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nowhere to run / MEETING 12/16 - Printable Version

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nowhere to run / MEETING 12/16 - sephiroth - 12-16-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]”ROSEBLOODS.”

Sephiroth’s roar sounded from one of the buildings, a temple to be precise.  His call to gather was…harsh.  Loud.  Commanding.  Clearly there was something important to be spoken about if his call was this direct.  If one entered the temple they would be greeted with quite the sight.  It was a throne room similar to the one at their old territory, though the main feature here was that the throne was actually large enough for Sephiroth’s powerful lion body.  He sat in it regal seat with his paws pressed close together, his head high and his eyes gleaming with life and alien energy.  He was the absolute picture of authority here, looking down at who would soon be approaching.  There was a fierce aura about him this time around.  Clearly, there was something dangerous on his mind that he wanted to discuss.

He watched with an unblinking gaze as his members would file in.  His eyes seemed to have that faint hellish glow about them, the kind he got when superiority and violence overtook his mind.  Sephiroth was a volatile beast already; this clearly wasn’t good for him.

”First and foremost.”  Sephiroth’s deep baritone of a voice rumbled the room he was in.  ”There are no new members to welcome this week, though there are promotions I perhaps should’ve tended to a while back.”  His silver chin lifted, brows creased.  ”Nomarchs.  I wish to bring this rank back to relevancy in our group.  I want Bai Shi to step up as Nomarch of Warfare, and Rosemary to be our Nomarch of Healing, if they accept.  And I realize this tradition is long overdue but...I do have something for both the pair of you and Jiyu.”  He hadn’t seen the calico recently, perhaps at hearing her name she would approach.  ”We have not done much with our theme, and I wish to rectify that.”

The male lion’s dark presence would cease for a moment and he would gracefully lift a paw up and apparently out of thin air appeared three large rings of flowers looped around his foreleg, already prepared due crafting them earlier and summoning them with his conjuration.  One yellow, one purple, and one white.  Sephiroth’s eyes would focus on his high positions, sliding them down his muscular leg one by one as he spoke out.  ”Bai Shi, I grant you sunflowers for your loyalty.”  He would grant the newly promoted Nomarch the ring of yellow flowers large enough to be slipped around a limb, placed on a head, or simply hung on a wall as decoration.  He gently removed the purple one next, offering it to the primary healer of the group.  ”Rosemary, you receive asters for your wisdom and knowledge you provide for the clan.”  If accepted, he moved onto the last one, a loop formed with flowers with small white petals that created a circular shape.  ”And finally for Jiyu…chrysanthemums for longevity.”  Partly because she had been here the longest out of all of them here, partly because he wished it upon her greatly.

After everything was gifted the Pharaoh’s eyes would lid somewhat as he spoke.  Darkness echoed off of him slightly as he got onto more professional matters then flower-bearing.  ”There are several going-on’s in the group.  Bai Shi is holding a sparring competition, Rosemary is holding a lesson about healing, and I myself am participating in cleaning up the new camp.  I encourage everybody to participate.  I will also be working on more…festive themed activites.  Watch out for those.”  Yeah, because who knew how it would go?  Sephiroth wasn’t exactly known for his cheeriness.

The lion’s expression would darken as he finished speaking in that regard, that ominous energy around him increasing.  Sephiroth’s shoulders would hunch as he inhaled, speaking once more.  ”There is a matter I wish to…discuss with all of you.”  His voice lowered, clearly not happy.  The mood in the room changed drastically as he rumbled, from a warm environment of a new future for the group into a confined and shadowy space.  ”Stay here, for it is urgent and serious.”  His eyes narrowed, considering and searching as he fell into silence.

-[member=2039]bai shi[/member] is promoted to Warfare Nomarch, and [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] is the Healer Nomarch!
-Bai Shi, Rosemary, and [member=1696]Jiyu Simul Stamus[/member]  have been granted flower loops for their ranks, this is going to be a tradition from now on
-Events!  Sparring competition, healing lesson, and territory cleanup!
-Holiday stuff coming soon, suggestions are appreciated!
-Again, part two will be coming soon!  Seph's pretty angry

Re: nowhere to run / MEETING 12/16 - ROSEMARY - 12-17-2018

Slowly walking over, the physician flicked her forked tail while standing on the outskirts of the meeting. Never one to feel comfortable in large crowds, the ocelot adjusted to stay out of the main throng of attending animals. At the news of her promotion -- and, subsequently, the flowers she received -- the slender wildcat dipped her head and restively shifted from paw to paw. Still feeling distant from the group's members, she doubted she deserved the promotion. Unlike in the Typhoon, her skills hardly seemed to matter here; the only person she healed was Jiyu, which hardly compared to the constant stream of injuries she handled in her previous home. "I accept," she murmured, slowly stepping towards Sephiroth.

To not take the flowers seemed at the least impolite, if not downright treasonous. And while Rosemary hated standing in front of crowds, the healer loathed disappointing the people relying on her more. With the crafted wreathe around her neck, the ocelot nodded quickly before making her way back to her isolated seat -- the leader's next bit of news sounded... unsettling, and she didn't wish to stand too close to him when he lost his temper.
waded through the spirits like a flood on the floor

Re: nowhere to run / MEETING 12/16 - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 12-17-2018

She was not in her normal place for the meeting, instead being kept close to Rosemary for the moment, hunched back becoming more pronounced with every day. Even if she had been able to ignore it due to her high pain tolerance at first? Even Jiyu was now willing to admit that she needed the healers help at the moment for whatever had gone wrong with her spine recently. Hopefully, it would be something that would fix itself quickly. Anyway! She was laying next to the healer, head against the ground as she listened to the silvery lion, breathing slowly. "Apologies for not being able to approach." the calico spoke in her normal monotone, looking towards the blue eyed male and pushing herself to sit up. When the calico did finally manage to sit up? Anyone behind her would have had a good 'show' of watching something move under the skin of her back, alongside almost anyone being able to hear several popping and scraping noises muffled by her skin and fur.

If he moved to place the flowers on her or someone else did? The calico would just accept it at this point, she was in too much pain to fight off the floral assault. Sure it was an honor to be given something, she was still feared plants. "When Rosemary says its safe, I'll be hosting a holiday crafting session." hopefully that would be soon, Jiyu was beginning to start considering just suffocating this body and reviving herself in another one! The calico knew she'd come back if she died, and this was wearing on her.

One ear flicked as she laid down once more, the ridge of her hunched back shifting slightly.

Re: nowhere to run / MEETING 12/16 - sephiroth - 12-19-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth’s nod of acknowledgement would first be directed towards Rosemary before his eyes settled onto Jiyu in her seemingly wounded state.  The male would frown slightly at her state of being; he did not bestow honors upon her lightly, she was his introduction to the clan and though he did not vocalize it he enjoyed the support she offered the group.  He hoped she made a swift recovery.  The lion took the flower chain in his claw’s grasp as he descended from the throne, striding foreword to place the loop on her head, if she wished to use it somewhere else she was free.  His gentled slightly as he faced her as well as hearing about what she had planned, but they hardened once more when he ascended back to the place where he sat over everybody else.

”I have recently personally visited the Tanglewood with Bai Shi.”  The Pharaoh’s voice was low, shifting as he went to seat himself in his throne.  His voice did not raise to betray his angry, though his tone was cold enough to frost the room.  ”It has come to my attention that a pair of Tanglewood members going by the names of Whisper and Delilah have been murdered by Rosebloods.  Two separate members, as two diffract scents were found between bodies.”  Sephiroth’s eyes were as icy as his voice, he was clearly displeased.  If he had been in the throes of his madness he would’ve been snarling and foaming on the throne in hope to intimidate the clan into giving his an explanation, but right now his anger was controlled.  Perhaps that was scarier, knowing he could burst into violence at any moment without any prelude or warning.

”Calling cards were left by both bodies.  Delilah’s body was left with a smiley face spray painted next to it, Whisper’s face was stripped to the bone.  I dearly hope that I don’t have to explain that is unacceptable.  What I want to know-“  Sephiroth lift lower his head, tense his shoulders, and furrow his brow as he glared down at the crowd before him, any positivity from before seemingly forgotten.  Despite the fact that his anger was quiet and cool like a winter windstorm instead of explosive like fire, he still seemed intent on frightening answers out of his group.  Who is responsible for this."  It wasn't a question, it was a growled demand.  "If the culprits do not come foreword now, we will be meeting here later today so I may pick through your minds one by one to get my answers.  If that is inconclusive….well, i’ll decide how severe the retribution will be if it comes to that.”

Sephiroth was serious.  He didn’t bluff, he didn’t speak empty threats, he was dead-set on getting answers and dealing out whatever punishment came to mind.  As he awaited any form of reaction, or some sorry creatures to step foreword and beg for mercy, the lion sat stone still and silence except for a small tapping sound.  The sound was a set of blade sharp claws, unsheathed and gleaming, clicking sharply against the stone of his throne.  While he was normally a patient creature, clearly it was being tried at this point, and stars above only knew what would happen if his demands to see the murderer’s wasn’t met.

Re: nowhere to run / MEETING 12/16 - teef - 12-19-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the dragon had been for the most part, silent in the shadows, relaxing as the meeting was called. they had extended their head to take their flower loop, dipping their head in acceptance of the promotion, content to settle back close to the throne.

after the attack that was made on them at the tanglewood border and the subsequent injury of the pharoah, not that it had hurt him majorly, they had become increasingly protective of the male, loitering in his shadow nearly all the time. they settled the loop on one of their gently curved horns, eyes half lidded.

perking up when the pale lion brought up the news of the murders, they added in a quiet growl that would rumble outwards. they were not approving of murders of allies, no, not at all.