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— from a point of view . introduction - Printable Version

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— from a point of view . introduction - Whisper - 12-16-2018

Re: — from a point of view . introduction - AMBROISE - 12-17-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]There were worse things in the world than cannibalism. Ambroise had seen plenty. Torture was, generally, cruel, slow, and painful. If they ate someone while they were alive, he was sure that'd be shitty, but there was that, and there was gravity slowly bringing your body sliding down a pole impaled through your abdomen. Ambroise had seen many people left to that fate, dying over the course of a day, while the raiders occasionally threw things at them, or stood by and jeered like it was such a show. The fact of the matter was, the ability to feel pain opened up an endless amount of avenues for creativity. Cannibalism ranked pretty low, especially considering eating was at least partially productive. Everyone had to eat something. Ambroise didn't give a shit.

The lion passed some asshole he also didn't give a shit about, not even bothering with a grunt or a nod, heading for the outskirts of the territory for some semblance of peace and quiet. Orpheus had found his spot, so he needed the space. Wasn't really expecting to find a body eaten at the border, though. From the piss-poor cleaning job, it was pretty clear the murderer had killed from the inside out, rather than showing up and murdering someone at the border. Ambroise wasn't impressed, nor was he concerned. He knew what he was capable of, and someone who went around gnawing on their own kind wasn't something he needed to fear, so Ambroise left the scene and continued on his way. Let one of the others with a conscience for strangers take up arms.


Re: — from a point of view . introduction - ATTICUS - 12-17-2018

―――― As far as criminal investigations went, a new member joining, and then suddenly someone showing up dead on the border made it fairly easy to assess who the culprit was. Yet, as Atticus later, too, found the scene, he found himself giving pause, as if he wasn't truly processing the scene in front of him. Yet, he knew that he was; someone had killed another, but more than that, they had begun eating him. The notion in it of itself was enough to make Atticus want to inwardly grimace as he lifted his gaze and looked around the area for a brief moment. Damn it. It was just one more thing to try and deal with, one more situation that they didn't need. "Ascendants! There's been a murder," There was no point in beating around the bush, but he sighed heavily as he dipped his head in respect to the now-deceased member. "A proper burial shall be made. Keep an eye out for who did this- they're done as soon as I lay my paws on them. All else, I will not yet instigate a curfew, or a night guard, but remain on alert. We have a traitor," with that final snarl, the large Jaguar shook his head, fairly unimpressed at the scene before him. A poor soul had been killed for no reason, for likely a far milder reaction than the killer was expecting. It was all Atticus did then to quietly try and cover the gore of the half-eaten body until it could be properly cared for. 

Re: — from a point of view . introduction - clarence a. - 12-19-2018

Clarence found this land's unsteady peace strange. While he'd lived in the city long enough to know peace was often only a facade for deeper, darker, secret things done beyond the public eye, one wouldn't think they'd find just as much of the same problem within such a small community. Yet, here it was. Once again, the relative peace of his new home had been disturbed and, yet again, there was another body. Someone really needed to start doing something about it. Perhaps he would have to lead a new patrol of some sort or maybe he'd bring it up to Atticus. It would be best to sweep the territory as soon as possible. Still, with the killer apparently being in their midst, it was impossible to tell if forming a search party would even be helpful. They may already be cleaned and back at camp, for all anyone knew, and ready to offer help the moment a search party went out. In any case, Clarence soon arrived beside the Seraph. He noticed Ambroise walking off but didn't worry too much about the other man. There was no blood on his paws or near his mouth, as far as he noticed, so he couldn't be a suspect in all of this. "Is there any way I can assist?" he offered softly. It was all he felt he could do in such a situation.