a drill in her ear? Even as a human, she hated noise; adapting to the quiet tactics of a feline hunter came more than naturally to her, as she practiced the art of silence more than a lady of her social standing ever did.

Her muscles flexed, bunching under her skin, before she jumped off from her perch. Dropping through the air like a stone, she nevertheless landed without a hair out of place in front of the mumbling stranger – though her ears flicked with irritation from the resulting thump of her paws striking the ground. “Well, this is Ascendants territory – perhaps you’re looking for somewhere else?” she suggested, black nose twitching against the offensive smells that stained the loner’s pelt. “If you tell me what you’re looking for, perhaps I can help. I’m Vale Aston, by the way,” she added with a flick of her tail. The maned wolf looked like a lost puppy – almost young enough to be one, too – and the older woman clearly underestimated her due to their size and age difference. But Vale was being genuine; no matter how much the teenager offended her with her… sounds and smells.

[ vale has enhanced senses and isn't adjusting well, just to clarify where her 'AHHHH NOISES AND SMELLS" rage is coming from ha ]

Re: SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER - open - rhosmari - 12-28-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]SOME PRINCESSES DON’T BECOME QUEENS — 。+゚[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]The creature of fire didn't move, her form oddly still even as the other creature spoke to her from behind her back. Her ear twitched slowly at first before flicking back with a jerk to make sure that she heard whatever it was that was being said but her gaze remained stuck on the waves that moved forward, frothing and washing against the pebbles that laid upon this beach. Her breathing was quiet before she slowly turned to fix her black gaze upon the jaguar. There was no emotion upon her expression only a look that seemed piercing as it was lax. Blinking slowly the maned wolf would turn to face this new obstruction in her life, starting to become just a bit more curious of what was going on now before her. Indeed, her scent could be offensive as it was like that of smoke or perhaps the warmth and heat of a fire that was being attended to. Yet her posture was still relaxed. "Ascendants." She spoke the word as a statement and not a question before she shrugged her shoulders slightly, a gentle movement that flowed with her breathing as she looked own to her paws. "This is the bad place." How she knew that she didn't know and it was just a feeling, a sprout of pain and ill that swept through her being as her emotionless voice left her muzzle. But that was fine as she wouldn't linger here for long.

"It's okay, you can't help me. I don't know what I'm looking for so I'm just...searching. I need waves to know what I need to find." It was as simple as it was confusing but the young teen didn't know that. The sounds of the waves could speak to her and then she'd know if that was where she was supposed to be. This place, this Ascendants was not such a place. It was more like the barren wasteland in which she never wanted to return to or be a part of. A soft frown finally morphed her features before she shook her head and rose to her paws. Departing would be the best thing that would help her but she would wait and see what else there was here before moving on. Maybe she would find something or someone here that would provide her with answers.

Re: SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER - open - clarence a. - 12-28-2018

Clarence had been very confused the first time he arrived in this world to say the least. He'd woken up after drowning. From his understanding, most people were not supposed to wake up on dry land after being nearly drowned in Lake Erie during one of the most violent ship battles in an entire war. But he did. Not only that, but he woke up in an different time and place altogether. It was to the point where he wasn't even sure he was on Earth even more. Or, at least if he was, it wasn't any version he was familiar with. He'd heard no mention of places he recognized apart from Jerseyboy, who's name implied both a town he was familiar with in England and one that had recently been established in the Americas just a few decades ago. That was how things had been. But they weren't quite right here. He was out of his own time, out of his own reality. He'd never even encountered a single talking animal in his time as a human, but here the entire world was full of them and he was, in fact, one of them. It was unbelievable and he didn't think anyone could fault him in doubting his own sanity for the first several weeks he'd stayed here. He knew he was more likely to be sane than not, now, thankfully.

Clarence was thinking about how strange his life was now as he walked through his new territory. At first, he'd done it to accompany himself with all the new sights and sounds, as well as to set a routine in his day despite the chaos of his life as a whole. He couldn't handle the constant change. His walks through the territory gave him something solid. It wasn't much of a foundation, but it was something. Something he could rebuild his life on. That was when he heard a strange, unfamiliar voice - something that was relatively common in his new home - as well as the voice of his sister. He made his way through the territory before he arrived at Vale's side, his dark eyes locking on the strange. Then the woman spoke and began to walk off, but he immediately felt a shot of panic and stood, calling out, "Wait! Is there some way we may offer you aid? Food, water? Even some shelter, if you're really in need of it," Whoever this was, she didn't seem well, and he wasn't content to just send her off somewhere else before at least offering some additional assistance.