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An ordinary day - December 15th meeting - Printable Version

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An ordinary day - December 15th meeting - Morgan - 12-16-2018

Morgan arrived to his spot early, finding it hard to believe a week had already passed. It felt so busy, yet he had personally seen so little; he shook his head to clear his thoughts before he began his speech.
"Meeting time, right?"

"Nothing particularly tragic happened this week, and while I don't think we should be celebrating something like that, I'm just glad you all are okay. I'll get to our welcomes next: I'm happy to introduce you all to Julia and Malaise, our joiners this week, and Mirabella, who's back after some time away. Please, do your best to welcome them nicely as I talked about in the last couple of weeks."

"Next, for some promotions and a shout-out: Jim is now going to be a Guardsman -- the first new one in a little while now. I'll give a shout-out to Feverdream, too, since I saw her a lot earlier in the week."
His smile turned to a frown, and he added,
"Sadly, I'm handing out warnings to Renegadeanthem and Axle. I figured they'd be busy for a bit, but I haven't seen them in quite a while now."
He really hated to give demotions, and he only ever did once or twice before, but he knew deep down that he'd have to do something like it eventually.

"Moving on... I made a winter event here in the town square, so I hope you all enjoy. I also started a second battle training event, though this one's a long-range one instead of a short-range one. I'd very highly recommend going to it - we really do need the training."
As the time to confront the Pitt slowly approached, the need for more training was only growing.
"I think that's mostly everything this week. We got visited by the Rosebloods, but otherwise nothing new happened between the other groups and ourselves."
With nothing more to say, Morgan let his head rest on his front legs as he closed his eyes. He would need to rest before getting back to work during the week.

  • Welcome to Julia, Malaise, and welcome back Mirabella!
  • Jim is now a Guardsman!
  • Renegadeanthem and Axle receive warnings.
  • Feverdream receives a shoutout!
  • Winter wonderland and long-range battle training threads are up!
  • We were visited by the Rosebloods.

Re: An ordinary day - December 15th meeting - madster - 12-16-2018

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clan life was still so strange. it was nothing compared to the heavenly scene of paradise, where he had been locked into continuous praise for his creator.

as time went on, though, he began to forget the little details. he forgot how exactly it felt up there, and every so often he'd glance at the cloudy sky, hoping to recall something in that sick head of his. still, though, nothing happened. despite everything, he was still himself. he was malaise, the fallen angel, and he was a newcomer to tanglewood.

this was verified by the samoyed leader, their ice king. morgan was certainly not god, but morgan was... something else. a welcoming presence in this harsh jungle. he noticed he was the first to approach, which was strange. back in his old home, he had been constantly late to everything.

perhaps this was a land of new beginnings. he was so new, he wasn't sure if he was supposed to say anything, but he stammered out a response anyways. "t-thank you, sir."

Re: An ordinary day - December 15th meeting - arcy - 12-16-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Another week, another meeting. Jim is getting used to the schedule of of it all -- a lie, he's been used to it for a while now. He just likes saying stuff. To himself, mostly. This one will probably be short -- not a lot happened as far as he could tell. And it kind of was.
He'd met most of the joiners himself. And there weren't a lot to begin with. Sure, there was a full three, but more was better and whatnot. Oh, then there's his name. Jim perks up, and a grin grows on his maw. Guardman? .. Fuck yeah, okay. To be completely honest, Jim had briefly considered security as a side course in the academy. But, y'know, there wasn't a point to it if he wasn't going to be going into it, specifically. So he didn't. Finally, a dream come true.
"Thanks," Jim calls, and awkwardly raises a paw in an awkward salute of some kind. It's basically the one-month anniversary of his joining, so this is suiting, he thinks. Climbing the ranks fast, but at least he's climbing at all. .. By this, he means that he didn't cheat his way to the top.
Didn't Feverdream get a shoutout last week too? And honestly, he had no idea who the hell Renegadeanthem or Axle are. Probably why they're getting a warning -- he's still a little put off by his lack of knowledge on them, though. .. Whatever. Unimportant. He'll meet them if they step it up, anyways.
Events .. well. He remembers those being announced last week. He grins, somewhat enthused. He likes the changes in pace -- he's somewhat exhausted trying to keep himself entertained, so not having to do it himself is good. So, with all the announcements done, Jim ducks his head. ... He'll probably have to work on his own training outside of Morgan's hosted ones, now that he's guardsman. Can't be an effective guard if you don't do shit. Besides shock them, he means.
