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you're a sunflower - joining - Printable Version

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you're a sunflower - joining - darci - 12-25-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; text-align: justify;"]Where he had originated was not a glorious nor tragic tale, to say the least. He had simply grown too old to be following his mother's every step and decided it was time to strike out on his own. While the male was only two-years of age, he still had some room to grow, both mentally and physically. Being an only child, the only interaction he ever really known was provided to him by his loving mother. It was due to this that he lacked some in the social skills department. Even so, he would learn for the only direction starting here was up. Striped paws kicked up sand as the tiger moved fluidly through the sand. Jaws were parted as he panted, trying to cool himself down. Even in the middle of winter did the desert showed no signs of cooling off. He was use to the heat, so the desert had little to no effect on himself.

Honey-hued eyes looked straight ahead, unwavering as he proceeded forth. While he was not looking for anything in particular, his mind had drifted elsewhere. Lumbering a few more feet, the tiger finally came to a halt at the borderline. Scenting the air, he wrinkled his nose up at the strong scent that overcame him. Drawing in a breath, the male released a loud roar, louder than any lion could muster. Surly that would do the trick. Now, he waited.

Re: you're a sunflower - joining - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-25-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
[ mobile due to the holidays, welcome! ]

Lucky had gone through his fair share of social interaction while growing up in a tight-knit pack of hellhounds. From play-fighting with the other pups in his youth to combat training with fellow thugs to reveling in the spoils of a successful raid, he had known every name and face of the members of his pack. After all, they were all family in one way or another. However, not everything had ended so happily. Lucky’s connection to his family, which had been thought to be unwavering, had been severed in a matter of days. In the end, he had turned his back on them and had fled the city. His city. The streets he had once been destined to rule.

A feline’s gutteral roar had pierced his aural senses, alerting him to someone’s presence standing at the Pitt’s border. Lucky approached the tiger without a word, although large paws thudded on the sandy floor. The towering five-foot canine laid eyes on the stranger, and once he had come within earshot, he grunted simply, [glow=black,1,400]"What?"[/glow] As in “what do you want?”, but Lucky was one to get straight to the point. If this male wasn’t a complete dumbass, he would know what he meant. His muscles remained slightly tender, ready to take action if the tiger decided to make a move on him.

Re: you're a sunflower - joining - darci - 12-26-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 70%; text-align: justify;"][ thank you! ]

Leander was no king, or so he been brought up believing. In the eyes of his mother and the gang she was tied to, the tiger was a simple grunt, a boy who would never be able to stand on his own. It was degrading for his mind was far more abstract and creative, but the room he needed to expand those horizons had never been granted to him. The male would not go as far as to say he was oppressed in any manner, just fell into the wrong place in the pecking order. Was he capable of being more than he was told he would be? He knew he was, but how to get there, well, he was at a loss for any shred of idea. Even so, he had no doubt in his mind that only with hard work and determination would he even begin to scratch the surface of his true identity.

Eyes watched the canine, an expressionless face overtaking his features. He did not know how to act nor how to respond, so he would gather what he had seen others do and try to mimic it. While he had not witnessed anyone in his own position, he would try to piece together information that he had gathered from the time he took his first breath. His gaze hardened, tail tip flicking to and fro. "I'm Leander," rumbled the large cat. Should he have gone by Ander? It was too late now. "I'd like to join y'alls' ranks, if ya'd have me."

Re: you're a sunflower - joining - ninazu - 12-27-2018

© lexasperated
Joining the massive canine and honey-eyed tiger at the border, Ninazu's stone gaze analyzed the stranger -- well, their newest recruit. "We'll have you," the lioness said, the flames around her neck hissing softly. Rarely did she see someone join them without dehydration clouding their vision or their muscles quacking from the journey; she approved of him. Too many idiots showed up wanting to join them, quivering in the wastes as though they misread 'desert' as 'dessert' on a travel guide. And she would know; she treated enough of them, when she served as the group's primary healer.

"I am Ninazu, leader here. You can come to me if you've got ideas or concerns about the group," she added, finding it only polite to give her own name in return.

Re: you're a sunflower - joining - Stryker - 12-27-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Leander must of meandered his way over. To Stryker, he seemed like such a commander. That tiger was grander than the lion himself, making him pander on how that was possible. Stryker, immediately, had a plan to slander the stranger.

With a head held high and a cocky grin, the gigantic lion prowled to Ninazu's side. Neon hues searched the tiger up and down, looking for any sort of tell or flaw that would give him the advantage. For a moment, he settled. His gaze settled upon the tiger's own as Stryker offered a curt nod. "Mmm, prove yourself wisely, dear," he mentioned mischievously. No one tested his ego, nor position. It was an uninitiated fight, but the male felt threatened by their presence until they proved to be no threat. As per usual, he was and would always be on the top of the food chain.

honestly i just wanted to rhyme and it started this