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NO FUCKS GIVEN / burning religious effigies - Printable Version

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NO FUCKS GIVEN / burning religious effigies - ninazu - 12-24-2018

© lexasperated
Just beyond the Rosebloods’ scent lines, into the wastes of their desert, five massive wooden structures loomed against the backdrop of sand dunes. The wood creaked and groaned, barely more than piled firewood in vague shapes. But, the likeness of them were unmistakable when lined up side by side: the wolf, the dolphin, the serpent, the rat, and the eagle. The sun set hardly more than a few seconds ago, and the remaining daylight was fading quickly – among the wooden effigies of the Aspects, the fire-maned lioness abandoned assembling the sixth figure with a huff. She hadn’t managed to get a clear description of what animal it was supposed to look like, anyway, so she supposed she’d need to leave it out of the pantheon.

Paws digging into the sand, the lioness’s maw opened to spew forth a flood of red and blue flames – hitting each of the effigies long enough for the fire to catch before moving onto the next. The warped cracks of the burning wood filled the air, as the sky filled with thick smoke stacks. The orange-red flames reflected in Ninazu’s eyes, throwing heat across her fur as she stalked through the figures to add another sheet of fire anywhere the fire stalled on the effigies. Perhaps she ought to have left minutes ago, but it took time to assemble this sacrilegious event – and the pyromaniac was going to see it through to the end. Damn her if leading a clan meant she couldn’t enjoy seeing the aftermath of her work.


Re: NO FUCKS GIVEN / burning religious effigies - RHIANNON - 12-24-2018

―――― This body was weak, but Rhiannon had insisted. There was no way she was going to be left out of the possibility of getting on Nina's good side- or making herself useful. Even if she was now wheezing with the weight of a curious sack in her jaws, and shying away from the heat of the pyres that Nina lit up in flames, she was here, she knew that they did not have time to waste. Setting her bag of curiosities down upon the ground in between two of the piles of wood, she took up a burning stick from one and shoved it into the kindling of the last unlit mound, letting it catch and ensuring it did before she returned to her bag. Maybe it was a little over the top- No, it most certainly was, and perhaps the Roseblooders would simply be bored by their attempts, but it was a statement, and that statement was all that they had to make for these people. The bag was pulled open with a careful nudge of a small white paw, a few startled crows jumping out and attempting their flight, but halted by a quick flick of Rhiannon's wrist, their bodies going unnaturally stiff as she exhaled slowly, controlling the very blood within them, the water like it were her own, live little puppet. "Fly swift, my friends. May your sacrifice serve a purpose," she murmured, beneath her own breath as her head tilted upwards, listening to the flap of wings take off into the air.

However, the crows were only placemarkers, a big bold arrow pointing towards the hill, if the fire was not enough to catch; a bad omen with their deaths. The crows would fly, certainly, deep into the heart of the Roseblood camps before they would suddenly drop from the sky like flies, as if they had been struck dead on the spot. Their bodies, tumbling from the sky would hit the ground and splay, graceful wings stretched wide like they had been stopped in their very paths. The others Rhia took quickly, dead crows remaining within the bag that she quickly scattered around the effigies with as much efficiency as a sick, blind feline could. Her paws were shaking already and her breath struggled, but damned if she wasn't going to tough it out. The fires around them were catching, and Rhia quickly slipped back towards the sound of Nina, avoiding the heat of the flames as she made her way back to her Ardent's side. As much as she wanted to stick around to see the reaction of the Roseblooders, they would not be wise to be seen.

Re: NO FUCKS GIVEN / burning religious effigies - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 12-24-2018

The smell of smoke filled the air and she watched it plume up, sitting against one of the few trees scattering the territory outside of the oasis and few clusters. Teleportation easily allowed her to gain access to the area where things were happening. Most would assume that since burning something like a cross was offensive that burning any religious resemblance was offensive. However, so many religions existed and their own religion was still new, leaving them the open room to express freely so long as the psychical deities were still appeased. Jiyu had heard of things being reborn in fire, and things being reborn around this time of year, so why not just chock it up as both! Sepiroth and herself had been the two to bring The Aspects into the vision of the group, so how the two of them reacted would predict what it would do the group. "Thank you for saving me the work." the calico spoke with her dead pan expression, looking at the pittian standing in front of the burning constructs, the animal who tried to hurt them, but she wouldn't let it work. Burning things which resembled the aspects every year around the solstice? Wouldn't be difficult, and it was far better than letting the enemy think it was actually important.

Jiyu moved her tail, wrapping it around her own paws, waiting for a few moments. Honestly this was boring, and she just needed to keep an eye until they decided to leave or someone came to help chase them out as her back was a bit messed up at the moment. Hey, if she was lucky they would kill her and she could just go get a new body. "Thats the last thing we needed to do for the holidays." chatty wasn't her thing but at the moment she had no desire to instantly throw down with her back the way it was. Heck, the only reason she gave them half a second was so that she could make sure no one got attacked by them.

Re: NO FUCKS GIVEN / burning religious effigies - sephiroth - 12-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]It was the smell of smoke once again that arose Sephiroth from his slumber, followed by the soft sounds of bodies hitting the ground outside of his quarters.  The lion would slip the shadowed maw of his temple, catching sight right away of the crumpled black bodies on the ground around camp.  He approached one with a soft snarl, scooping it into his jaws before his caught of a fiery glow in the far away distance of his peripheral vision.  If the Typhoon wanted to light the camp ablaze again they would need to do better, this land was mostly building of stones and cold material and would need better fuel.

It turned out to be the Pitt this time around, burning models of the Aspects right near the Roseblood's land.  How amusing.  Would they be so inclined to disrespect the gods that lived here if he dragged one over the wastes and dangled them above the unhinged jaws of one of Ignis's serpentine servants?  In the grand scheme of things this was nothing, and if a problem arose, well, sacrifices and ceremonies were always an option to appease the gods.

Sephiroth dropped the body of the crow in his jaws to the ground with a soft sound, looking at the pair of Pittian that foolishly hung around the area.  The Pharaoh's aquamarine eyes gleamed darkly in the firelight, the flames catching the hypnotic colors in his most expressive features.  "Jiyu,"  His voice was steady as ever, his eyes remaining on Ninazu and Rhia as he spoke.  To the corners of his black lips curled upwards slightly in the tiniest of cruel and mocking smiles, a confident and arrogant look on his ghostly features.  "Get everybody to pick up the bird bodies in our territory; we'll be feasting tonight so long as these fools didn't have the foresight to poison food before dropping it on our laps.  If they're clean, well, we thank you both dearly for the holiday gift."

The shine in his eyes seemed to brighten as he lifted his chin, glancing briefly at the burning structures before speaking once more.  "I do admit the dedication is somewhat..admirable.  But still.  Pathetic really."  Sephiroth clicked his tongue like a disapproving parent and shook his maned head.  "To think that this could stop us from pleasing our gods.  In fact, perhaps we should double up on the sacrifices next time?  Perhaps hold a festival before we do the deed, truly celebrate the deities that keep us protected from the likes of you and your flea-bitten misfits, hm?  Do not think we can be stopped, it will only bring about your demises if you don't play carefully."

The male would stick around after his monologue, standing like a statue before the enemy with no fear in his aristocratic face.

Re: NO FUCKS GIVEN / burning religious effigies - teef - 12-27-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a last silent edition would be a small gold tinted fox with silver-colored wounds, standing by sephiroth and jiyu, mouth kept shut. they much preferred to stay in this body currently, able to slip away unnoticed from an enemy.

the kept blue eyes on ninazu, distrust and anger there before they gazed at the burning aspects, head tipped to the side. how foolish of them they thought silently, flicking their bushy tail. they might not hold the title of guard anymore, but they were still there to do their job, albeit potentially a little slower than before, maybe reluctant?

the glare of fire bouncing off their eyes, they sunk their claws into the ground beneath them, trying not to shiver at the memory of a burning hot knife cutting down to the bone of their shoulder. they remembered the twisted visions, the ones they had not encountered before, placed there, unsettling them. giving a shake of their pelt, bai shi remained silent, standing aloof from the pharoah and vizier, hard-eyed and ready to fight, but against who?