Beasts of Beyond
red flavour -ˋˏ✚ˎˊ- sunhaven - Printable Version

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red flavour -ˋˏ✚ˎˊ- sunhaven - venus - 12-23-2018

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was it a necessity for every single individual to be an insufferable mess for said individual to rise to leadership? or perhaps it was something one acquired from the title. was it a curse? a law? an all-mighty power bending it creations to the whims of its will wickedly? actually, it was probably just a coincidence; marina hadn't actually been all that insufferable. the new typhoon leader? she was mildly on venus' spectrum of leader-dislike, for her stubborn nature and atrocious disregard for her own health. then again, the stereotypical typhoon crewmate in venus' mind was that of a dim-witted fool abrasively rushing to fight with whatever they could get their meaty claws on. it was a fitting image that the solbinder felt inclined to help out.

was there a single medic to the typhoon's name? from what the kitsune had gathered - not really. albeit the situation back in sunhaven was much of the same really - the understaffed solbinder den seeing far too much traffic for the kitsune to be comfortable with. to break up the days filled with nothing but ailments and the next patients coming through venus' door like machinery old and forgotten, it was nice to take a breather and get some much needed fresh air.

with a woven basket by their side filled to the brim with remedies, natural and artificial, the kitsune was too tired to start rummaging around in the typhoon wonderfully unique flora, the vulpine actually waiting patiently on "the bridge to the world". it was a miracle, but pained the solbinder so not to get a closer look at the natural curiosities.

(its 230am idk how this reads, pls forgive me lmAO)


Re: red flavour -ˋˏ✚ˎˊ- sunhaven - Keona. - 12-23-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]— blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly —
"Aloha," the tiny fae chirped, impassive pale sea-green hues flickering up towards the direction of Sunhaven scent, guessing the proper angle for her head.  A long, spotted tail flicked behind her, twitching to and fro.  Not everyday a visitor from another group arrived.  Oft the strangers she found along the border belonged to no place and sought a home.

She caught the distinct smell of various herbs, recognizing a few but not with much interest.  Both of her fathers had expressed some medical knowledge, much to her surprise and curiosity, but the blind kitten held barely a passing concern for the field herself.  "I'm sure Peppino will appreciate the supplies," Keona offered, inclining her head politely.
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: red flavour -ˋˏ✚ˎˊ- sunhaven - Masie - 12-23-2018

The salty air and mass of flora could become completely suffocating if someone was not used to it, luckily for the raptor she had hatched within it. Stranger scents stuck out to the lithe female like a sore thumb, drawing her in almost instantly everytime, quickly rushing to stand beside Keona making a short chit to announce her presence to the other girl. Blinking, the raptor realized this thing in front of her kinda reminded her of techno, so she wouldn't much question it especially since it came bearing gifts and keona seemed alright.