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GO TOGETHER IN FRIGHT . play characters from far cry ?! - Printable Version

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GO TOGETHER IN FRIGHT . play characters from far cry ?! - Whisper - 12-18-2018

The good boy !

ALRIGHTY - ! I've wanted to make a far cry character for a while , and after much debate with myself - i have! I stole vaas from far cry three , and while i haven't made much progress on him yet - i thought i'd open the invitation to others to join in! If you are interested - claim a character before someone else does! If you come back around and decide against it , i won't be too heartbroken by it! Currently i have vaas in the typhoon , and ICly i am in the pre-game stage of vaas , but feel free to claim a character from any of the far cry games.

claimed characters ;;
Vaas montenegro (Far cry 3)- the typhoon - played by Wisker (it me!)

Story so far
* you do NOT have to follow this! This is just where my character is at the moment.
*will edit to include other character's backstories and premises so far.
Vaas - raised in the typhoon's native tribes* . the roles there are prodominately female. Currently pressured by his sister and mother to become the "perfect warrior" he flee's further under the clan's gaze . mingling with the clan , and staying distant with his relatives .

If this get's enough interest I'll even create a discord! but until then , just a casual bit of inspiration if you're looking for a fresh place to drop your muse Wink

Re: GO TOGETHER IN FRIGHT . play characters from far cry ?! - Whisper - 12-18-2018

tracking with my subaccount!