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flower crowns [★] A WITNESS TO TIME - Printable Version

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flower crowns [★] A WITNESS TO TIME - suvi. - 12-21-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
kiira | tanglewood | medic
A true challenge, within the months of winter, made itself known as restless paws sought a specific craft.  As the chill settled in, the bright flowers -- beyond the swamp, mostly -- wilted or... Faded into hibernation, awaiting the kiss of a spring or summer sun.

A small book hovered in the air, pages turned rapidly without physical touch.  Flashes of colors on old pages, scrawled notes and descriptions... Possible solutions.  Christmas roses... Snowdrops... Plox… Hellebore... Crocus... New challenge.  Tracking these plants down.  The reason for the Glitch's disappearance in the early morning.  Indeed the youthful medic set out a few hours before sunrise and did not return until sun-high.  A basket filled to the brim with winter flowers dangled in her jaws, book still following.

She could work with this.

So she did.

Quite often, paws faltered, flowers falling as flesh became transparent and non-corporal.  Sharply creased brows and soft exhales answered failed attempts and backfires of her unstable form.  Determination and stubbornness powered through, resulting in numerous winter crowns, varying from a mixture of flowers to pure specifics.  A neatly woven garland of snowdrops rested comfortably on the vixen's own head.

To succeed despite her body's faults, a bright smile flashed on the girl's maw which had begun to grow stoic over faint and confusing memories as of late.  Humming an old, nameless tune, the canine continued to work, adding to her growing collection.

Re: flower crowns [★] A WITNESS TO TIME - galexiux - 12-22-2018

  It had to admit, it has observed this behavior before. It was not the first time it has watched the decapitation of plants
for their reproductive parts because they looked or smelt nice. Mortals found a charm in flowers. It only wondered if they could comprehend how truly morbid it was in nature. Or... perhaps that was the nature of nature itself. Simply to destroy. Consume and use those weaker than it to fuel itself. Charlie could... understand it with a new light in his theory.  Though... that didn't mean it was any less morbid.

  Though it did not come here to be coddled and cooed over. Earth was fascinating becasue it was different. Everything on the planet had a blood lust, whether it noticed it or not. Everything on this hunk of rock used to be alive at one point, even the rock itself. The soil below their feet was rich with the essence of life. Bones and carcasses were buried in the soil, pressed into the rock and very body of the planet. It was almost as if the planet itself was alive. It could not relate.... but it wanted to.

  The cat-like creature tilted its head. It was much smaller than the fox. Its short legs walked (it could walk! how great!) over to Kiira, tilting its head. The pure white voids stared up at her. It blinked. ... silence. ... It opened its mouth, as if it wanted to say something, but then closed it, deciding it was not the best way to approach the situation at hand. ... more silence... It opened its mouth again, Are you aware of the plant parts on your head, ma'am?

Re: flower crowns [★] A WITNESS TO TIME - Anubis. - 12-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]The concept that this... Half-soul -- gods how he ought to tell her what she was -- vixen... Half the soul of one of the most apathetic mortals he had ever met... Took the time to track down the flowers still in bloom to make garlands of all things complicated bewildered him.  He supposed the practice of flower crowns was a bit odd, given that the flowers no longer lived when woven together... Anubis knew the gesture was oft one of giving, as the ones he'd seen partake in this practice had always passed their creations to the masses.  Wearing death like a crown.

"I believe it's on purpose," the Egyptian told the petite feline who had arrived first with a matter of fact tone, impassive gleam in his dark eyes.  "She's woven them specifically to be worn."

With curiously he glanced at her book, smiling wryly. "You're getting a good hold on that... Magic stuff, yeah?" The first time Anubis saw her levitate anything had followed after a spell.  One in a language he did not know.  His eyes flickered to her floral collection, brows furrowed.  The medic's glitches still worried him  "Can't have been easy... But they look nice, Kiira." Everyone loves dead crowns... Oh well.  They do look pretty.

// Mobile post

Re: flower crowns [★] A WITNESS TO TIME - Crow Roux - 12-22-2018

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts
[div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #464C5A, #757f96, #464C5A); width: 500px; height: 2px;"]

"They look really pretty," Crow said, then motioned to the flower crowns. He was quite impressed she had managed to find these in the winter. Plants liked to hide themselves until the weather became more favourable.

It was nice to see Kiira was enjoying herself. To be frank, it made him happy to see anyone in a good mood.

Re: flower crowns [★] A WITNESS TO TIME - arcy - 12-27-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Jim knew flower crowns existed, obviously. Though, he didn't have the greatest memories attached to them. Riverside wasn't lively enough for such a thing, so it took place on ... Tarsus. God, he hasn't said that name in years. Probably part of the healing process to .. not .. avoid its name like the plague. The younger kids had liked them, and Jim had been ever-tolerant to them shoving flowers in his hair and making flower crowns. (most of them were dead now, but -- )
The flash of pain upon seeing the garland on Kiira's head is expected. There's a flash of wilting pain on his expression, but it's gone, easy to be ignored. He takes a moment to gather his willpower before he grins widely, regarding the flower crown rather dramatically.
"A job well done!" He says, voice deeper and louder than it needs to as he throws a paw out for dramatics. He nearly topples over in his attempt, and makes an ancharacteristic squeaking noise as he stumbles, trying to steady himself. He shakes himself, and then continues on like he didn't just squeak and nearly fall over. "Did ya just learn, or?" He asks, tilting his head. Just to make conversation. Dogpiling compliments was well and fine, but it was also boring.
//listen Dont acknowledge that i replied like a week late


Re: flower crowns [★] A WITNESS TO TIME - suvi. - 12-27-2018

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
— kiira | tanglewood | medic —
A laugh nearly bubbled, broken, out of the little medic's jaws.  A soft chuckle instead took it's place, just as choked and distorted.  Flower parts.  Morbid a path of thought occured, somewhere similar in the mind of her friend the god of death.  Kiira felt little enjoyment in the death of pretty flowers, only satisfaction in successfully turning them into something new.  Success in a task awful difficult for one's glitching paws.

Her tongue pressed against the back of her throat, an answer prepared before the very Egyptian spoke.  So a soft smile wore instead and a short nod of affirmation.  "O-on pur-purpose."

To the follow-up inquiry, her head inclined lightly, hues dancing towards her book.  "Th-that's right." A better hang of it than before at least, if anything.  Muttering a quiet spell, the book dropped safely onto the ground beside her paws with a sharp thud.

Alabaster ears flicked back, sheepish at the praise, twice-over.  W̵̸h̢̢y ̕do҉̕ ̡͝y͡o҉̧u͢͡ ͢s͘è͢è̶̢k̨͝ ̵̀͠t̨́h͟e̴̛ír͞ ͞ą͡p̧p͠͝ŕ̶̨o̷͟va̛l̶̸?̛̛  Snow white paws shuffled atop each other with a soft smile.  "T-thanks."

"T-they're meant f-for everyone, so y-you can all p-pick an-any of th-them out."

Brief the crease of brows towards Jim, memories rapidly flipped through in her mind.  "" W͝hat̢ d̵oęs͞ ̧i͠t҉ ͝ma͟t͝ter?̢ "D-don' remember," the vixen admitted, smile returning, though slightly faded, as she wandered through her mind, a little lost.  "I-I've seen t-them done b-before." I think.

"N-not easy," she'd add, raising up a paw, which only seemed half-corporal.  Kiira found it unlikely she'd try this endeavor again for a little while, if only for the sheer time consuming nature of it.
[color=#da1633]— N̶̶OW͟ [color=#c32452]WE͢͜͞'͜͟͞R̸̡E LO̷͟Ś͜͞T S[color=#ad3271]O̷UL̵̛S̵҉ AL̛͏[color=#9e3a85]L ST[color=#8f449a]U̶CK I͞͠N T҉̵HE͡ PA[color=#804cae]S̷̶͘T̕͟ —