Beasts of Beyond
SOME SILHOUETTE // joiner - Printable Version

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SOME SILHOUETTE // joiner - charactercemetary. - 12-22-2018

The wolf appears, unfortunately, to stand out. She had not wanted to do so, and as such, wore her black cloak to cover up some of her fur. Fixing the helmet which sat atop her head, Perpetualpaw begins walking closer to the border of this group. She stares out into the swamp, her red eye narrowing. Ugh. A swamp. I’ll get my paws dirty. The thought causes her to snicker. The Twilight Princess hated anything that would cause... her to look unseemly. However, she knew she would have to deal. The wolf sits down, before calling, "Hey. I’m Perpetualpaw. Can I join?"
we’ve fallen to the dark as we dive under the waves

Re: SOME SILHOUETTE // joiner - Crow Roux - 12-24-2018

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts
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Crow would wonder what such a pretty lady was doing on this end of the swamp. It was gross and wet, not to mention dangerous. If the gators or the snakes didn't kill you first, then you were bound to get lost and succumb to the elements... or your own madness. The feline knew firsthand the bog wasn't friendly; he had to get to where he was now someway.

He looked at the stranger curiously, his attenuated ears pricked slightly. "My name is Crow, and you've found your way to Tanglewood," he disclosed flatly as he took in the words Perpetualpaw said. "I don't think I have the power to carry out your request, but we can wait for someone who can."

Crow hoped he wasn't rude at all. It was a constant intrusive thought that he was not nice to others, even though they would insist otherwise. It was part of living with social anxiety.

Re: SOME SILHOUETTE // joiner - beck. - 12-24-2018

    In a, dare he say, family of oddballs worthy for freakshow attrations, being considered an outcast was quite the feat. Should he be proud of obtaining the title of resident weirdo? Granted, he had an advantage as the friendly neighborhood ghost. Aw, what the hell, Beck never had a trophy before anyway. Might as well brandish it with pride then, he supposed.

    The wolf adorned in outlandish garb below his branch, however, could have challenged him for the position and won. A surprisingly polite Crow approached, and Beck leaned forward on his perch, tucking bandaged paws under his chest. Their terse conversation wasn't any fun at all. "Why?" the boy chirped, his shrill tone lilting as he owlishly tilted his head to the side and blinked down at Perpetualpaw from his higher ground -- or higher branch? Who cares. Swiping his tongue over razor-blade teeth visible through the disfiguring scar on his snout, Beck rolled onto his back and allowed his front half to dangle from the branch, auburn cowlicks falling from his eyes. Now viewing her from an upside-down perspective that made his gut clench in the despised memory, the medic offered an ear-splitting giggle, "What's with tha-at mask of yours? It's funny-lookin'!" Yeah, like he was one to judge masks or helmets or... whatever it was.

Re: SOME SILHOUETTE // joiner - charactercemetary. - 12-24-2018

Who came first was an oddly regular animal. A grey tabby tom, who seemed a bit shy. Hah! Was she so beautiful that he had no words left? The wolf lifts a paw to her maw, showing one fang briefly and chuckling. He was rather polite, as all creatures should be towards such a princess. However, it was a shame that he could not carry out her request. "Ah, well thank you for approaching, mister Crow." The wolf's tail flicks back and forth, waiting for someone else to show.

The next person, however, was a bit more... uncouth. The princess' red eye narrowed, and she huffed at the domestic cat. What gave him the right to judge her, asking her why she was in this place? Not to mention, he called out her Fused Shadow, a priceless heirloom! The wolf bared her teeth, snarling. Oh, if it were not for the laws of their lands, she would have slapped him upside the head or worse. "Why, you little-- I need a place to stay! And this is not
a mask, it is part of the Fused Shadow!"

we’ve fallen to the dark as we dive under the waves

Re: SOME SILHOUETTE // joiner - suvi. - 12-25-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
— kiira | tanglewood | medic —
The what? The petite vixen materialized next to her fellow medic, albeit with only half her body corporal.  Certainly... A member of the odd, but aside from the occasional strange look, no one bothered her on her... Glitches.  Given a docile and sensitive nature, unlikely Kiira could take much in terms of being called out for it.  As such a pair of unmatched hues danced to and fro, from Beck to the newcomer, blinking.

Snow white paws shifted uncomfortably, teeth nipping into the inside of her cheek.  "A-anyone l-looking to j-join is a-allowed in," the youth pointed out with a flick of her ear.  Auto acceptance policy.  "S-So l-long as they're n-not c-causing t-trouble or threaten' an-anyone." In case anyone wanted to be picky.

With a polite smile, Kiira inclined her head lightly.  "S-so w-welcome to T-Tanglewood.  'm K-Kiira, one of th-the medics, al-along with Beck h-here," who had already offended her, but oh well.  Looks like a mask.
[color=#da1633]— N̶̶OW͟ [color=#c32452]WE͢͜͞'͜͟͞R̸̡E LO̷͟Ś͜͞T S[color=#ad3271]O̷UL̵̛S̵҉ AL̛͏[color=#9e3a85]L ST[color=#8f449a]U̶CK I͞͠N T҉̵HE͡ PA[color=#804cae]S̷̶͘T̕͟ —

Re: SOME SILHOUETTE // joiner - arcy - 12-27-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Tanglewood seemed to attract all the strangest characters. It was weird to think that he was kind of ... normal, here. He wasn't a ghost, didn't glitch or anything. He was just a snarky daredevil -- not that he had really amped up his snarkiness lately. There was something emotionally exhausting about existing right now, which Jim would never admit, in his life. He had a reputation to think of.
"The hell is a Fused Shadow?" Jim almost demands, except that his words have a sort of careless laziness to them. He's too used to joinings by this point. Even the more bizzarre ones. Even the ones with really pretty people -- partly because Jim can't bring himself to be attracted to anyone in this form. He shakes his head. "Okay, whatever. Welcome to Tanglewood. Call me Jim!" He introduces, a sudden spark of energy hitting him as he grins charmingly. Perpetualpaw was a weird name. It seemed to follow a certain style, different from any of the other Tanglers', but Jim had heard weirder. He'd been a starship captain, and there were aliens. That was it. That was all.
