Beasts of Beyond
LIKE A BASTARD ON THE BURNING SEA / eruption - Printable Version

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LIKE A BASTARD ON THE BURNING SEA / eruption - bubblegum - 12-24-2018

Re: LIKE A BASTARD ON THE BURNING SEA / eruption - MYNTHE - 12-25-2018

From day one of Mynthe arriving to this.. place, she had noticed the rising smoke from the volcano as a part of her wanted to investigate and check it out, though she barely had the time. She was busy doing other things such as trying to get a home set up or even just catching her food in general. While she knew that she could easily ask for someone to make her food, she preferred the thrill of a chase and to watch her prey try to get away knowing that it was no use. She had a natural hunters instinct and she couldn't channel that out as she had used that instinct to survive for years now. Today was one of those days as to where she was hunting a kill, her heart thumping wildly and her paws pounding the ground. The air around her tried to beat back at her but she cut through it effortlessly while propelling herself forwards to get at her kill. She was chasing a small hare, nothing she couldn't handle normally but due to her being malnourished she was at a loss. Her speed was greatly decreased along with her strength, though she wouldn't let it stop her.

Mynthe could feel the exhaustion building in her muscles as they began to cut through the jungle, her body beginning to slow her down until finally she couldn't run anymore. Every part of her ached and all she yearned for was to rest with her body practically screaming at her for pushing herself so hard. Her jaws departed as she panted, the thylacine sitting down on her hind as she tried to desperately catch her breath. That was when her break was ruined, the rumble sounded through out the territory and causing Mynthe to flinch in surprise. Only a few days here, not even a week, and everything already seemed to be going to shit for her. Still however, she preferred this lifestyle over the Pitt's. Her head turned from side to side as she tried to find the source of the rumble, the looks of storm clouds in the distance entering her view and then the source of the rumble. Her eyes laid upon the volcano with an expression that had been simply neutral. She had no reservation or shock about the volcano exploding, as by the smoke appearing over the last few days she had expected it to erupt at some point. What annoyed her however was that it had to erupt right in the middle of her catching a break.

Her muscles still remained sore but she tried to move past that, the thin thylacine getting to her paws and beginning to make her way out of the area. From her frail body and the roughness of the wind, she had nearly toppled over but she shook her head and proceeded towards the beach area where she saw the form of Goldenluxury. Listening to the bengals announcement, she could feel more annoyance seep in quickly. She had just finished making her home and now she was expected to evacuate. Though she knew staying would cost her life and thus she would not argue, turning away from the beach and Captain to make her way towards her newly settled treehouse.

Re: LIKE A BASTARD ON THE BURNING SEA / eruption - PEPPINO - 12-31-2018

Their peace had lasted long enough, it seemed, though in Pip's humble opinion, it could have held on a little longer.

This was so much worse than the fire, and for a few moments, all he could do was stare. The rumbles lately had been distinctive, foretelling, but he had hoped it was...something else. Anything else. An eruption could destroy everything, not just a tavern, not just a single section of the island. All of it, and this was their home.

The young canine launched into action after those moments of paralysis, scrambling down the beach. where he could see his sister. She'd undoubtedly strained herself tying the boats- he could smell the blood, and that- people were going to get injured inevitably, whether it was in their panic or in the evacuation. He was going to need all the supplies he could muster together, but he wasn't certain if he could fit all his stores. Some plants needed to be alive until the very moment he needed them, and he couldn't exactly drag pots around. Couldn't he? That he would solve later. For now, he needed to check on Goldie, make certain she hadn't torn anything.

"Goldie, let me look? Please don't push yourself after this. Someone else can do whatever it is you need- you have to look after your health." Pip didn't want to sound too lecturing, but he worried. If she went too far, strained her body, that would only complicate the evacuation more in case something unexpected happened. Which was likely. Something always happened.