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the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - Printable Version

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the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - Stryker - 12-16-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center][img width=690][/img]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] This meeting, they were going to run things differently. Since their last meeting had been rather lackluster, resulting in cancellation, Stryker was going to switch things up. Instead of waiting for others, he would proceed to start as soon as the first person showed up. After all, the news would eventually travel through the grapevine. There was no time to waste either, especially with Sunhaven breathing down their necks. "Pittians, gather." His voice was shrill and demanding as it spread throughout the jungle. "We've got some chatting to do..." Considering that their last meeting- well, they knew already. With their absurd amount of joiners and their missed news, the ardent was going to have to say quite a lot this time. Nothing wrong with that.

The first arrived, thus the meeting began. "Let's start with an update," he began. "Last meeting was not the best, hence I'm going to review the topics I was supposed to go over." And he didn't bother forgetting one part of it. "Since the Typhoon raided us, they are- or rather were- a primary target as expected. Not only this, but Sunhaven's own have decided to join their battle and attack us also." They were getting their asses kicked for that currently and would be for awhile. That did include their classic bird-shit raid. "Thus, we've begin the process of firing back." It did start with trying to control Buckingham, their newest leader, and using him as a weapon for his own good, but it soon evolved into something more. Captures started to come in from Sunhaven more often. "We have managed to take ahold of Fairylights and Wendell temporarily, then releasing them promptly after a few Sunhaven nerves were hit." Wendell specifically had a message nailed to him for all to see, along with the fact that the wolverine could no longer speak. "The Sunhaven raid, in their eyes, was 'successful'." There had been a few other captures, but Stryker felt personally connected with these two because they were tied to his own story. "The Rosebloods also temporarily took ahold of Ninazu, so we will be taking action against that soon enough."

"During that scuttle, we did have a few joiners." The more towards their cause, the better. Stryker was pleased. Hopefully, no one was forgotten. "Please welcome [member=3083]briar[/member] , [member=3095]CARMEN[/member] , [member=3015]LUCKY[/member] , [member=2965]NOSFERATU[/member] , [member=3014]kilgore[/member] , [member=3077]RHIANNON[/member] , and @ronan h. !" All of which seemed like lovely Pittians, despite some questionable smells from Ronan and questionable attitudes. Their company was very welcomed. The ardent was surely going to treat them well, as should the rest of the Pitt... or else. "Also, a lovely welcome back to the fantastic [member=2048]COSETTE[/member] . If she remains active, she may reclaim her position as a medic."  That was an update for next week though.

The next news was not as upbeat as the last. "Our founder, Yes Man, has also died by the hands of the Typhoon. His funeral will be held promptly." (This thread will happen after a private thread with Cosette where Stryker updates her on her brother's situation. This is also assuming that this meeting is after that knowledge is gained.) "I am deeply pained by it, as are others that were here during his reign." The former leader had welcomed him with open arms and saw his potential, leading him on a more optimistic path in life. Strangely, the male saw him as a mentor. His minor involvement changed him. "Unlike a normal funeral, we will be hosting a celebration of his life. His unrelentless smug smile would want us to smile at his death, rather than frown." He hoped Cosette would be smiling, despite her loss. Stryker would be struggling too. Together they would try though.

A neon gaze scanned the audience, noting that most had decided to show up. "I better not hear any complaints before I continue."

// part one of two

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - kilgore - 12-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px COLOR solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: COLOR;"]Kilgore hadn't been to one of these before. Obviously. He wasn't very good at keeping still, his haunches fidgeting and his shoulder blades restlessly moving back and forth as he half-sat half-stood, listening the best he could. Something about Sunhaven. The Typhoon. Ninazu and The Rosebloods... wait! Ninazu and the Rosebloods? Oh no. That was awfully mean of them, and Kilgore quite liked the medic from the times he'd seen her around, so he didn't see why they'd target her when she was so nice. The world was unfair. His ears flattened and he forced himself to still, listening more closely, wagging his tail when he heard his name called because Stryker noticed him. Then there was something about this Yes-Man animal, whoever he was, and he felt bad. Stryker didn't sound like he liked that, which initially confused him because Stryker seemed happy over that other dead guy from the other day, but whatever. "Nope!" he yipped. He'd never complain.

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - emil - 12-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]The woman was silent from where she sat in the shade, cold red eyes drawing over the form of Stryker. A man she had seen a few times since coming here; it was obvious he was the leader of this place, and while he certainly had the air of a leader, she would not be acknowledging him as one. Perhaps in the times of attempting to gain his favor, she would treat him like a king—no, a god—to get her way here. She would find away. She always did.

Carmen's decorated ears twitched ever so slightly at the mention of her name, being welcomed into the group. A low hum slipped from her lips and she raised her chin approvingly. She was glad to be memorable in some way. The mountain lion crossed her paws over each other and simply watched, waiting patiently for the rest of what Stryker had to say.

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - RHIANNON - 12-16-2018

―――― Rhiannon, at the call of Stryker, sighed softly as she pushed herself up to her paws and adjusted the cloak upon her body. It was perhaps just slightly too warm still for the garment, but the woman paid it no heed as she carefully picked her way through the territory, her pawsteps gentle and carefully brushing across the ground to mind her steps as she traversed her way towards the typical meeting spot for the week. It was different, now that she had her freedom, a fact which pulled a slight smile up to her face as she carefully wove her way around the edge of the gathering crowd to find a space at the front. She remained towards the edge, for the safety of being able to leave if needed, and to avoid bumping into others, but close enough that she would be able to easily hear and acknowledge anything that was happening around her. In other words, there was less potential to be caught by surprise in the position she was in now. With a ginger exhale, the woman sat herself down on her haunches and brought a warm smile upon her face as she tilted her head up to Stryker with a respectful nod.

While he had started the meeting fairly quickly, Rhiannon had at least managed to arrive to hear the majority of it- she was less than pleased to hear of the capture of Ninazu, a woman who had always been respectful to her in some capacity, and the news of the two Sunhaven captures were less news, but so long as Sunhaven thought that they had the upper hand, the more that they could retaliate for their boldness. Hearing her name acknowledged as well, as a full Pittian, not a slave, was a bittersweet sense of pride and danger that kindled into her heart, but she accepted it with a gracious smile nonetheless, not letting those inner feelings show upon her gentle face. And while she was not familiar with Yes Man, it seemed that others knew him - it would at least be in her best interests to attend, making a mental note of it as she shifted softly on her paws.

"No complaints, sir," her honey-sweet voice flowed, raising slightly as she tried to acknowledge Stryker directly, the smile still warm upon her face, "But I have an idea, if you would indulge me with a word or two after the meeting." It was perhaps slightly over her boundary, but she knew how she could help the whole Sunhaven situation- and put herself in good favor in the process. 

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - Stryker - 12-16-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] His attention shifted. Neon eyes grazed over the speaking female, listening intently. Luckily, there were no complaints. The ardent was surprised to hear that she did have a suggestion though. "I would enjoy that, Rhiannon," he remarked. Stryker wasn't sure what they had to say, but so far, he was really intrigued by her. Even if she was a former slave, she really was beginning to prove her worth as one of their more faithful dwellers.

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-16-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
Meetings were a necessary part of any organization, and that was a fact. Whether it was a large gathering like this or a quick debrief after a mission, it was always good to keep everybody informed and on the same page. His uncle used to be the patriarch of the family, the one conveying the news and reminders to the clan of hellhounds. Now it was somebody new, somebody whose leadership he was not used to. Nonetheless, Lucky would still see what he had to say.

The large hellhound took a seat near the back, quiet and observant and watching Stryker's every move. It seemed that the Pitt had a lot of targets, although they proclaimed to be "enemies with the world". Perhaps he'd have to learn the strengths and weaknesses of these other groups to make any attacks against them effective.

Lucky heard his name mentioned among the newcomers as well as the mention of the former medic, Cosette. He still remembered when he had mistaken her for a trespasser and had scared the living shit out of her, and he couldn't help but sneak a glance in her direction as he recalled such events.

"Yes Man" had died, and perhaps the real tragedy had been his name. Was it a nickname, perhaps? Nevertheless, it was still strange to Lucky. If the Pittians cared so much about him, though, then he would respect that. He only wondered if he should attend the funeral, however, seeing as he hadn't known him at all.

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - ninazu - 12-16-2018

© lexasperated
The lioness walked in, her ears flicking as she heard Stryker's news. Pleased to see that several of the welcomed members showed so quickly to the meeting, the woman nodded her greetings to them before taking her usual seat close to the front. The fresh blood and news of war made more of an impact on her than Yes Man's death; she joined when their first ardent cobbled together the Pitt, and she respected his resolve to get shit done. While she personally felt nothing to know he died, the male's death marked a profound loss for the Pitt itself.

Eying the exchange between Rhiannon and Stryker with no small amount of curiosity, the feline flexed her claws and turned her thoughts to violence instead. Captured by an enemy -- how pathetic of her. But she'd get them back. She just needed to decide the best way to fuck them up in return.

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - Stryker - 12-19-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] A faint sigh left him. Everyone seemed to catch their breath and speak their mind during the short pause, causing the leader to continue. "Onto the better stuff," he remarked with a grin. "I'd like to announce a few promotions." Not like they had enough people to demote anyways! It was just Ninazu for now. Better one than none though. "With Cosette's return, she may step back up to the position of erudite." With Ninazu busy, they really needed another medical-prone member around to keep care of those injured in battle. "If you need any refreshers, don't be afraid to ask Ninazu." Then again, he was sure she knew what to do. Despite her disappearance, the information should of retained quite well, but the death of her brother may or may not interfere with her recall. Stryker was weary, but hopeful.

Next! "Along with that, Rhiannon and Lucky can step up to the Skald position." There were a few others he noted, but he figured that they were too new to promote or lacked some pizzazz. These two definitely stood out though. "Shout-outs to the lovelies known as Kilgore and Briar also!" The kid had something he liked and Briar had a wonderful way to her that he simply couldn't describe. They would make interesting members for sure. "Oh- and I can't forget marauders." There was an obvious choice to him. "Caesar, seeing you've been quite helpful and active for awhile, you may step up to the position if you please." Caesar was... well... interesting. Stryker assumed he had many secrets to share and wanted to take advantage of that, along with the other male's intelligence. They all made a wonderful addition to his team.

Green hues scanned the audience. This was a view he would presumably never see ever again. It was his own choice to step away from this life though. The ivory lion let out one last roar above the crowd to gain their finest attention. "To show my appreciation for a very important member, I would like to promote them to a vicar." A neon gaze shifted out into the audience, finding a female lioness sitting amongst them. "Ninazu, you've worked hard. You truly have been always at my side and deserve my utmost respect." There was nothing she wouldn't do for the sake of The Pitt, earning his trust with his legacy. "It would be an honor if you would step up to not only a vicar, but an ardent." It was a two in one deal. "As a result, I will be stepping down to a marauder." Stryker had a few things to figure out for himself in the secrecy of his own home. There were a few things he did not want his clan to see him doing. Leadership had shined attention on him like he desired, but at the moment, he needed silence. To receive the pleasure he wanted in life, he had to travel through the underbrush without being noticed and leadership was not an accessory he could handle during that. It only made him a bigger target. "Please welcome Ardent Ninazu." With that said, he trailed off stage and wandered into the front of the audience. "If she has nothing to add, meeting dismissed." If nothing else was added, he'd dip off into the darkness and saunter off into the jungle to acquire some time to himself.

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-20-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
[ thank you!!! and congrats to ninazu owo ]

He was... promoted? This was an interesting development for sure, very interesting indeed. He could feel an itching at his paws, one that tingled in anticipation of his newfound privileges and responsibilities. After being raised to carry out orders and duties, it was kind of nice to get back into that flow once more. He gave a nod of acknowledgement, a certain ambition churning in fiery orange hues.

Next, Stryker had handed his position down to Ninazu, something he hadn't been expecting. The lion seemed so sure of himself, so sure of his place and rank within the group. For a leader to step down to a lesser position in an attempt to profess feelings was a rare sight indeed, and he almost wondered if he was joking. Giving up his power for... love? The idea of those two being an.. item was also a new concept to him, and he wasn't sure what his opinion was.

He cast a glance in Ninazu's direction, silently acknowledging the new leader of the Pitt. He would still have to regard Stryker as someone higher in rank than him, but as far as he was concerned, Ninazu was at the head now. Lucky only hoped that she had promising plans in store for the future.

Re: the reason i'm leaving || MEETING - emil - 12-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]A fairly slow day, it seemed. As others settled into their seats to watch the meeting, Carmen groomed her rich brown pelt, ears only twitching when Stryker spoke up once more. She didn't turn her head to him, no; he did not need her full attention. Just swiveling her ears to catch his words was enough. The mountain lioness noted the promotions and shout-outs, as some other miscellaneous things that didn't exactly mean the world to her. What caused her to look up was the promotion of Ninazu, followed by his own stepping down.

She raised a brow and tipped her head slightly to the side, drawing her gaze over the lion, calculating. His dismissal of the meeting was met with a small murmur of Pittians, standing from their spots and leaving to go about the rest of their days. Carmen remained where she was for several moments before finally she opened her jaws to speak. "Forgive me for being... bold, but, doesn't that seem a bit counterproductive to you?" The woman purred, watching Stryker with lazy eyes. The ghost of a smile tugged at her lips. "Stepping down... the connotations of those words usually means stepping down to that of a regular member, not a different high position; just below the vicar so you may still keep your grasp of power over everyone. I don't suppose this is a sort of elaborate ruse? Surely you can see my reasoning for suspicion. Admitting your love for this woman just before you give her your position..." Her gaze dropped down to her gold crested claws, admiring the light of the sun shining off of them. Perhaps she was rambling. Perhaps she was not the most justified in her words, but she was not too keen on this man.

"Let me just say I do not trust a move so easily. With such bias, there will be no doubt that should she step down... she will allow you to rise up once more." With that, Carmen stood, her chin turning upward. Through narrowed eyes she watched the two, and with one last rumbling purr, she turned and strode away. "Congratulations, darling."

/ ic opinions ofc!! congratulations guys & thanks for a great leadership orion <3