Beasts of Beyond
how'd i ever get so off my rocks / body at border - Printable Version

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how'd i ever get so off my rocks / body at border - sephiroth - 12-22-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"](bit of gore in the post!)

An eye for an eye, a life for a life.  Seemed like a fair mantra.  But Sephiroth was theactric, dramatic, and cruel when it came to making his point.  He despised getting his paws dirty, but vengeance called his name and Mother hissed dark desires into his ear, he would need to satisfy himself and her.  He lived to please.

The scent of Pitt had bene left on Roseblood territory alongside a rotting body left on the border, so Sephiroth figured it was only fair to repay their enemy.  The heavy scent of Rosebloods hung in the air near the Pittian border; a mix of dry desert heat and clean refinement , coupled with Sephiroth’s own scent which was a sickly sweet mix of many pleasant scents compounded together that screamed of the lion’s arrogant nature.

The Rosebloods leader was long gone but the remains of his presence were obvious.  There was the body of a long creature left by the Pitt border, all scales and muscles.  An anaconda or some other similar large snake, the incredibly long form stretching across the scent border of the rogue group.  From a distance one would be incredibly concerned, but the limpness of the beast would quell those worries.  There was…something ran right through its skull.  It appeared to be a tree limb of sorts, a large and pointed branch that was driven right through its head, in through the dome of its skull and jutting out from its bottom jaw.  Very little, even a huge serpent of around 20 feet, could survive that.

Sephiroth’s scent was all over the corpse, making it very clear that this was his doing.  How did he do it? That was his secret, though it did involve great strategy and speed on his end, making sure he was not caught and making the snake ended up right where he needed it in order to deal the fatal blow.

The fact that Sephiroth could take down such a beast alone should be incredibly concerning.  It was a clear message, a show of his strength, of what could very easily happen to any Pittian who crossed his path.

Re: how'd i ever get so off my rocks / body at border - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-23-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
[ detailed mentions of the scene ]

The stench was powerful, revulsive, overwhelmingly strong. It was unable to go ignored, at least not by the hellhound, which led him straight towards the scene of the crime. Scales were s c a t t e r e d across the ground, dark streaks of crimson strewn about in a graceless fashion. Blood slowly bubbled on the edges of the puncture wound before dribbling down the fleshy creature and drying onto the surface of its body. Beady eyes were e m p t y and lifeless, and it was painfully obvious that it had not gone peacefully. The gory sight of the stake driven through its crown was unsettling, even to a man who was well-used to witnessing ( as well as taking part in ) less-than-pleasant scenes.

He stood there, silent and still, as dim orange visionaries fixed onto the snake's limp form. As if the aroma of metallic substance was not prominent enough, another scent also followed — The Rosebloods. Lucky had recognized it from when he had visited their territory himself, with one of their own. There was no doubt that this was payback, a warning, an attempt to scare him into submission. Although he had to keep a straight-face in order to bear the sight of the serpent, he was not discouraged. More cautious, perhaps, but he was now more motivated than before. Punks like that would not get away with such a threat back at home, back in his pack. His uncle would have ordered him to behead the offender and serve it to him on a silver platter. In this case, doing so would not be easy, but Lucky was determined to get what he wanted, one way or another.

Re: how'd i ever get so off my rocks / body at border - Stryker - 12-23-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] But was it really an eye for an eye? The Rosebloods had attacked first, killing their present leader for a pitiful sacrifice based on his false gods. They had no right to attack back. Yes, The Pitt had taken a member or two of theirs, but Stryker didn't find that to be end's meet for their enemy. It was really lackluster. After all, it was two of their unworthy members that were being taken away. Two problems eliminated. Wasn't it a benefit for both sides? Perhaps not. If these members really meant something to them, The Rosebloods should of came running instead of sending a mere serpent to their doorstep. What a joke.

Upon arriving, he stood side-by-side near Lucky with neon hues gazing down at the serpent curiously. A paw lightly dipped into the blood. His claws, now covered in crimson, were eyed carefully before he looked over at Lucky. Stryker scoffed lightly. "What a feat," he cockily mentioned. As he spoke, he brushed off the blood onto his pelt. "Killing a giant snake is an achievement, I suppose..." While it wasn't impressive to him, despite the smile target, it still held meaning to the Roseblood's leader. Something had to be done accordingly. A plan festered within his thoughts. If they wanted to leave a message, he'd gladly give them a pleasant reply back. "I'll deal with this accordingly," the ivory lion rumbled darkly.