Beasts of Beyond
A wild minnie appears - Printable Version

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A wild minnie appears - minnie. - 12-24-2018

Hi there! I was snooping around on feral front a few days ago, and I found the link to this website in someone's signature. It seemed really cool, so I decided to register, and here I am!

I have the attention span of a squirrel in a dishwasher, so could anyone link me to the rule guide/FAQ? I looked around for it, but no luck.

Thanks for reading! c:

Re: A wild minnie appears - tricky - 12-24-2018

oh heck i remember you minnie :0
glad you could find us
guides can be found here

Re: A wild minnie appears - minnie. - 12-24-2018

holy hecking frick what's poppin my dude

and rad, thanks a bunch !

Re: A wild minnie appears - Quill - 12-24-2018

Hey Minnie! Welcome to BoB! I'm glad we caught your interest and decided to give us a try, I look forward to seeing you around! Let me know if you have any questions or anything I can help with, or if you ever want to plot!

Re: A wild minnie appears - darci - 12-25-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 50%; text-align: justify;"]hello and welcome to the site. if you'd ever like to rp or plot together my pms are always open!

Re: A wild minnie appears - woody - 12-25-2018

welcome to BoB!!!!!!

hope you have a fun time rping here, i'm always open to messages if you wanna rp or just chat!  oooorrr if you have any questions!

Re: A wild minnie appears - axiom - 12-25-2018

hey-yo, welcome to the site! :3

Re: A wild minnie appears - toboggan - 12-25-2018

howdy do, minnie! im toboggan, but you can call me tobo! (some people also call me bur, feel free to address me as whatever you want! cSmile

looking forward to seeing you around the site! happy holidays!