Beasts of Beyond
✭ FUNKY, FUNKY — JOINING - Printable Version

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✭ FUNKY, FUNKY — JOINING - guts - 12-18-2018

He had never been so excited to see a beach before--and since he loved going to the beach, that was saying something.

The salty sea air tickled his nostrils, filling his lungs as he took a long, deep breath. He was so glad to be out of that gross swamp. No offense towards the people who lived there, but it was pretty grody. Anyways, he focused on the island laid out before him, surveying his surroundings for a quick moment. It looked so nice out here, so peaceful. It was the perfect place for a party or two.

For now though, he would sit back and wait, watching the hedgehog he had found during his travel here shift through the thick fur lining his neck. It tickled somewhat, but he suppressed his laughter. Maybe he would name him, since it seemed they would be in it for the long run.

//sucky first post aa

Re: ✭ FUNKY, FUNKY — JOINING - drachen - 12-19-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; max-width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 10pt;"] Steady sounds of crashing waves. Glittering surface beneath the Sun’s rays. Salty tang to touch the tongue and filter through the nose. All to describe the allure of an beach in existence and one that many enjoyed— save for the few finding displeasure in water or fear it as a whole. A calming spot to linger around with others bustling about or entirely alone to relish solitude. It was a location the hellhound sought out most of the time after doing his job and coming back to spend time here.

A swamp didn’t hold the same attractiveness as a beach does. Squishy earth that sinks with ease at the slightest press and the buzzing insects that never cease to annoy anyone. Indeed, swamps weren’t a favorable place to live for the hound, but, if others found delight in the location, then so be it. It wasn’t for him, though, and the faintest whiff of it is more than enough to induce curiosity. Slender tail twitches and curls a tad while nostrils flare as paws trek across the earth towards the soul lingering not too far. Smoke and ash eyes focus on the figure as it becomes bigger and–

How odd.

A coloration that isn’t typical for a. . . feline. Head cocks to the side in slight interest before it goes back to its original position. The fiery ginger clears his throat to announce his presence ( Though, it is necessary? He’s much bigger and has hefty footsteps than most here. ) and part his jaws in order to speak.

”And whom might you be? And why are you here?” Gruff and firm is the tone of voice.

Re: ✭ FUNKY, FUNKY — JOINING - Masie - 12-19-2018

Recently she had been working on matching up plants in the territory with ones that had been featured in her picture book, stashing some of them. From everything the young raptor had seen? Those things magically took away injuries over time and her family was scrappy. As such the young creature was exploring the island near one of the beaches, pushing plants with her snout here and there. Quickly the scent of something new drew her, the now larger creature emerged from the brush a few feet away, amber optics easily locking onto the maned male. Was this another lion? It was only the second one she'd ever seen if it was but he seemed a bit off, perhaps a bit a small to be one from what she had currently experienced leaving her to question what he was.

Like anything she questioned, the only way she was going to find anything out was investigating herself, no hesitance in her approach, long neck held level with her shoulders as her head tilted to the side slightly. Regardless of this thing proved intelligent, it was too big to be food so it was threat or just something like the larger fish she didn't go after yet and just left alone. Most likely this was someone joining, that seemed to be a common thing, but she couldn't exactly ask him that.

After her brief sniffing, chittering and nosing about? The raptor returned to behind Vaughn, glancing at the other male to see what he thought of this.

Re: ✭ FUNKY, FUNKY — JOINING - Keona. - 12-19-2018

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center]— blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to fly —
Soft paws drifted over sunbaked sand, pale hues blinking at a new scent floating in the air.  Torn away from her wandering, the tiny Fae approached, a spotted tail flicking behind her, curling upwards absently.  In silence, the youth settled besides Masie, head inclined towards the stranger, ears perked.

The relevant question had already been posed so in patient silence she would wait.
✯ — keona sibéal ó faoláin. female. striker of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.

Re: ✭ FUNKY, FUNKY — JOINING - guts - 12-20-2018

As a form approached, he perked up in interest, curious to see who would come to greet him. The surprise is somewhat evident on his face, this being his first experience with a hellhound, but he manages to keep his cool. Really, the only animals he had ever met were domestic felines or canines, with such a sheltered upbringing as his. This was already out of his league.

He watched as even more people gathered, this time unable to push down his awe when a dinosaur strode over. A dinosaur! "Woah! Is that a freaking raptor? Groovy!" he exclaims, peering at the creature over his shades to get a better look. When he realized he had failed to answer their question, he clears his throat, somewhat embarrassed as he settles his glasses back over his eyes.

"I'm Rodney, but just call me Roddie. This the Typhoon?" by the looks of things, he had come to the right place. At least according to what he had heard. "If so, I was lookin' to join." hopefully they didn't turn him away. Did clans like this do that? He wasn't really sure, so it only left him to hope not.

Re: ✭ FUNKY, FUNKY — JOINING - Masie - 12-20-2018

It was not very long at all until she heard the cooing and utter awe that she seemed to inflict in anything that was not instantly petrified of her. Masie liked when someone had this response, certainly it meant they were more likely to invade her personal space, but they didn't make that annoying noise if they acted like this when first seeing her. Since the stranger had made his intentions clear she was swift to break from alongside Vaughn and Keona, venturing forth to properly greet him. Emitting a short chit, the raptor lowered herself slightly so she could rub her flank against his, rounding him doing the same thing on her way around the other flank, another chit following this as she stood back up straight. "I'm Masie." she knew that he couldn't understand the short chittering, few could, but it didn't mean she was going to be rude and not introduce herself! Plus, it was likely Vaughn or Keona would clarify what she had said to him, they couldn't understand her either far as she knew, but the raptor knew neither were dim wits.

Re: ✭ FUNKY, FUNKY — JOINING - bubblegum - 12-22-2018