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sub rosa -ˋˏ✧ˎˊ- gift - Printable Version

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sub rosa -ˋˏ✧ˎˊ- gift - stella - 12-26-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"] christmas was a weird event almost devoid of it's original notions and purpose, but still managed to instill a feeling vaguely lost in the etheral child, but reinstated with the kind gestures of a stranger. could stella call it "heart-warming"? it wasn't even the present; while it was nice and all, and certainly wouldn't go unused, it was more the thought that someone had put time into something for stella. someone had thought about stella's passions, her likes, her wants, had thought about how to make the typically crestfallen girl lift her spirits even just for one day. and it had, it really had brightened stella's month. sure family was few and far between now, but that didn't mean that the ragdoll was unlovable, no-one was unlovable. now was the time to repay that emotionally charged debt.

where to begin? a list was lain out before the puzzled child detailed the things of which the sunhaven member wished for, and part of stella was perplexed by some of the listed things. (what constituted as "german" food?) mulling over the variables of the present in her mind, stella could easily pick out some of the interests which just so happened to perfectly overlap with the girl's own, meaning that the hybrid already had some things she was ready to wrap. jade, precious metals, lore, these were the things which most excited stella - they were common ground. to her small library stella sat in the middle of the tiny room to think over which of the books to give. lore.. would mythology be something of interest to ari? thoughts swimming in an endless sea of wonder rested on the idea of a book detailing the myths of angels and demons, beasts and mortals, everything that summed stella up. like a part of stella she was willing to give to the nice lady who had thought so kindly to the pitiful little girl she knew so little about, but cared enough to share a special moment with. stella wanted to let herself be vulnerable, let ari know something more intimate about the little girl. would she be happy though?

other items were more trivial to find, jade, precious metals both things stella had plenty of - the girl tried to find some real nice specimens to pick out for the sunhaven member - and other things such as german foods were explained to the young girl by some knowledgeable typhoon crewmates. seemed delicious, even if stella wasn't the greatest cook. all that had been left for the girl to do now to complete her task was to wrap the gifts into one cohesive box that was easy to unravel.

christmas day was a little late for the deadline that the captain had set, but stella made work slowly, piecing together a box slowly rather than hastily throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. a careful craft, something stella prayed would give back to the sunhaven woman the same sentiments ari had gave her. delights awaited the woman, all wrapped in a box with obnoxiously festive paper adorned with a bow only more obnoxious than the wrapping paper itself. stones, metals, books, foods, and a card attached to the top. with a nervous grimace stella traversed the foreign lands towards sunhaven by herself to deliver the present in a similar manner to the sunhaven woman herself. personally.

dear ariside,
merry christmas. i wasn't sure exactly what to give you even though i read over your list, but i hope you are pleased. knifes aren't something i've ever quite used before so i'm afraid i haven't got one to spare, but perhaps one day you could teach me how to use one.
love, stella.

[member=1077]kade .[/member]

Re: sub rosa -ˋˏ✧ˎˊ- gift - teef - 12-29-2018

the tigress herself would have been at a loss, her eyes warm as she noticed the smaller girl coming through the territory and to the beachside town. she had just been returning from a stroll, from a journey to the rosebloods as she moved her forge equipment. her livelihood had been burned down to the ground by an accident, not one that she had intended to ccreator herself.

her gaze softened as she watched the ethereal youngster approach, quickly wiping away sweat and ash from her face with her kerchief, approaching stella in return. "hullo, love. would you like to rest for a while?" she asked gently, offering to bring her into town for water and food. she might be a scary mercenary, but she could still be nice to others. "and thank you, i will open the box promptly, once we get you settled. I would offer you the chance to stay warm in my forge, but also, all that is left of it is cooling metals."