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NOW THE PARTY'S OVER // meet and greet - Printable Version

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NOW THE PARTY'S OVER // meet and greet - charactercemetary. - 12-24-2018

- tags
- typically they/them (she/her rarely)
- Ascendants Member
- Doesn't talk too much

They had not been out of the camp for some time. The truth was, they were not very... how to put it, very sociable. And, they had to work on that. The domestic cat made their way out of whatever room was theirs, and into the camp. Red eyes scanned the area. The chocolate-colored feline coughed, clearing their throat before they spoke. "Hey, I'm um, I'm Kris. How about you guys?"

Re: NOW THE PARTY'S OVER // meet and greet - ORPHEUS - 12-25-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Orpheus, on the other hand (paw?) was incredibly social. Ask the grumpier people here and they'd say he was too social. Maybe one day that would leave Kris and Orpheus grating, or maybe he could help pull them out of their shell. There's no particular goal in mind — lately he's found himself paranoid, unwilling to get close to anyone. It meant letting them in, deeper than playful teasing. This, though... this is easy. Orpheus slipped through the observatory until he found the small feline, still not used to being larger than many of the others here (he's small, isn't he? for a lion). So he lowers himself to the ground with a swish of his tail, smile brightening his features. "I remember you. Orpheus, if you don't remember. How have you been settling in?"

Re: NOW THE PARTY'S OVER // meet and greet - clarence a. - 12-25-2018

Clarence wasn't known to be a social butterfly or anything similar back in his own time. He'd rarely be the one to start a conversation and he shied away from large crowds as often as he could. While he certainly loved the orchestra, dancing, and food, he wasn't really one to stay long at the parties his family had frequently had to attend. In this new world, that was still somewhat true but he found himself more often pushing himself to talk to new people and learn more about what this place was. Part of it was necessity and part of it was being stuck in a place where he didn't really know anyone, aside from Vale who'd only arrived a few days ago now. He was doing his best to adjust to this strange world and he felt like it was going as well as it possibly could be at this point. He'd met Kris some time ago, at their joining, and he noticed the feline now calling out. He made his way over with a light smile, settling down beside Orpheus to look at the other creature. "We met at your joining, I believe, but my name's Clarence in case you don't remember. I'm glad to see you around," he added. Seeing as Orpheus had already asked about how Kris was settling in, Clarence decided he'd give the being a moment to respond before adding more questions or conversation topics 

Re: NOW THE PARTY'S OVER // meet and greet - charactercemetary. - 12-26-2018

Oh, well... when the first one appeared, the lion the color of the sunset, well... that... kinda went against the purpose of a meet and greet. This was supposed to be the chance for the quiet kid, the creepy kid to go out and meet new people. However, at least the lion was trying, and going out of his way to say hello. "Uh, good to see you again, Orpheus. Kinda lonely, but settling in okay, I guess." The kitten meows, waving their kinked tail.

Clarence seemed to be a bit more of a "Kris" type of person, more observing than anything else. However, Clarence still did an effort and tried to be welcoming. Their kinked tail wraps around their ways, the best it can do, at least, hidden eyes focusing on the  quiet person. "Oh, I remember you. Hey, good to see you again."
don't forget, i'm with you in the dark

Re: NOW THE PARTY'S OVER // meet and greet - VALE - 12-27-2018

Tail lashing behind her, the jaguar looked at the small gathering with a grimace on her face – though the disgusted look vanished quickly enough. Vale loathed children on sight; their noises usually hurt her sensitive ears and their grubby little hands tried to touch everything. She remembered a time when one of her friends pushed a gremlin on her and the damn thing nearly yanked out a fistful of her hair. Disgusting little shit machines, the lot usually were.

But this one… it looked much calmer than the rest. And Vale, even with her hatred for children, could feel some empathy for lonely souls.

Quietly, she walked over and stood slightly behind Clarence; almost as though putting him between her and the potential vomit-machine. “Kris, right? Hello,” the melanistic feline spoke, green eyes cautiously looking at the smaller thing with squinted eyes. Moving slightly behind Clarence, as though preparing for the child to scream at her face, the woman’s ears flicked back momentarily. “I’m Vale Aston. Nice to meet you. Please don’t make loud noises.”

Vale didn’t quite understand why other people liked the damn brats. Children’s voices were extremely high pitched – even their happy squeals hurt. Of course, the woman didn’t know that she was probably one of the only people with enhanced senses in the group – and probably in the whole city, in her life as a human. With such precise hearing, of course she hated the damn screams of the entitled brats that London’s wealthy dragged along with them.