Beasts of Beyond
LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - Printable Version

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LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - ninazu - 12-22-2018

© lexasperated
The empty siren song of revenge failed to stop after she brought down the dragon; instead, the song transformed from a lullaby to base-heavy club shit. Having dragged the golden eastern back to the Pitt, she took the liberty of peaking inside his mind and securing his legs with expertly tied rope and tight chains. He had the liberty of being tortured inside her personal temple, dressed with gold and water fountains -- a lavish display, given their location in the wastes.

Stepping back to look at the setup, she tested the restraints another time before deciding it was time to proceed. As for waking him up, though -- she took out one of her sharpened scalpels, kept from her erudite days, and levitated it with telekinesis over his closest clawed paw. Surgically precise and taking her sweet time, she attempted to dislodge a few of his golden scales from him. If that didn't wake the dragon, well, she could keep escalating.

[member=2039]bai shi.[/member]

Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - teef - 12-22-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the shadows were a mess in their own mind, pounding and throbbing to each step the lioness had made with their body. now in her temple, they were groggily coming to, pain shooting through their leg and paw in ripples.

they gave a pained noise, a hiss rattling out through their teeth, automatically calling on the air in the space in the area they were in, drawing it in attempting to knock away the lioness from their paw and body, instantly going to get up before finding the restraints keeping them down.

giving a mighty growl they shook their head as the scales popped off, silver blood instantly welling up and rolling down their leg, "they go dull after you take them off"

Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - Stryker - 12-22-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] What did they have here? Another Roseblood scum? Stryker wasn't surprised. After Ninazu's capture and her promotion to ardent, she was bound to demand their attention and screw them over in the finest ways. It was ravishing. Stryker was enjoying all of her performances so far, along with those who also participated in the tango. Plus, he got to see Jeriside. What a dumb motherfucker. Nevertheless, this was between HER group and the Rosebloods. With her leading, the fight was wound to be dirty. Couldn't say he disliked it though... The former leader was definitely starting to enjoy where this conflict was going.

As he wandered over to see gold scales coming off the stranger, he let out a soft huff. "Why," came his sly coo, "Look what we have here!" Neon hues narrowed. The ivory lion's head craned off to the side, long mane falling into his face. He'd gladly watch the rest of this.

Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - ninazu - 12-23-2018

© lexasperated
Her golden eyes watched them, almost lazily, as the golden dragon violently roused from slumber. Carefully inspecting the dripping silver blood, she took a curious sniff before bottling it in a freshly cleaned vial. The lioness saw a few creatures with odd-colored blood – but silver? She thought she might be able to cheat a few idiotic merchants with this. Her right ear flicked as he growled and informed her the scales going dull; a dull click sounded from her tongue. “What a pity. They grow dull, just as you do in the Rosebloods; unlike your leader, I do not have arbitrary reasons for my violence,” she sated, carefully levitating the scales and vial into a glass jar off to the side.

“Your leader called for tortures and deaths in the name of his imaginary gods – you know this, and you stood by. Let it happen, willfully doing nothing,” she coldly told him, her golden eyes refusing to look at his face. Instead, she turned back to his leg and started the work of attempting to carefully remove another small batch of scales. “I suppose to you and him they are all nameless, aren’t they? But one of your precious Rosebloods captured me, tortured me, killed me. I was a medic back then, you know – but your Vagabond did not care, and your Sephorith knows. I think he feels proud of making me a sacrifice to his fake little gods.” Ninazu did not believe in senseless violence; every cut and every burst of her flame had a point. And it showed in her torture methods.

The flames within her mane flared, growing hotter and larger as she continued to wretch scales free – adding them to a levitating collection hovering behind her as she worked. “What do you have to say to someone that bore the consequences of your leader’s insanity?” she dispassionately asked, finally looking to his wretched face with blazing eyes.

Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - teef - 12-23-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a silence filled the area around them, hard blue eyes focusing on the two lions in the space with them. they turned their gaze back to ninazu, muzzle curling back.

"are you honestly trying to get me to change sides to the pitt, miss?" they rumbled darkly, gaze dark at first as they relaxed, pushing aside the pain of their scales being plucked away, watching in satisfaction as each grew dull with every prick. if one looked hard enough, they would be able to see the much smaller and softer scales that were like dirty silver and bronze mixed together, laying under their blood.

"if he killed you miss, it was probably because you pissed him off. judging from your words, you probably deserved a death. i didn't hear anything of us managing to capture a medic though. almost humorous now." they responded openly, blinking at her, deciding to let the comments about sephiroth slide, instead yawning as if the entire farce was boring to them.

Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - ninazu - 12-23-2018

© lexasperated
Bai Shi’s words failed to truly surprise her, though the lioness felt a little disappointed. Sighing, she placed the removed scales in the jar – the words coming out of that muzzle hardly sounded different from what she would expect from a cult member. But she supposed the man ran his group as one. “You’re not very smart, are you? If I were trying to persuade you to join the Pitt, would I have started with plucking out your scales?” she drily retorted back at him, But something in there struck a nerve – perhaps the word choice of humorous – and she decided to accelerate some aspect of her torture.

She’d weaken his mind with pain before diving in; well, that was a bit of a lie. Ninazu could dive in now – could have done so when he was unconscious – but she enjoyed playing with her food too much. Even in the Pitt, she rarely allowed herself to act on her sadistic impulses due to their damn irrationality. But with this vengeful capture that convinced themselves to be Sephorith’s yes man bitch, the ardent was willing to act a tad more reckless than usual.

Fire swirled around the scalpel, heating it until the blade glowed with the heat. “You talk about him as if he’s rational, but would a rational leader proclaim himself a god?” she questioned, slowly lowering the blade onto the exposed flesh. She went to remove the scales on his arm for the convenience – appendages often were the quickest way to cut directly to the bone without risking a severe injury in the process (such as the ribs) and she wasn’t willing to let him die before she finished with him. If successful, she’d try to sink the blade until it cut into the bone, and then drag it down through the exposed patch of flesh. In all honesty, she felt similar to that time when a friend challenged her to perfectly eat a chicken wing – but only allowed to touch it with one of her knives.

Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - guts - 12-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Where she had once met bloodshed with hesitance, she now accepted it, even somewhat eager whenever someone brought in a capture. She was always there somewhere to watch, lingering in the back where no one could see her, but where she could see everything. She remembered when she got her own capture, her first one and only one currently. Sometimes she considered going out and snatching someone else, but she was busy with her position nowadays. At least she could still observe others.

Taking her seat, Cosette settles an expectant gaze onto Ninazu and her victim, a vague curve to the corner of her lips. She had only heard so much about the Rosebloods, and to be frank, none of it was good. They were a bunch of blind followers.

Insults play about on her tongue, ones she had seemed to pick up from her former mentor, but she doesn't give any voice to them. This one didn't deserve an inch of her spit, if she was concerned. No, ones that gave pain to others and tried to play it off as nothing didn't deserve anything but a taste of their own tricks. As far as she was concerned, the Pitt had justified reasons for their crimes.


Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - teef - 12-23-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


"every man and woman deserves a chance to be rescued from their madness." they responded calmly, muzzle split into an annoyed grin. "my pharoah is no different. you've just got your head too far up your ass to see that there is change." they answered casually as if the topic of the conversation didn't bug them one bit.

they kept their gaze on the hot blade that glowed, a memory coming to the surface of their childhood. burying the hated memory they scoffed, leg tense under the blade as it sliced in, both cauterizing and rending open their flesh. the memory that kept pushing back at them was of when they were young and they watched their father be slain in front of their eyes by their father's own intimate partner, a burning hot light exploding from the dying man, scalding their body. a short pained noise creaked from their jaws at the memory of that pain.

Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - ninazu - 12-24-2018

© lexasperated
Watching the flesh bleed and burn, the ardent nevertheless caught the sound of agony -- her right ear twitched, and she knew she found the right method to crush him. Yanking the blade out of his skin, she twirled the red-hot metal in the air while looking across the golden scales for another target. "You think you can rescue him? You can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved," Ninazu told the beast, claws tapping against the stone floor of her temple.

"If you try to change him, he will only hurt you -- perhaps by striking you, beating you. Or by throwing you away like garbage," she continued, suddenly attempting to shove the glowing blade into his shoulder, dragging it across and through the bone to make for a horrific scar later. "You're so in love with the idealized him that's in your head, it's pathetic. You can't even see what a monster he really is -- I could pity you, I really could... but why would I, when it's this entertaining to hear you defend his disgusting ways?"

Re: LET'S MAKE THIS MOMENT LAST FOREVER // rb capture + torture - teef - 12-25-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


they let out an agonized breath, "he is doing well, better than before. better than I have ever seen him. there are only two ways to cure a man with his madness: you can kill him, or you can take his hand and pull him out." they responded, teeth bared against the ripping pain as the blade bit deep into their shoulder, the scales being ripped apart by the intense heat.

groaning they struggled against the bonds once more, pale blue eyes sliding closed than reopening, mutated pupil fixed on ninazu, breathing out fiercely, "if that is the price i must pay for being an alteration in his life, than so be it. i grew up with far worse under my father's gaze in our house. beaten for the smallest thing i did wrong, gods above, i would be thankful if he even paid attention enough to injure me."

coughing slightly, they laughed, a horrid, wretched noise, "in love with my idealized version of him?" they snorted, amused by the very idea, "if that were the case, i would still defend him. he was there when i lost my brother, sephiroth nurtured my heart where it broke and provided me the stability i needed to heal. and so, i swore myself to the service of protecting him. it may get me killed, but i would gladly die in that service." they growled at her, a fire in their eyes as their memories threatened to overwhelm them at that mention of the recent past.

the memories starred days and nights spent with their 'brother', more an adopted stranger that they had come to love irrationally as they grew up together. they remembered the days of racing through golden corn fields, protecting the younger being from the bullies that prowled after him like wolves to sheep. they remembered the day they first killed, and the horrified look on their brother's face. they remembered the distrust on his face as they were named the heir to the family throne and crown, their body soaked head to toe in the visceral fluids of enemies that sought the throne. they remembered the shock on his face the day that they had ascended the dias and throne, the distrust and despair on his muzzle as he eyed the crown resting on their brow. slowly, these memories bled into the aftermath of finding a letter written by their brother, expressing that he would be leaving them and the rosebloods, spurred on by his small size in comparison to them, how easily he could be hurt and more.

these memories became painfully treasured, mixed with the memories of visiting tanglewood and getting into a fight with an ex leftenant of their father's army, of sephiroth leaping before them to take a hit that could have seriously injured him if he hadn't taken it across the ribs and flank. they remembered the panic and rage that had consumed them in a fever at the sight of their pharoah being hurt instead of them, his body guard. the memories thereafter, of being curled around the silver-coated lion and cleansing the wound. the memories of sleepless nights coming to find him and quietly curling around him once more. finally, the memory of being promoted to the nomarch of warfare and the warmth in their chest at being gifted a wreath of sunflowers to speak of their new rank.

the fading language of flowers came to mind as they remembered that sunlight tinged memory, the look of the lion as he gave them the wreath, the sunlight reflecting off his fur and the hidden pride that they thought they had seen in his strange eyes. loyalty and adoration they would recall, a flip of their heart counteracting the pain coursing through their body. at this point, it could be assumed that they were in deep emotional pain, their heart squeezing in their chest as ice flooded through their veins at the world-stopping realization that they came to, thanks to ninazu's words, i love him. I love sephiroth, not as a friend, not as my pharoah, not as my confidant. i love sephiroth as more than just a flawed person. i love him for everything he is.

nothing could be more painful than recognizing the affections for one you knew would never think to return them, nor tha pain of realizing that your recognition would destroy and be destructive to the current bond between you and the object of your affections. now, tears could be glimpsed in their eyes as they denied as loudly and harshly as they could, "I do not love him! i just follow him as i prefer to."