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and he looks so fine / bow-tie - Printable Version

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and he looks so fine / bow-tie - clarence a. - 12-22-2018

Clarence was beginning to think that he had mostly adjusted to this world as well as anyone could possibly expect him to. It'd been... about a month now? He was pretty sure that was around the right time frame. Maybe closer to a little over a few weeks. Whatever the case, he was progressing well enough. He still didn't sleep but he didn't attribute that to his new body and location. No, that had to be because of... other factors. He hadn't been able to sleep long before his arrival in the Ascendants and he couldn't expect to start sleeping as soon as he came to a new place. Not all of his problems were resolved and in fact he felt as though he'd been left with more unresolved problems than solutions but... still. There wasn't anything he could do about it now.

One thing he hadn't been able to get used to, though, was the idea that he was constantly naked. He knew everyone else was too and he shouldn't be so self conscious but he couldn't help it. He knew that fur covered most of his body and most clothes would just be too hot or uncomfortable, even in this winter weather, but he wished he had something. He hadn't really been actively searching but then he found it. The perfect accessory. It didn't cover as much as he would've liked but it was a nice, plaid pattern and the browns and blues went well together. He'd never been one for fashion, it'd really just all been a matter of picking out colors he enjoyed but were still professional when he'd been a human, but this was nice enough. It might not be a full suit, but it brought back at least some sense of normalcy. So, the jaguar picked up the bow-tie and wasted no time in tying it around his neck, a light smile on his maw.

Re: and he looks so fine / bow-tie - JERSEYBOY - 12-22-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]YOU AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A HOUND DOG — TAGS[/glow]
Jerseyboy was not entirely sure why he adorned his plain, black bow tie on a daily basis. It wasn't like it held any special meaning to him, nor had anyone gifted it to him or anything. He had just found it one day, back when he had lived in the city, a special small-sized one for animals like him. He had tried it on and had dug the new look, so he hadn't stopped wearing it ever since. Some people tended to make him out as some sort of posh, fancy purebred that had come from a rich home, but that was far from the case. He wasn't wearing it to fool people into thinking he was a "trust fund baby". He just thought he looked like a handsome son of a bitch.

The tuxedo tom had come across Clarence sporting a tie of his own, and he managed a small sneer. [glow=black,1,400]"You tryin' t' steal my look?"[/glow] Sometimes it was impossible to get a grip on Jerseyboy's sarcastic tone and tell it apart from a serious one. [glow=black,1,400]"It's crooked, pretty-boy."[/glow] Teased the tom in passing. He would've adjusted it himself, but that required the effort he wasn't willing to put in. Besides, he was too short to reach.

Re: and he looks so fine / bow-tie - ATTICUS - 12-23-2018

―――― Atticus, other than his face paint, saw little use in accessories. It wasn't that he didn't like them, or didn't appreciate them- he could appreciate a nice-looking necklace or adornment just as much as anyone else- but it was not something that he would be caught wearing. In any case, the sarcastic tone of Jersey caught his attention, and if there was something that had gotten that man to waste his time and breath in making a comment on, he wanted to see. As he rounded the corner, he could say he was at least presently surprised by the sight of Clarence- that guy was everywhere, wasn't he?- Yet as Jersey simply made to take his leave he chuckled lowly and stepped forward to help Clarence straighten the bowtie out. "It looks nice on you, Clarence. It suits," he offered lightly in comment before he took a small step back to return Clarence's personal space.

Re: and he looks so fine / bow-tie - clarence a. - 12-26-2018

Honestly, Clarence hadn't even thought about the fact Jersey wore a bow tie when he found the item. If he had, he probably would've been worried it belonged to him, even if it strayed from his rather formal, plain black style. Besides that, it was much to large for the neck of a domestic cat. In any case, he would've at least made more of an effort to confirm it didn't belong to the other man. However, he hadn't thought about it. The truth was that such clothing wasn't uncommon in his own world and he hadn't really considered the fact that most men didn't bother wearing them (or any clothing for that matter) here. Thankfully, the feline didn't seem to be genuinely upset with him. At least, he was pretty sure he wasn't. It was a bit hard to tell but he assumed the best simply because he wasn't looking for a fight. He assumed that if someone like Jerseyboy was looking to fight him, he would already know about it. He seemed a bit embarrassed at the question of whether or not he was trying to steal Jersey's 'look' nonetheless (honestly, he wasn't entirely sure what that meant) and then seemed to grow even more flustered when told it was on crooked. He began to raise his paw to fix it, "Oh, uh, thank you-" However, both the action and his words soon died as Atticus himself approached and fixed it for him. At both the action and the man's comment, he gave a sheepish smile and cast his eyes downward briefly before looking back up at Atticus. "Um, well, thank you. That's very kind of you to say. And thank you for fixing it up as well. I would've never noticed."