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Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - Printable Version

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Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - jacob w.c. - 04-23-2018

Jacob had been the one to advocate for this, he'd been the one to try and change Leigh's mind. Yet he still felt an anxious knot forming in his chest as he drew close to the Typhoon's border. There was a part of him that still wondered if this was the right thing to do, despite his strong convictions on the subject. The Typhoon was volatile. As someone who studied patterns, the idea of not being able to predict every working piece of this situation was nerve wrecking, even if he was sure he was on the right side of it all. While he believed that, on the whole, they were good and they'd provide many important things for Snowbound, there was no denying the fact it'd taken two attacks before Guru had been punished. There were things he still didn't understand but he also couldn't deny the kindness that'd been shown to him. Pincher had dealt with him for nearly a week in the worst state he'd been in since the original fire. He'd listened to all of his awful rambling, he'd likely lost sleep when Jacob experienced night terrors, he'd seen the worst Jacob had to offer. The truth was Jacob could've made the trip back to Snowbound sooner but he hadn't ever told any of them about any of that. There was no way Pincher didn't know that after all that'd happened.

When he was friendly and got along with most of the people he lived with, he wasn't particularly open about his past. Even this far from the city, there were still concerns of someone coming to find him again or someone trying to capture him or someone trying to hurt the people he'd grown to care about. The less everyone knew about him, the better off they'd all be. None of the Snowbounders even knew his last names other than Jersey. Yet Pincher knew everything and Jacob wasn't sure how to feel about that. All he knew was he owed the doberman his life and this was the best he could give him. Well, at least try to give him. The alliance Jacob knew he wanted.

The husky approached the border with a basket clutched in his jaws. In it was a variety of baked goods, oreos, and, near the top, a rubber duck. He'd stayed in Pincher's room while he was here and he'd seen a little duck on the captain's desk. He wasn't sure why he had it but Jacob remembered thinking it was amusing. Maybe if the alliance didn't work out as a gift, he could just send him a rubber duck every day and call it good. A soft sigh escaped him as he settled down, happy to relax his legs after such a long trip. Now he just hoped someone would come soon so he could deliver his gifts and his news. He just hoped it wasn't Guru. He wasn't sure how he'd handle being alone with her again. 

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - lilyspoise - 04-23-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
Luckily for Jacob, Lilyspoise wasn't Guru. Perhaps unluckily for him, she also wasn't Pincher. But Lil knew not of either of the impacts the facts had, so she simply padded over, dropping the herbs she was carrying down to the side of her, and looking back up at Jacob. He was definitely bigger than her, him being a husky and her being a domestic tabby, but he didn't smell like the enemy, so she didn't particularly fear him. Plus, he had a gift basket, and people looking to kill you didn't exactly wine and dine you first, they usually just killed you.

Lil was quiet as she inspected him, noting mentally that she was probably making him highly uncomfortable by essentially sizing him up, but she also didn't really care if she, a tiny creature when compared to him, scared him.
"May I have your name and business, please?" Lilyspoise asked, voice softer and kinder than her previous actions seemed to portray her as. She wasn't trying to be rude, but there was no harm in taking caution when talking to a complete stranger. "I'm Lilyspoise of the Typhoon."

Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - Guru - 04-23-2018

"Oh boy..."

The drawl of sarcastic joy came from the caracal as she wandered up to Lilyspoise's side with a snort. Though Jacob seemed like a delicious piece of ass for her to rip apart, Guru had already been warned for her significant actions upon her and London. Thus, she saw no need to take her shot at the male. If it cost her another ear, then it'd better be for a damn good reason and not this rather lame encounter.

Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - bubblegum - 04-23-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon
the bengal kitten had been very curious about the new world around her as she grew. she couldn't move around too far until recently, as she grew to be a few months older, though her tiny body and big paws stayed with her as she grew, quickly proving to hinder her ability to move; not that she let it stop her. no, she loved to run around and try out different things! and that was partially what had brought her here.

she had noticed the familiar scent of her mother moving somewhere, followed by something...nice. she wasn't sure what it was, but it did smell good, and she wanted to find out right away. the little girl hopped over, tripping over her paws as she got closer, but quickly getting up and stopping near her mother. "hiya!" she squealed excitedly. she'd never seen this boy before - he smelled weird. "what's in the basket? it smells pretty." goldie then questioned from next to her mother, eyeing it curiously. "pretty" wasn't necessarily the right word in this context, but she didn't really know any better.

Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - jacob w.c. - 04-23-2018

Jacob's gaze was drawn to the first woman to approach, who seemed to be looking him over. The husky shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, glancing briefly to his bandages as though he were worried one of them had slipped and he'd revealed his scars. That was the only reason he could think of as to why she'd be looking him over in such a manner. Then she smiled and asked him his name while offering her own. He let out a brief sigh of relief but he found himself looking over her shoulder in search of Pincher. Then his eyes snapped back to the woman before him. Why did he care if the captain was here or not? He'd hear the news eventually anyway and he was sure he could get someone else to hand him the rubber duck and he could have someone else show him the proper way to eat an oreo. Yet Jacob wanted to do all those things himself. This was supposed to be payment for how he'd helped him, after all, so it only made sense for him to wait. He supposed he'd just stick around until the captain eventually showed up. "M' name's Jacob n' I came ta' let ya'll know that Snowbound has decided ta' do a sorta' trial alliance with ya'll. We'll take ya' as an ally for two weeks and then, at the end ah' that time, Leigh's gonna' make a final decision. Ta' help with that, 'm gonna' host an event real soon n' invite ya'll ta' come join us, so long as ya' accept, so that everyone can get ta' know each other a li'l better," he explained before soon adding, "Oh, n' brought these gifts for ya'll ta' enjoy."

When Guru spoke, the frosthealer barely seemed to acknowledge her. His eyes shifted to her when he heard her voice but after that he snapped his attention back to Lilyspoise until he heard a small voice and moved his attention to the little girl that'd arrived. His ears perked slightly and a wide smile spread across his maw. Jacob adored children and he was quick to open the basket, removing the rubber duck that sat on top and setting it beside him before grabbing one of the pesto balls and breaking it into a smaller piece. "Hello! 'S food! I like ta' bake a whole lot. This is jus' some bread with some herbs n' things ta' make it taste real nice but I've got some sweets in there too. I'll let your parents decide how much ah' that they wanna' give ya', though. Ya' can try this if ya' want. Don' eat too much, though, it could make ya' sick," he advised as he held out the bread towards the child.

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - lilyspoise - 04-23-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jacob." Lilyspoise said, smile growing wider. Allies were allies, and Jacob seemed incredibly sweet, so there was no need to be harsh. Guru seemed to think otherwise, but then again, Lil didn't think Guru genuinely got along with anyone. "I'm not a high position, so I can't give any final jurisdiction, but I can pass a message along, if you'd like. Or you can hang out for a little bit to see if Pinch swings by, but I don't know what the odds of that are, exactly." In all honesty Lil didn't mind chatting with Jacob, she wanted to know what kind of herbs he put in to be honest. It wasn't that she didn't trust him, but rather that since he was from a different kind of territory, there was bound to be a difference in the types of herbs. As a healer she knew herbs, even ones she hadn't seen personally she'd studied, but she still knew that there was an entire world out there and plenty of knowledge she didn't have access to. "What herbs did you bring? Although not officially appointed to the clan, I'm still a healer by my own right, and I'd love to know about differences in what plants our territories have to offer."

Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - Luciferr - 04-24-2018

Hymn of Ruin
"A generous gesture - Lucifer GRimm, a pleasure" a third voice rumbled as the largest shadow cast across them all - the dragon hovering over the residents as usual as was his way - snowbound wasn't it? hm, he might've joined there if his wings had brought him their way first mayhaps.

alas fate decrees as it always does - so he'd traded in snow and cold for sun and sand.

he stops just behind and beside Lily with a polite nod to her and the youngster following Guru, shifting to settle against the ground in an effort to loom a little less - he'd heard of what had happened between Guru and presumably this one if the descriptions and gossip of typhoon matched up - it certainly hadn't endeared the serval(caracal?) to him though he hardly showed it, starting fights with another clan when they already had a large target to focus on was asking for trouble.


Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - MADI - 04-26-2018

Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - jacob w.c. - 04-27-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob listened to the woman as she told him her name and he was quick to answer, "'S a pleasure for me as well, ma'm." He nodded as Lilyspoise explained she couldn't tell him much but he was quick to reply, Oh, uh, I don' mind waitin' 'round a little longer. Oh, I also got this map for ya'll. We're gonna' have an event for all ah' us ta' get ta' know each other, as long as ya'll accept ah' course, n' this should lead ya' ta' where it'll be out. I'll also try ta' leave out markers the day of that way no one gets lost. 'S pretty barren so it might be hard ta' tell where you're goin'," he explained as he held out the paper for her. "Oh, I actually didn' bring any herbs with me. I hate ta' say it but we ain't got much ta' spare righ' now. I jus' use the pesto ta' cook with n' I have that from when I moved ta' Snowbound. That's still where most ah' the supplies I've been usin' are from but we're gonna run out soon. 'Ve been able ta' dig up a few things n' we have a lotta' berries that I can use, like raspberries n' things. I've also been able ta' find mint, sage, lemon balm, thyme, n' rosemary. It still certainly ain't the selection 'm used to. With the warmer season comin' up, I'm hopin' I'll be able ta' find more," he paused for a moment before adding, "Actually, I was thinkin' of makin' a group ah' healers between all the clans ta' meet in Snowbound once a month or somethin' ta' talk about their research n' how things are goin' n' all that. Do ya' think you'd be interested in anythin' like that? Or that the healer here in Typhoon would be interested?"  

His attention was then turned to the great dragon that came before them. He couldn't help but widen his eyes a bit at the sight but then, realizing it simply appeared that he was staring at the man, he gave a frenzied reply, "Oh, sorry, 's nice ta' meet you too, sir." He seemed to relax when another child arrived and a wide smile came across his maw, his tail lazily thumping on the ground behind him. "'S bread! Well, bread with some herbs n' thing in it ta' make it taste real good. 'N yeah! I made them all for your clan so ya' can take whatever ya' like. Do you wanna' try part ah' one?" he offered, breaking off another piece and holding it out for the new child. "I dunno' if ya' already heard but my name's Jacob," he soon added. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: Together we stand // open+Snowbound visitor - lilyspoise - 04-28-2018

There are many names in history
but none of them are ours.
lilyspoise ♕ the typhoon ♕ budding flower ♕ tags
As Jacob brought up using herbs as spices in meals, Lil considered the possibilities. She'd never been one to overindulge in luxuries, and with a lack of permanent residence for so long, most of her food was on a catch-and-go basis. But nowadays it didn't have to be that way-- she could add ingredients and make meals genuinely enjoyable instead of a simple necessity. It was a fact of life that felt so obvious now that she knew to think of it, but had never occurred to her prior.
"Do you have any writings about the mixture of herbs and food? I'd love to study this more in depth." Lilyspoise inquired, glancing up from the herb basket to Jacob, just now noticing the map an accepting it.

A healer's meeting, hm? Well, Lil was definitely interested, but she'd need to get Pincher's okay on that. She wasn't the clan's official healer -- not that there was one, at the moment -- so she didn't want to step on any toes, but the idea of meeting with other healers between clan to share knowledge and research was an opportunity that excited the tabby beyond belief.
"That sounds like a wonderful opportunity-- I'd love to partake in it. I'd have to get clearance before just wandering off, of course, but I doubt Pincher would mind such a meeting unless it involved the Tanglewood." Of course, saying that came more-so as a precaution. Knowing that Jacob was here delivering the news of a temporary alliance likely meant that they weren't friendly with the Tanglewood, or at least knew of the warfare between the aforementioned clan and the Typhoon.