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Late late lateness - December 24th meeting - Printable Version

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Late late lateness - December 24th meeting - Morgan - 12-24-2018

Morgan felt rather uncomfortable as he reached the town square. He was late - very late - and had only the most basic of excuses: he was exhausted beyond measure and he wanted to be left alone. In any case, he did still have to get the meeting done; finally climbing up on top of the statue, the General cleared his throat and spoke.

"Good day, everyone. I'm sorry for my lateness. I'll get through these announcements quickly so everyone can get back to their business."
Smiling, the samoyed scanned over the small crowd to locate the subjects of his speech.
"First, I'll welcome new Tangler Perpetualpaw. Another Tangler, Perseus, also made himself known after being reclusive for a while. Please welcome him, too."

"Next, some brief demotions: Axle and Renegadeanthem are removed from their positions until they return to activity, if they do. I'd also like to give shout-outs to Arrow, Crow, and Jim. Oh... and..."
Morgan paused, closing his eyes.
"My Vigenere had to leave and guard his sister, Atbash. She's not in good health, and... and so, Vigenere had to leave. Maybe he'll be back sometime soon, but until then, we'll be missing our Captain of the Guard."
He turned his head, opened his eyes, and stared off into the distance. He really did miss his boyfriend, even if he knew he was off doing something important.

"I'm sorry."
The General took a breath, then continued,
"In other news, the Rosebloods visited us, and... it was pandemonium. I'm still not even quite sure what happened. They did at least clear up the fact that the murders they committed were by rogue members. As despicable as they were, we shouldn't blame the Rosebloods as a group for that. We need allies right now -- especially as actual menaces like the Pitt still roam free."

"Just a few more things. The snow party is still going, as is the ranged combat training - I recommend visiting them when you can. There should be some more events planned for the near future too, but those are under wraps for now."
The samoyed finally closed his eyes again, forced a smile, and added,
"That's it then. Stay safe, everyone."

  • Welcome to Perpetualpaw and Perseus!
  • Axle and Renegadeanthem are removed from their positions; Vigenere left.
  • Shout-outs to Arrow, Crow, and Jim.
  • The snow party and long-ranged combat training events are still open!

(Apologies for lateness; I had to write for an entire day on Friday, and spent Saturday recharging my batteries and Sunday at a holiday party. I should be back now!)

Re: Late late lateness - December 24th meeting - arcy - 12-27-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Jim has been .. kind of busy training, this week. Basically, he'd gone on psuedo-radio silence, but he still showed up. It was a habit, after all -- no matter how busy Jim was, he still made time to swing by to tend to his crewmates. He'd even nearly forgotten about the meeting, before he looked at the time. Even so, he arrives late, only hearing the tail ends of Morgan's greetings of the joiners. The canine grins and seats himself, tail subtly wagging.
The demotions aren't a surprise, but his shoutout is. Jim's ears prick -- well then. He's a little smug, despite his slight absense. He smiles, nods, that's it. The rest of the announcements are standard -- this week has been pretty slow, though he supposes the Rosebloods incident made up for it. .. He probably should go to the training event soon, though.
