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WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - Printable Version

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WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - ★ HAZEL - 04-23-2018

ooc y'all do n o t have to read all of this okay you can just skip to the last few paragraphs if you want <33

Hazel hated dreams.

Of course, there was the possibility that everyone dreamt the way she did; because surely, most people had dreams of flashing colors and disorienting images that were always just out of focus. Surely, they would see the rosy hues of dawn glow on the horizon and feel a swelling sense of giddy comfort. Surely, they would know of the untroubled curiosity that bubbled up when dawn would suddenly turn dark and the air would grow frigid; when there was the brush of a breeze against their cheek, and the tug of momentum in their stomach. They would know of the confusion upon realizing that maybe this was not supposed to be a happy place. It was supposed to be morbid and cold, and...why did it seem so intriguing?

That sounded like an everyday dream, right?

No. No, it didn’t. Hazel was very well aware of this, and it frustrated her to an endless extent. But...she would always prefer frustration over terror. Every single time. Because Hazel would, without a doubt, rather have puzzling and irritating dreams over night terrors.

They were hardly nightmares. No, these — from these, Hazel would wake up screaming, her lip shiny with blood and her paws trembling with fear.  Throughout the day she would remain shaken, frazzled and upset. Dread would sit, cold and heavy, on her nerves until she forced herself to sleep the next night. Anxiety would creep underneath her pelt, sinking into her brain until she was biting her lip again.

These night terrors were always the same: consistently showing a different mistake, a different failure, but the same reaction from the same feline. In one, a broken vase lay shattered on a tiled floor. The details were hazy, but the bitter scent of chocolate permeating the room, layered with something  bitter and angry, was sharp in her nose. The scrape of claws would drag itself over Hazel’s eardrums, and she could feel herself pressing her skinny frame closer and closer to the floor. Pressing against that cold surface until she was sure she could disappear into it, and escape the words that were being yelled. The words that reduced her self worth to less than the lint under the cabinets. The words that could never be healed like the claw marks on her forearm could.

But memories of an abused past were a common trope, and Hazel was no more entitled to something special than the next person because of it. She just wanted to leave it behind and let it go. The sooner she could do that, the better off she would be.

But by “better off” was in no way meant literally. Unfortunately, Arion didn’t exactly receive that message, and had promptly gone from a lively trot to a jolting halt, pitching Hazel forward from her perch between his ears. She hit the ground with a startled cry, unhurt, but caught off guard and awoken in the most brutal way.

“Thanks, Arion.” She snapped at the colt, glaring at him. The steed blew a huff of air at her through his nostrils, ruffling her fur. He didn’t seem at all perturbed by the fact that he had just thrown his friend. Still, he reached out, lips snuffling at her, until she groggily pushed him away, the feeling of his teeth grazing her skin making her itch with discomfort. “Ge’off, you lump,” She snorted. Arion relented, looking as smug as one horse possibly could.

Hazel pushed her hips back and arched in a luxurious stretch, claws scratching at the dirt and eyes squeezed tightly shut. She couldn’t say she was actually mad at him for waking her up — in fact, she was glad, for he had woken her from a depressing recollection of something that had just happened a month prior. But now…

“Where...are we?” The cocoa colored femme wondered aloud, standing to see rolling fields stretch across the ground in front of them. Arion nickered, his hoof scraping the ground. It didn’t take a genius to see the colt was high on the idea of stretching his legs, letting his joints bend and snap with satisfaction.

Just as Hazel turned to tell him to stay put, the young Thoroughbred streaked away, kicking up a spatter of dirt and tossing his head. Hazel’s stomach sank, for she could smell the scent markers in the general vicinity. They were unfamiliar and defensive, a clear claim of territory. And Hazel’s colt had just taken a (very fast) stroll right through the closed gate.

“Great,” She muttered.
— Hazel — "speech" — six months — no clan — tags
c) miithers

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - Suiteheart - 04-23-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Having heard the cry, one would best believe Suite was on the case. But it seemed karma wanted a crack at her. Yes, as the colt rushed through her territory, Suiteheart was taken by surprise. In fact, the equine practically ran her over, causing her to scream in fright.

Suite did escape with limbs intact, but her pride? Oh, it was bruised.

"Yo, what the fuck is happening?" she asked, confused as could be. She was about to give chase to the wild young horse when she heard Hazel's mutterings. Slowing down the horse would be too difficult now that it was so far off, and besides, Hazel was only a few yards away.

"Sorry, kiddo, would've been here a little bit sooner, but a fucking horse almost ran me over." She shook out her fur, causing it to fluff up a bit. After her white coat calmed down, she offered the newcomer a smile. "My name's Hotelsuites. What's yours? And what can I help you with?" She opened her mouth to say more, but she quickly closed it and then arched an eyebrow. Opening her maw again, she said, [color=#73B1B7][b]"You didn't... You didn't come here with the horse, did you?"

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - Margaery - 04-23-2018

Margaery's dreams (when she did dream) had not been kind to her for almost a year and a half now. Usually, she was granted the opportunity to slip away into a black slumber, undisturbed by her restless mind, but it wasn't uncommon for her nights to be haunted with blood and screams and memories she had long since repressed out of fear for, well, herself. Her nightmares did not cease, even after she had joined the Ascendants and her life began righting itself- she still managed to wake in a cold sweat, a silent scream parting her jaws. She always grasped for Suiteheart in those moments and she was always disappointed to remember that her wife was not beside her simply because she couldn't be- they had chosen to live a lie and thus were to suffer without one another.

Coincidentally, that was why Margaery was out and about now, having accidentally fallen asleep while going about her day's business. She had been so tired recently and a nap had at first been welcomed. What a fool she was for thinking that perhaps things would start to change, that perhaps she could rest peacefully. It was always the same thing, that grotesque scene - her loved ones all around her, her paws dirtied with their blood. This time, it felt a little too real though and she had awoken with a start, her body tense and coated in a thin layer of cold sweat. It didn't help that not one, but two cries sounded almost the moment she woke up, bringing her to hurry quickly to its source. Were they under attack? Was everyone okay?

Margaery caught sight of a colt and two figures, one of which she quickly realized to be Suite. That anxiety in her chest relaxed slightly as she realized, with a sigh of relief, that this was nothing but a new joiner. Fixing her composure quickly, she moved to stand near Suiteheart, trying her best not to get too close. They still had an image to maintain and, shaken or not, she'd respect that.

[color=black]"Welcome!" She greeted, her voice too cheerful, [color=black]"My name is Margaret."

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - BASTILLEPAW - 04-23-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille hadn't slept in two days. He couldn't sleep, not with the restless, angry energy vibrating through his veins; every time he tried to retreat back to his room and shut out the headaches with sleep, he found himself pacing from wall to wall instead. There was a tension that wouldn't evaporate no matter how many patrols he ran or how fast, and that wasn't even the worst part of it all. No, the worst part was that he couldn't stop seeing Indigo when he closed his eyes. She was always there, waiting, watching, staring at him with those accusatory eyes. Why didn't you save me, Bastille?

He couldn't shake her, and every day since that haunting vision he'd felt Echo's memories growing more and more salient. Someone might say or do something, and suddenly he was entrenched in the stealth-walker's thoughts and memories, if only for brief instances at a time. Bastille had almost stopped noticing them when they happened, waking up from the intrusion with a shake of his head and a scowl. The immediate, intense headaches were the only indicator that made him catch the slip, sometimes.

All of it was only making him more restless, more anxious, more impatient with Starry. He knew that the Seraph was going to double check with Tanglewood soon, knew he wouldn't leave Luna to suffer for any longer than necessary, but Bast wanted him to have gone weeks ago. He wanted the entire fucking Clan to march on that goddamn swamp until they admitted to having Luna and gave her the fuck back. He was going out of his goddamn mind simply guessing and waiting for her to be returned to them, and every minute he spent continuing to wait only seemed to make the tension grow worse.

So, excuse him for being a little bit on edge (read as: a whole fucking lot on edge). The headaches and restlessness were enough to have him particularly moody already, but Indigo was making it all so, so much worse. There had been a brief reprieve from it all for a few days there, after the power out, but now... Now everything seemed amplified. The slightest of issues were setting him off that morning, and already he'd sent another Fireball scurrying in the opposite direction with a glare alone. Bast was making a desperate effort to get the fuck out of camp and onto a patrol when some fucking demon came streaking past him, making the bengal tense up with a growl.

"What the fuck," he hissed, ice blue gaze flickering after the colt briefly before he was scanning the distant border, trying to track the source. His attention was drawn immediately to Suite and Margy's auras, but there was another one there -- unfamiliar. Bright, golden, and seemingly light, but foreign. Normally, Bast might take pity on someone with so pure and good of an aura. He might ask questions before he accused.

This was not normally.

In one moment, the Corporal was taking a step forward, barely outside of the Observatory's walls; the next, he was suddenly just there, standing beside Suite with a narrow look locked on the strange girl. "I really hope that damned colt isn't some poor interpretation of the Trojan Horse," he said, flatly, "Because if it is, that was a really fucking pathetic attempt at invasion." She didn't look like much of a threat, but then again, Bast wasn't going to rule out the possibility at the moment. He simply stared at her, scowling slightly, as if he was deciding whether or not he should interrogate her about what the hell she was doing here. After a moment, however, he simply said idly, "What do you want? And why is that colt bolting around our territory?"

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - ★ HAZEL - 04-24-2018

Teeth worrying at her lip, the girl tracked Arion as far as she could manage ocularly. Deus, he was going to get her in so much trouble. Which, in all fairness, was to be expected of the colt. He had been weaving around tree trunks and navigating unfamiliar forest floors covered in foliage and fauna for a few days now. Him wanting to stretch his legs was more than a given. Hazel was only unsure of the consequences he would face, and if she could stand up to them.

What she wasn’t expecting ( soon, at least) was the shriek that rivaled her own in pitch. Fur standing on end, Hazel logically knew that she should probably be searching for some sort of shelter to protect her from whatever made the noise. Immediately was more preferable than later, because that scream was loud, which meant its owner was way too close for comfort.

Far too familiar with the feeling of fear pulsing in her veins from the threat of imminent injury, Hazel froze, rooted to the spot because it was what she had taught herself to do for the six months she had been socially conscious. If she stayed put, Mother was less likely to get angrier, which resulted in lack of bloodshed. It wasn’t exactly ideal, but it kind of beat the alternative.

Mind blanking in a horribly habitual way, Hazel was completely unprepared to hear a bewildered voice call out, followed by the appearance of a stranger. Heart hammering against her ribcage, Hazel easily reigned in her terror, slapping a mask of politeness over it like she had done so many times before.

With Arion appearing in and out of her peripheral, Hazel tried to focus on the stranger - or, Hotelsuites, as she learned. Ears falling sheepishly, she ducked her head when Arion was mentioned. They had been here all of two seconds, and he had already nearly run someone over.

“I’m Hazel. I’, looking for a place to stay, I think.” She answered, praying that her voice didn’t crack. She hoped someone didn’t ask again; her name made her uncomfortable. Felt wrong on the back of her tongue - felt like it should belong to someone else. “And yeah, I...I did, uh - I’m sorry if he’s causing trouble. I’ll clean up whatever he breaks, promise.” Hazel’s guilt tucked itself deeper into her chest as she turned her golden gaze to the ground, studying the blades of grass under her paw pads.

Another apology was ready on the tip of her tongue when another unfamiliar figure appeared, and stars, did they just teleport? Or were Hazel’s senses really so bad as to not being able to notice a living being crossing an open field?

The cheery demeanor of the newcomer was a bit startling, and easily noticed as overdone. Hazel didn’t comment on it, though. She knew how she looked, and how Arion was being a total idiot, but. “I - thank you. Pleased to meet you, Miss Margaret,” She said, voice a little lighter like the child she should be. A small smile lifted the corners of her mouth, genuinely grateful for the friendliness. As for the formality, Hazel couldn’t say. Margaret seemed like someone who deserved respect, and Hazel had been taught to give respect first before cutting formalities.

It was then that a boy decided to show up, and Hazel could feel his sour mood pull her lips into a frown. He radiated don’t look, don’t talk, don’t touch vibes, and Hazel found herself equal parts annoyed and frightened. His tone was the same flat, unimpressed, on-the-verge-of-an-emotional-breakdown that Mother would gain after a long day, and the familiarity of it made Hazel want to shrink inside her own skin. Still, he was talking about something she had background knowledge of: mythology. Or history. Either one. Whichever it was, it sparked a light of confidence in her.

She gave him her full attention, with luminescent 14-karat gold hued eyes meeting icy blue. “Last I checked,” Stars, she was going to get in so much trouble for back-talking. “it wasn’t the horse that attacked the city, but the soldiers inside.” Holy shit. Holy shit, Mother would have locked her in her room for a week for that. Hazel wasn’t really sure why she was sassing the scariest stranger when he looked like he wanted to murder the world, but...impulse control was a finicky thing.

The interaction made her itch, and she resisted rubbing over the tingling scars covered by the golden bandana on her forearm. Instead, her gaze found the ground again, though her ears were still tilted back in annoyance. She blinked at his next question, refusing to look at him again, and curled her slightly puffed tail around her opposite side.

“Already said that I was looking for a place to stay.” Hazel mumbled, risking the quickest of glances at Margaret and Hotelsuites. “Because he’s been trapped in a forest for a couple days. He wants to run. I’m a little small to stop him.” And it was then that a very real fear hit her - the fear that they would lock Arion away; pin him down and kill him for hurting someone he didn’t mean to. Snapping her eyes back to Bastille’s, her guard lowered for a fraction of a second, her next words spoken in earnest and sincerity. “He doesn’t mean any harm - he just wants to run. He’s okay most of the time, I promise.”
— Hazel — "speech" — six months — no clan — tags
c) miithers

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - Character Graveyard. - 04-24-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
How odd, yet interesting. A horse was running all over the territory. Luna hadn't seen a horse in a very long time so she had almost forgotten what one looked like.

Startled by the sudden appearance of the colt, Luna had decided to head in the direction it came from, so she could investigate. It seemed she had just been a minute late, as a few of her Clanmates were up ahead with a stranger but Luna approached anyways. "Does the colt happen to be yours?" She asked Hazel.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - BASTILLEPAW - 04-24-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #dedfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
There was a flicker of surprise that snuck through his resolve, placing a delicate crack within his sour mood. He hadn't expect that, honestly -- few people recognized any subtle classics references he made. Sure, the Trojan Horse was a particularly popular one and thereby he'd wagered it'd be more recognizable, but this girl seemed to know. This wasn't simply passing acknowledgement of some vaguely familiar term. And she had a tongue on her, this one.

But she was also timid, in a way. He could see the way her posture tightened, read the discomfort and nervousness laced through her shoulders. Strange, with an aura that bright and radiant (it reminded him of liquid gold). And for some reason Bastille felt... ill at ease with her stiff response to him. Sure, he was a pretty apathetic person. He didn't really give a fuck about how people viewed him. But he wasn't exactly looking to terrify newcomers, per se -- much less young girls with bright auras and soft voices. She didn't deserve his harshness, as far as he could tell.

He relaxed slightly, a hint of a smirk shifting upwards as he drawled in response, his tone losing the rough edge to it, "Yeah, well, that's why we call it a poor interpretation." He arched a brow at her, gaze sliding over her in a more thorough examination as he checked for wounds or other ailments. She seemed fine, physically; whatever she was running from, it was a long time in her past, he wagered. "I take it you wouldn't make that mistake, though."

Bastille cast a glance over his shoulder towards Arion's bolting form, tracking the colt's aura when general eye-sight didn't do him any good. Quick, that one. When she spoke again, his gaze was back on her, and after a beat he too glanced at Suite and Margy. Gods, they probably were much sweeter with their approach to this foreign girl than he was. Bastille had a feeling that this shy, staring-at-the-ground behavior didn't start until his abrupt appearance, and he forced himself to relax more. He could practically feel the tense bundle of energy in his bones rebelling, screaming that he do something, go somewhere, find Luna, but he stamped it down viciously.

He took a breath, slowed his pulse, and met her stare head-on when she finally looked back up at him. "He'll be fine here," he said, referring to the colt. He sensed a sort of anxiety there, as if they might do something to her horse, and Bast felt a little bad that his demeanor might have given her that impression. "We're, uh, building an outer post to the Observatory soon," he supplied, after a brief glance at Margy, "So we can tack on a stall for him, or something. I don't know." There was a pause, as he stared at her, and then, "You can stay, too, obviously."

He really wanted to get out of there, away from this fragile girl, away from everyone; he wanted to run for Tanglewood territory and shake Beck until that damned fuck of a leader gave Luna back. He wanted to be somewhere that his shitty mood did no harm. Instead, he said slowly, "We can show you to the empty rooms for now. Someone can give you a tour if you want, or you can check out the maps and explore on your own." Another pause, and then he said wryly, "The colt can stay out here and run while we get you set up, if he wants. I'm pretty sure he might trample someone inside with that much energy."

[ ninja'd and well now this is awkward lmAO
too lazy to edit it so /shuffles the luna reference else where]

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - Suiteheart - 04-25-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Hazel. Suiteheart would file the name away, locking it up safety as she did every other name she encountered in the place. Best not to forget anything, huh?

Suite nodded a greeting to Margaery, and then turned her attention again to Hazel. As the girl began apologizing for her horse, Suite shook her head. It wasn't that big of a deal. Sure, it could have been catastrophic, but it hadn't come to that - and there was absolutely no reason to treat it that way. Besides, this poor girl seemed worried enough.

The white feline parted her lips to express these thoughts when Bastillepaw arrived, angrier than she had seen him ever. At his cruel remark to the newcomer, she shot him some scolding, motherly look. This was not how she had raised her son! Granted, she hadn't raised him at all, and he wasn't even her son... but still. He needed to be a tad bit more polite. "Bast," she murmured, voice barely audible. The two quarreling felines probably didn't hear it over their harsh words towards one another.

Suiteheart continued listening to the pair as Luna arrived. This situation felt odd. Not bad. Just odd. Bastille and Hazel had only just met, yet it felt like some long and drawn out history was spread out before them. It was strange, and it somehow reminded her of she and Margaery (but with a lot less bickering and tension). As the air around her felt anxious, she offered Hazel a brilliant, reassuring smile.

"Well, Hazel, we're glad to have you here," she meowed. "Sorry I freaked out earlier; your colt just surprised the hell out of me. I should've been paying attention though. And I don't blame him for wanting to run around. Being cooped up freaks me out too." She turned her baby blue eyes to the pony, watching him run here and there. He seemed happy, at least.

Turning her gaze to Bastillepaw, she was pleased to see him calming down outwardly. He was at least attempting to be hospitable now. She was worried though; what caused him to be so upset? She made a mental note to query him later in order to check up on him. 

"If you ever have any question, Hazel, don't be afraid to ask. Most of us are pretty mellow," she said, voice taking on a slight teasing tone as she directed her last sentence toward Bastille.

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - ★ HAZEL - 04-25-2018

Hazel peered out the corner of her eye, watching with odd curiosity as the grumpy boy made an interesting attempt at relaxing. His stance became less aggressive, muscles rolling back and hostility shifting into something that wasn’t quite politeness. There was still an air of guard about him, though; visible in the flicker of a pause at her remark - and her heart just about slammed out of her chest at the notion - and the awkward slide of irritation to something along the lines of...what was that, him being friendly? Whatever it was, Hazel found herself wondering about the bunch of his shoulders and the flex of his claws. She wondered about the near tangible anger he’d shown up with, and what had caused it. What an interesting character, She thought idly.

At his remark, Hazel raised her head, ears lifting. “Can’t say that I would,” She supplied, cautious. “Not...with mythology, at least.” A good-natured grin graced the corners of her lips, like she found what he said somewhat bemusing. Like she found a lick of confidence at calling him out on something he obviously thought he had the upper hand on. Maybe...she could learn to tolerate him.

Unless he kept eyeing her the way he was, with his chilly gaze sweeping up and down. The itch of discomfort returned, crawling through her scars and under her pelt. An inward chant of stop had started up, even though she knew he couldn’t see any physical ailments. She forced her eyes away from him, lip caught again between her teeth, and instead focused on Luna, who had just shown up.

“Um, yes ma’am, he is.” Stars, did Arion have to run into - over - every being that occupied this territory? Surely, he had some sort of moral compass that included sparing the lives of the locals. Arion might be reckless and young and way too fast for his own four legs, but he was also capable of great care and caution. He had helped keep Hazel, who was much, much smaller than him, alive for a good month and a half. “I apologize if he startled you, or stepped on you.” She swallowed, hoping Luna had a forgiving heart and mind.

When the angry boy spoke again, Hazel’s gaze snapped to him, once again finding those oddly chilling eyes on hers. She visibly relaxed at his reassurance, her spine loosening and shoulders dropping in just the slightest as a huff of breath was drawn from her lungs in her relief. She was about to say thank you, but stalled as he kept talking. Her head tilted, noticing the change in voice from sarcastic drawl to something unsure. To Hazel, he seemed like someone who wasn’t caught in the unknown very often. Curious.

“Observatory?” She echoed, the word rolling off her tongue in a foreign fashion. Before she could ask what the hell an observatory was, he was offering to build a stall for Arion and telling her she could stay. A sort of grateful warmth bloomed in Hazel’s chest - this grumpy boy was offering to use time and resources to aid in building something for someone he just met. That sort of effort would never have been wasted on Hazel in her previous home. The slow smile that danced across her lips and lit up her expression was a giddy sort of sincerity, happy and excited and radiant. “That’d be amazing - thank you.” She purred. “And it would be really nice if someone could show me around…? Nobody has to, I’d just - nobody has to. I can explore on my own if it’s too much trouble.” Hazel cut herself off, smile flickering back into something uncertain for a brief moment.

Then Hotelsuites’ voice was dragging her attention away before she could ask the name of the boy, having realized she never heard it. Sheepish, she shook her head at the female. “It’s okay. He’s a handful. I’m sorry he surprised you. Hopefully it won’t happen again in the near future - he’s pretty easy to hear coming, so his sneak attacks are awful.” Hazel explained, an amused expression rising on her features. True to Hotelsuites’ word, these people seemed to mellow out the further she got to know them, thankfully. Maybe she would like it here, if she was lucky.

Letting the warmth of gratitude seep through her guard, Hazel’s smile grew as she caught on to Hotelsuite’s last sentence and where it was directed. Head dipping, she flicked her eyes to the boy and back, childish mischievousness a creamy glint in them. “Yes - most.” She mused, a purr on the back of her tongue.
— Hazel — "speech" — six months — no clan — tags
c) miithers

Re: WE'RE STILL SO YOUNG ★ joining - BASTILLEPAW - 04-26-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #dedfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
His gaze flickered to Suite at the quite admonishment, and for a moment the bengal looked vaguely mutinous. On one hand, he agreed that he'd let his temper fray when this girl didn't deserve it, and that he deserved to be chastised; on the other, he was working on it, alright? He was at least making an effort to rein in his shitty mood and be nice, so Suite could give him some credit here. (He had the sudden, vivid image of Frenchpaw scolding him in similar fashion, reminding him primly that a gentleman should have proper manners. He knew it was impossible, that this had never happened, that his mother had died shortly after labor. But still -- he got those faint impressions sometimes, so clear and crisp that he knew they were likely if she had lived.)

As the stranger started to respond, his stare was back on her, taking that in slowly. She seemed to find something about mythology funny, and Bast studied her for a moment before dismissing it. Perhaps she simply found it ironic that he's chosen a topic she actually knew something about. He too turned his attention to Luna as his mentor arrived, and his attention seemed to linger for a moment, as if confirming to himself that Luna was fine and alive and there before he let this girl's voice draw him back in once more.

Bastille was a bit startled by how suddenly and brilliantly she lit up. He was pretty sure he hadn't said anything particularly out there or special, but it was suddenly like looking at the sun -- literally. This girl's mood perked up significantly, but so did that golden aura of hers, throbbing with the sudden radiance of her happiness. It was a bit... much. Bast felt awkward, uncertain what the hell to do with these expectations she had all of a sudden; he didn't like terrifying or making her uncomfortable, but he also wasn't sure how he felt being on the receiving end of so much... brightness.

Shit. He wasn't really in the mood for a tour, but he felt bad turning her down. Thankfully, Suite was a nice distraction, saving Bast from having to respond to that request as he watched her and Suite exchange words about the colt. Idly, he wondered if said colt had a name, but he focused in once more at Suite's gentle teasing. He rolled his eyes at the both of them, and drawled idly, "Yeah, yeah. We'll find you someone mellow to show you around later. C'mon, there are free rooms downstairs." He inclined his head towards the Observatory, starting to feel restless just standing here. He wanted out, but he also didn't want to spook this girl again, which meant he was stuck here ready to vibrate out of his skin until they managed to get her settled in. That was... great.