Beasts of Beyond
◜❝ JOLLY ❞ — gift for masie◞ - Printable Version

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◜❝ JOLLY ❞ — gift for masie◞ - drachen - 12-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; max-width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 10pt;"] Maise. The name of the one Vaughn had been given to for secret Santa and reviewed the rather loose, or flexible, wants for a gift. Nothing too hard and simple enough for the him to obtain anything that includes: shiny things, soft things, colorful things, and food. It reminds him of a child not too picky about they got and did his best to get a good enough gift. Had it been well thought out? Perhaps– he’d like to think so. The hellion had gone out later in the day after returning from his usual job of collecting debted souls and those lingering about, making sure to mask his usual scent to that of wild berries and flowers and put together the individual’s gift.

A swift trot to the gate is all it took, placing down the wicker baskets with a soft huff and ensures it’s in a safe location before he steps back to look it over.

Enjoy, Masie.

If one were to peer inside the larger wicker basket there would be a neatly a large coffee and cream plush blanket, two white furry pillows, and a box containing various sizes and shapes of onyx stones on top. The smaller basket would contain a nice honey glazed ham ready to be eaten upon arrival or possibly later, though sooner is better than later.

Hopefully that’s a good enough present, yes? A blink of the eye and the creature of hell disappeared from sight since it is called secret Santa for a reason.

( [member=2585]Masie[/member] )

Re: ◜❝ JOLLY ❞ — gift for masie◞ - MYNTHE - 12-25-2018

Mynthe had arrived too late to participate in the Secret Santa but it didn't sound fun to her either way. She preferred to keep her possessions where they were and frankly she didn't enjoy the idea of someone taking one of those things away from her. She wouldn't call herself greedy, more like overly protective of her stuff as another way to put it. Either way, the idea of Christmas seemed weird and overly complicated to her. In her past she had known of the holiday but barely paid much attention, not really that she had time to be able to pay attention to the holidays anyways. She probably wouldn't be able to even give a gift if she wanted as her urges were too strong for her to ignore and she would end up stealing them in a heartbeat. She would keep them for herself.

Quietly her presence lingered along the beach, eyes watching her path and nothing but. It looked as though she was entirely focused on nothing except where she placed her paws, or that was until the scent of ham began to overwhelm her senses. At a pace, her paws began to guide her towards the drafting scent of ham with her jaws departed. At first she allowed herself to be drawn in only to stop abruptly. What if this was a trap? She didn't want to get caught if it was. Her few moments of freedom from her paranoia did not last long at all, back to her older ways of staying on guard and watching out for anything that may try to harm her. With her mindset returned, the creature went at a slow pace with her eyes now locked on the basket. The smell seemed to be coming from there and that only made her more suspicious. However despite this, Mynthe began to inch forwards closer and closer until finally she had completely arrived at the basket. A note was there and gently she moved it to read it.

"Enjoy, Masie."

A groan left her jaws as she placed back the note and took a step back from the basket. Sadly, her name was not Masie and therefore she knew it was not for her. Grumbling under her breath, she turned and began to pad off away from the basket before she decided to take something.