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HIGH TIDE RISING / intro - Printable Version

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HIGH TIDE RISING / intro - CORRIN - 12-20-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Uncomfortable, that's a good way to describe his current situation. He knew next to nothing about the Pitt when he had first joined, but as time went on he started to gather more and more information. All he had wanted when he first came upon the jungle, dehydrated from the walk and delirious from the heat, was a cool place to lie down and recover. But whispers of slaves, war, and torture manage to find him wherever he stops to rest. The more he learns about this place, the more he finds himself thinking about turning tail and running off to a more peaceful group. He isn't built for battle. His body is much smaller than a lot of his comrades, and his mental state isn't the kind that allows for murder. Places like the Pitt just aren't made for animals like Corrin.

Then again, he isn't sure he'd be able to just run away. Not after seeing the sort of things that go on in this jungle oasis. If he were to leave, he'd be abandoning all the captives and slaves that can't simply escape. If he didn't try to do anything, then he would be complicit in his silence. He won't allow himself to sink to the level of the other Pittians. Still, the idea of trying to kickstart a failed revolution and becoming a slave himself doesn't appeal to him in the slightest. Rise in the ranks, gain the trust of those in charge, change this place from the inside out. That is his current plan.

It seems simple enough, but he's been alive long enough to know that things rarely go to plan. He knows that its likely he'll end up in chains, or on the receiving end of one of those horrid tortures. This isn't enough to make him wonder if it's worth it though. It isn't right to weight the lives of others against his own. Even if the chance of saving them is small, it's a chance he has to take.

Corrin takes a seat in one of the broader caves, watching the other members as they pass by. He likes the caves better than a lot of the upper territory, enjoying the shelter that they provide from the heat. He hates the feeling of the sun beating down on his fur, and relishes the feeling of cool stone on his back as he leans against the rocky wall. A sigh pulls itself from his lips, and he drags a paw over tired eyelids. He has a lot of work cut out for him.

Re: HIGH TIDE RISING / intro - emil - 12-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]In many ways, Carmen both agreed and disagreed with the traditions of the Pitt. She was not the fondest of slavery, though perhaps that was a double standard on her part. She had been a slave long ago, but she had always had an affinity for... pets. In its own way, that could be seen as slavery; little things that had no set in stone views of the world, molds in need of shaping. She had taken many under her wing. Boys that claimed to be men; ghosts of their past, living in their childhoods with an almost disgusting amount of naivety. Blessed were those who came under her command. She would make soldiers of them yet.

A revolution was not exactly what she was planning. A shift in power, perhaps, but she did not intend to rally any other Pittian to join her. Should she be successful in overthrowing the current leadership, she would simply offer those beneath her a chance. A deal. Though that would all come much later. It was not time to make a move, not yet. She still needed to lie low for now, but soon... she would be standing above them all.

The heat was not something she had ever been fond of. It was still cool in the jungle, sheltered by large trees and cool breezes, but it was much nicer within the caves. It had taken her a few days to finally have the energy to explore again, and upon finding them, she was immediately infatuated. A perfect place for a vampire to reside. Almost perfect hunting ground, if she could ever manage to not get caught. Her eyes now were focused upon a lone feline, sitting within one of the larger caves. He must have been new, as Carmen could not recall ever seeing him before now.

The woman gave her banded tail a flick before deciding to wander over, maroon gaze drawing over the smaller creature for a moment too long. She simply offered a sly smile and seated herself a few steps away. "Are you new here?" Carmen purred to him, head tipping lightly. "My name is Carmen. Who might you be, darling?"

Re: HIGH TIDE RISING / intro - guts - 12-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]When she returned, there weren't many familiar faces left. Quill, Benny, Tsuyu--all of them were gone, some of their absences bringing her grief, while others she was somewhat glad to not have around anymore. It wasn't ethical for their clan, but it was just personal feelings. Nevertheless, if there were an unfamiliar face, she would know quickly. She had been in the Pitt for quite a while and she knew who was fresh meat.

Cosette pads up to the pair, keeping her distance but giving them a warm smile. "[glow=black,2,300]I'm Cosette, a healer here.[/glow]" she says curtly, then falls silent, turning expectant eyes towards Corrin. Both of them were newer members, she could see that. Had she known Corrin's admirable ambitions, she would have pitied him, as she would have seen him as nothing but a fool who refused to see the world as it was.

As someone who came from slavery, she only saw it one way: some people were just born unequal. It may not have been correct, but to her, it was.
