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HOME TO ME — o, joining - Printable Version

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HOME TO ME — o, joining - MYNTHE - 12-20-2018

It was the middle of the day, sun beating down on her exposed body. Every inch of her clung steadily to her bones and revealed the extent of her frame. She was malnourished, very malnourished, and desperately needed food. Even through her tired strides she could feel the constant rumble of her stomach and how it rippled through her body as if she had gotten hurt in the area. Every stride she took was full of nothing but pain, body aching, and it was bad enough that she was supposed to sleep during the day. Her eyes hung low with her fur matted and ruffled, dirtied due to the lack of hygiene available within the walls if the Pitt.

"Бежать! Бежать!" [1] The word screamed in her mind as she had finally processed the aching of her body and paws, trying to force herself to go on as long as she could manage. It had been hours since she escaped and no doubt in her mind that Snapdragon had realized by now that she was missing. They would hopefully not hunt for her as she tried to get as far away from The Pitt as she could possibly manage. At first she had been nothing short of a simple traveller, lurking amongst Pitt borders until her reluctant capture. Since then, she served as lower than them, tending to their every will as if she were a lowly piece of prey serving a predator. They made her feel powerless and weak, as if she actually was nothing and good for nothing except tending to the wills of those better than her.

With a few seconds passing by, the thylacine could feel her paws finally give way to the pain that stormed over her body, amber colored eyes closing tight as she allowed her body to shut down. Within moments her frail frame had hit the ground with a sharp thud, pain soaring up every inch of her. This was it, this was her end and she would die here, alone but at least away from the cruelty of The Pitt.

Mynthe closed her eyes for what she thought would be the last time she would ever move them, but the sound of crashing waves reached the pair of ears that lied ontop her head. Water. It had to be. She was always a strong swimmer, graced with fins and gills to be more agile in the water rather than she was on land. If she was able to drag her body into the water, she would be able to swim someplace far from The Pitt. She would be free. This thought clung to the creature as she had mustered up some strength to force herself to the body of water, motivation keeping her going. Her movements were slow and sluggish as she had been crawling at a slow pace towards the water until finally it was within eyesight the sound of crashing waves now louder and overbearing. However, the water was not the only thing within eyesight as there had seemed to be a set of rusted old train tracks that led straight.

The sight of the water built reassurance within Mynthe, the thylacine staggering to her paws. Her body shook violently with every step made, occasionally nearly toppling over her own paws. The only thought that kept her going was the sea, the way the water would cling to her body and allow the support she needed to finally rest. She felt safer in the sea than she ever would on land, knowing not many would try to swim out just to retrieve or get her.

It wasn't long until her fantasies had come true, paws dipping into the water just for her to throw her entire body in in an act of happiness. She was free.. she was truly free. The tiredness that clung to her eyes overwhelmed her completely, lids shutting tight with her body floating in the water. She made no effort to paddle her paws or swim in a direction, no, she would allow the water and currents to carry her to where ever they please to take her. She was too tired to fight back against the current and as a result, Mynthe had fallen asleep with the water gently carrying and guiding her.

Time had passed with the thylacine freely being moved by the water, her body washing up against the shore of the Typhoon's gates. The impact of being washed up on the shore was enough to awake her, Mynthe's eyes opening reluctantly as she peered over to the walls. That sight was enough to send her into full on panic.

1. Run! Run!

Re: HOME TO ME — o, joining - bubblegum - 12-21-2018

Re: HOME TO ME — o, joining - MYNTHE - 12-21-2018

Just like Goldenluxury, the sea was her home. The smell of the salt that littered it was calming to her, along with the gentleness of it's roaring waves. She enjoyed having her body soaked by the wet substance, a good way for her to relax and de-stress whenever she needed to. Due to being captured in The Pitt, Mynthe had been away from the sea for so long, all but the surroundings of desert around her. No matter where she went it was just desert, sand everywhere and no bodies of water in sight. It didn't help either that she commonly wasn't allowed to leave the main area of the territory, having others bringing what little food and water they offered to her. Often when she was captured, she would imagine herself swimming through the water as it pushed back against her body as though it were a challenge, her facial expression happen and her fur sleek instead of the ragged and matted mess it was now. She could only hope to find herself again like that. But for now she would have to remain on the defensive as so far she had been taught in her mind to trust nobody.

As if the sudden appearance of walls weren't enough for her, the sounds of rushed pawsteps were quick to fill her two sets of long ears. Her alarmed amber eyes widened in fear while she tried to think of what to do, however then the footsteps slowed down and the thylacine could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes reluctantly moved to look up at the taller and bigger figure of Goldenluxury. "Can't die here.. No! Won't! Won't die here!" Her words screamed in her ears and the creature slowly began to try and rise to her paws, body shivering and shaking in visible protest. Barely any words of Goldenluxury registered to Mynthe, all except one:


Fear easily gave way to her rage, anger filling her body as a low growl escaped through her now parted jaws. She laid there, the front half of her body lifted up with the back half pressed against the sandy shore. "Pitt.. evil." She snapped out in anger, body shaking harder as she tried once more to lift herself up before eventually collapsing once more. She was far too weak, a frustrated huff leaving her mouth as she acknowledged this fact. Still however, she kept her eyes glared at the Captain, tail swishing wildly against the sand and stirring it up around her body. She was too scared and angry to listen, her thoughts all over the place as they raced through her mind like rockets. She had no idea what to do or how to react, but rather to put up a front to try and scare off a potential threat. Mynthe had been so used to getting hurt that the only thing she knew was to be aggressive and hope for the best, and in this situation it was a last resort. She was too physically weak to move and her anger was slowly draining the little remaining energy she had left.

Her slit eyes darted to the harpy eagle that peered from behind the bengal, her eyes locked on the two with nothing but distrust. Every inch of her body screamed at her to run but all she could do was lie there, vulnerable. "Stay back!" She snapped out, mouth churning to reveal her chipped set of teeth.

Re: HOME TO ME — o, joining - bubblegum - 12-22-2018

Re: HOME TO ME — o, joining - MYNTHE - 12-25-2018

At any movements made by Goldenluxury she would begin to curl inwardly as though she were a snarling cat, back arched like she was about to pounce. She kept her eyes studied up at the Captain, concentrating on her and only her unless others decided to show up as well. "It's okay." The words didn't exactly loosen her up but rather sparked curiosity within the creature, however still holding her stance with loose jaws and bared teeth. "We won't hurt ya." Those next few words seemed to register at least something inside Mynthe, a sense of weariness but less than before. Slightly her facial expression softened and she was calm enough to realize that this person did not smell of the Pitt, though she would rather not take her chances. She remained silent, not speaking a single word as she continued to study the bigger bengal cat, wondering if there was an ulterior motive and what would it be if there was one. The body language of Goldenluxury had told her that she was not trying to harm her, but her trust was too ruined in order to believe the feline entirely. At least some of her held some slight belief that this person was not going to hurt her.

When her smile dropped, Mynthe grew even more cautious, anger slowly moving from her body until there was the mention of the Pitt. She froze for a moment before hearing the rest of what Goldenluxury had to say. "Hurt me too." Those words sparked back the anger she had felt, but not towards Goldenluxury. Rather, towards the devils themselves, the Pitt. Her eyes followed Golden's as she moved them to her back where lied a few scars. Knowing that of the Captain's hatred for the Pitt, however, had helped the thylacine to begin to slowly calm down enough. Her body began to move to a slightly more relaxed position, back no longer arched. Still however she held her ground slightly, but enough for her to make sense of things. Finally, it was Golden's voice that cut through her, bringing back her attention and nearly putting her back on edge.

Her comment of her needing to eat had reminded Mynthe that she was starving and badly too. She could still feel and hear the rumble in her stomach. She was so focused on Goldenluxury that she had forgotten. Food.. safety. Those were two things that sounded amazing to her right now. For now she decided that she would stay the night and leave the morning, get as far away from the Pitt and this place as quick as she could possibly manage. She was able to find a bit of strength to raise herself to her paws, nearly losing her footing but catching it last second. "Food..." She grumbled mindlessly as if she were talking to herself, word coated under her breath. "Need food.. want food." She had given in to her hunger, tongue rasping along the outsides of her mouth as her eyes finally laid back on Goldenluxury.