Beasts of Beyond
i hate everything about you : intro - Printable Version

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i hate everything about you : intro - julia. - 12-18-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]This was not his place.

It mattered little the span of time between the rough treatment of his rather strange inclusion amongst their small numbers – paw pressed where claws and teeth had dug, found beneath the fine veins, spilled across the dark expanse of his side for he had fought as best he could – and the moment before him. Touch of tongue upon the cracked surface of lips, uneasy the hum arising from the press of teeth into the thick muscle, muffling it some. Few were the memories held, time within a place touched with sand, yet finer had it been, the grain not as course as this, and the expanse of grass as it wavered within the breeze. Neither bore a name, or so he may have thought for some flickered in and out, touched upon the idle strands of his thought before it dipped beneath the surface again.

Faint the breath suspended upon points of teeth, arising in uneasy an exhale. He had grown accustomed to this, the awakening before the sun had found its place above the crest of the horizon, the treatment dealt if he dared to speak against such rough acts, performing menial tasks for it was all he was good for – he was a tool within her hands, meant for nothing more then this. So why did his heart ache with each beat, seek the one they spoke of with venom, spat as if it held such poison within that may burn the tongue if held too long.

Rustle of claws moving over the herbs before him, counting over the meagre few. Hard was it to find anything fresh, the savage heat and lack of water was not enough for any life to flourish – yet they did, almost revelled in it, enjoyed greatly the heat drawn about the sands – and he was not permitted far. He would make do with this, working through the knowledge he held though it seemed to bare no origin, lift of duel tones eyes slight as others passed, some sneering towards the bengal for sorry was his state others simply ignoring him.

Who are you?
No one

Proud had once he been, child of the man deemed Pincher, or may it best he be called by the name given then the one taken over all else, but broken child was he, danging from uncaring hands, enjoyment taken from the prying of his mind, the pull of his flesh as it parted beneath the pressure. He was nothing, no more was he of worth, creature meant to serve only her, and so he would.

Re: i hate everything about you : intro - ninazu - 12-21-2018

© lexasperated
The young male stank of the usual slave filth – or did the ardent simply associate the smell with their lowest members – but the lioness managed to hide her disdain as she walked over to him. She failed to recognize him as anything more than a slave, remaining unaware of his family or ties to the Typhoon, but she wasn’t blind. Her golden eyes flickered down to the herbs at Silas’s paws with slight interest; though she, quite honestly, wasn’t as interested as she would have been a few weeks ago. Now that Cosette returned to the group and Rhiannon showed promise in the medical field, the Pitt no longer starved for willing medics.

So she thought of him as practically useless; nothing but a backup for a backup. “Who do you belong to?” she asked, not caring enough to learn his name. She once kept a slave for similar uses when she started out as an erudite – so she assumed Cosette or, less likely, Rhiannon thought of enlisting a slave for a similar purpose.

Re: i hate everything about you : intro - guts - 12-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Considering her own past, it could be assumed Cosette would never even think about having a slave of her own. She had bore witness to all the horrors and mistreatment, and yet she had still ended up stealing someone away, forcing them to do her bidding. However, it wasn't for no reason. She simply saw it as a way of revenge, something to get back at that bitch who took her own brother from her. This was just an 'eye for an eye' situation in her mind. Goldenluxury was just lucky she hadn't offed Silus yet.

But that didn't mean she wasn't thinking about it.

Padding up towards said male, she offered Ninazu a small smile, one that seemed sweet on the surface but held many hidden intentions. "[glow=black,2,300]He belongs to me, Ardent.[/glow]" she replies before turning to face her slave. Her eyes flick down towards the herbs he was counting, then back up to him.

"[glow=black,2,300]Are you done?[/glow]" she asks in an overly sugar-sweet tone, yet it still mingled with a hint of exasperation, impatience laced in her words. Admittedly, it was quite nice to have someone doing certain tasks for you, especially if you were busy with other things. Now that she was pretty much the only Erudite, she didn't have much time on her paws, with Ninazu being the leader now and all.
