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◜ one taught me love : sunhaven ambassador ◞ - Printable Version

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◜ one taught me love : sunhaven ambassador ◞ - AUGUST - 12-18-2018

The pup had jumped at the opportunity to be an "ambassador" to another clan. He had to learn what it meant to be one of course, along with his basic duties. It didn't seem too hard, and it actually seemed fun! August wanted to try and visit other clans, anyways ( as long as he didn't get himself into trouble, of course ).

August arrived at the border, ears perked and his eyes wide open for any signs of danger. In his jaws were a basket of Christmas cookies, a generous offering for their neutrals. He detected a scent line and came to a halt before setting it down and glancing around a bit hesitantly. What if he wasn't in the right place? [glow=black,1,400]"Uh... hello?"[/glow] Called the Hearthkeeper. A little shy around strangers, naturally, he would start off slowly, [glow=black,1,400]"I'm August from Sunhaven. I'm your new... ambassador."[/glow]

Re: ◜ one taught me love : sunhaven ambassador ◞ - tikki - 12-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.60; font-size: 12px; padding-top: 2px;"]The Sunhaven was their new neutral group, the place that many had thought not to become friendly towards, and instead keep them as an enemy due to stuff that had happened in the past, stuff that had no connection to at least one of the leaders that had led the clan at the time, though with a child coming up to the border, announcing that they were an ambassador for their own little group, Paper let a smile cross over his face. He could be seen as grumpy and shit sometimes, but even despite his exhaustion, he couldn't help but have a soft spot for small children, especially those that were excited to do whatever job they had decided to do for themselves - a way to prove they were worthy of being a "big kid" and have responsibilities. It was adorable.

Looking over the child and what he had brought with him - cookies - the lanky serval male would dip his head slightly, offering his respect for the child before opening his own maw to speak. "It's nice to meet you August, my name is Papercrown, but I usually just go by Paper around here." He would soon sit down so as to lessen his height slightly before speaking once more. "You must have had a long journey to get here, do you want any water or anything?" Of course, August hadn't asked any questions about how they were doing - which was fine, Paper didn't know himself if he was being honest - but this was the child's first time being here, and likely his first time being away from home. He surely didn't know what to do.