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brutus / roseblood visitors - Printable Version

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brutus / roseblood visitors - sephiroth - 12-15-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Several things had happened in the Rosebloods since he had last come here, most notably the move to another part of the desert.  That seemed visit-worthy, that and he wasn’t sure when his ambassadors has last come here.  He sent orders, but he had a rocky relationship with several of his groupmates and it wouldn’t surprise him if they disobeyed out of spite.

Sephiroth would approach the border of the murky territory, anybody in his group who wished to accompany him following behind.  Things were quiet in his group lately, and at the moment only one member had volunteered to offer help.  The pale lion would wait at the border and sit as he awaited to be addressed by any Tanglers nearby, luminous eyes foreword and ahead.  He had an expression of seriousness about him, of professional air and mystique.  And possible danger; he was an intimidating sight even when doing typical clan business.

[member=2039]bai shi.[/member]

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - arcy - 12-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]To be entirely honest, trivial things such as intimidating stature and strange vibes barely bothered him. Jim was just ... like that. Seemingly careless and too willing to pick fights he couldn't win. Yeah, that was Jim.
Even so, Jim has to pause to take in the massive lion at the border. He doesn't recognize the scent -- Jim has never been good at reading up on culture when he didn't have to, and so didn't recognize other groups. .. Damn, they really stand out against the swamps, though. Even worse is the fucking dragon they're accompanied by. God, Jim fucking hates this world, just by virtue of having dragons without him realizing.
"Hello. What do you guys need?" Jim has this weird professional-but-really-absolutely-not vibe about him as he regards the two. He tended towards casual, but he can't help but straighten up and greet the lion in the same way he would for diplomatic events. It's just habit, really -- one that is honestly probably for the better, at least sometimes.


Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - arrow - 12-15-2018

"Kudos to you guys for being the biggest bastards to not sink into the swamp. Hallelujah." Was Arrow a little intimidated by the new guy? Maybe a little. But that was about as far as her feelings went on the subject of a ghosty looking motherfuck wandering around the border. Every large thing felt the same when you were the small one, she was tall by cat standards, short by everything else. She wasn't sure how a big ass lion and whatever the hell he brought with him expected to feed themselves, but maybe the Rosebloods had some big ass meat supply or something. Professional? Not this one, Arrow would rather spit.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - teef - 12-16-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a splitting grin took the dragon's maw as two newcomers showed up on the border. the long golden serpent gave a friendly show of teeth, answering for their pharoah, "we're just stopping by to make sure nobody is trying to go back on the allegiance we have with your group." was there a tone of warning there? probably.

shifting their feet they chuckled, "even if i sink, i float back up. comes with being full of air." they rumbled, pale blue eyes flickering to take in the duo. shaking out their own white mane they caught their horns on the branches above them. snorting, they quickly freed themselves with a small amount of persuasion to the wind. settling more comfortably, they relaxed, golden scales and fur slightly muggy from the swamp they had entered. it was their duty as sephiroth's guard, to accompany him and guard him with their life, no matter the situation. and maybe they took it a little far, being protective of the lion to the point it might raise eyebrows.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-16-2018

Usagi had been wandering through the forest extremely bored when she had smelled the scent. It smelled like him, the old wolf with the gnarled leg,but it was different and she didn't recognize it....but the beast did. Suddenly she found herself racing through the forest the world arround her blurred, barely recognizing anything and barely being able to register the scene before she was tearing into the clearing."WATCH OUT!",She shouted at the top of her lungs trying to hold on but failing and the last thing she saw was her standing there snarling at a large thing before she lost the fight and the beast escaped, transforming her body and continuing to snarl at the dragon"Ah hello little princes.."he sniffs the air a bit"Or should I call you your majesty now?"A large cruel grin spreads across his face"I really must ask, how's my little beating bag doing? I see he's not following you like a lost pup with  tail between his legs so he must have finally gotten enough courage to leave your royal behind"

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - sephiroth - 12-16-2018

[Image: tumblr_oftn227QSX1ux6jc9o3_400.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth's eyes focused on the set of Tanglewood members that approached, his tail swaying slightly behind him as he silently studied the pair with a narrow and critical gaze.  He was slightly ghoulish in appearance and silence, intentionally or not.  He hummed thoughtfully and quietly, dipping his head in a small nod.  "Greetings."  The lion rumbled deeply as his own introduction.  "We are here to check up on our relations obviously.  We have also have news, that we have recently moved our territory after it was ravaged by a Typhooner.  Its in the same desert but a fair distance aways from our old canyon."

The silver Pharaoh would glance at Bai Shi as they approached, his eyes gentling the smallest bit at the sight of the dragon and their loyalty.  At the loud arrival of Usagi, Sephiroth's maned head whipped around to stare at the stranger.  His eyes opened up wider at this, unblinking and staring with intense blue-greens and slit pupils befitting a demon.  The Pharaoh took a large step foreword, keeping his powerful form close to his guard as he set his eyes on Usagi.  "And what exact business do you have with my guard here?"  His voice dropped to a deeper tone, his muscular body kept rigid and stone still.

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - Usagi Smallpaw - 12-16-2018

the generals eyes flicker to the lion before going back to bai shi"Her slut of a father is my general. the princess here and i are old acquaintanceshe adds extra emphasis to old and continues jabbing at bai shi"So where is my little bastard of a beating bag, i do hope hes ok so i may have with him again"

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - toboggan - 12-16-2018

The life of Leroy was not a life of many philosophies, but it would be a total lie to say that he had not a fair share of life lessons. ‘Never fuck with someone who actually gives a damn’ was the primary ideology which he lived by, but in a close second is ’intimidation is an imbecile’s enterprise’ - the latter of which coming about as relevant in this scenario. To believe that looks and personality alone could determine one’s danger is one of the worst mistakes one can make; once upon a time, the guardsman made the exact same mistake, and he ended up in some debilitated swamp thousands of miles away from home. Since then, the mongrel vowed to never judge one by their characteristics ever again, and so far it has worked profoundly. Thus, as the gray-pelted hound made the scene, he wasn’t thrown off by the immense feline and his accomplice’s presence - unlike his swamp-dwelling comrades.

It was not the lion’s appearance that brewed enmity within Leroy’s system; it was both of the fuckers’ stenches that automatically made the canine hate the foreigners. They smelled of the Rosebloods, need he say more? Was it not the Rosebloods who murdered two Tanglers?

Jim, Arrow, both of whom in attendance, yet none of whom spoke up about the crimes committed against Delilah and Whisper. A voice of reason was needed.

The most logical route for Leroy to take was to completely ignore the transpiring interaction between the two parties of already-present Tanglers and Rosebloods. Assuming that he were to get himself worked up, some serious damage could be done to his frail figure, which was currently recovering from a stroke. However, hate and rage blinded him, a ferocious flame of venomous loathing crackling from the coals of his aged heart. Thinking properly became increasingly difficult as each shaky step conveyed him closer to the group, whilst cloudy ideas of what exactly to say filled his mind like steam. Finally, he had found himself at the assembly’s perimeter, awaiting the precise time to make an entrance. As the apparent leader’s words concerning clan affairs began running dry, Leroy then chose to speak.

”Couldja just shut up for a damn sec, there?” he’d request in response to all that was being said, sensing a migraine slowly erupting from his nerves.

Then, the mutt faced the supposed one in charge, a disgust clearly exhibited through his amber glare alone. The lion had touched upon the topic of scrutinizing the tribes’ relations; did he not know of his own lots’ crimes?

"Well, you better’ve packed a few band-aids if you wanted to patch up this relationship," he’d quip gratingly, tone completely devoid of kindness, ”considering some of your cronies murdered two of our own. So if I were you guys, I’d either take a fucking hike, or graciously apologize.”

”Whisper. Delilah. Both of ‘em killed in cold blood. At both of the scenes of their mangled bodies, we got a whiff of your lot’s godawful stench. Now, you all casually strut into our territory, and don’t even bring it up. Not very professional, if y’ask me.” 

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - madster - 12-16-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:georgia"]
malaise couldn't understand much. he was a simple, weak boy, filled with illness and brain-fog. still, he could understand politics. the word was so foreign on his tongue, though. where he came from, it was a simple bad versus good, dark versus light. and he had been on the winning side.

now, though, the mortal plane was known for something unique- blurred lines. down here, he was no longer a beacon of purity, just another swamp-dweller. his pristine fur had been stained with mortality, and he was one of them now. he had to take a side. on the other team seemed to be the few named the rosebloods who were dangerously elegant and eloquent, and he glanced back at his own side. was he on the wrong side of history?

"let's not fight," the boy spoke, not wanting to witness any sort of violence- verbal or physical. "let's work something out. um, clearly, we're not on the... best of terms," he thought, blinking. "there has to be a reason for the loss of our clanmates... people don't do things like that for no reason!" he reasoned, baby-blue gaze directed back to sephiroth. "isn't that right?"

Re: brutus / roseblood visitors - teef - 12-16-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


sorry, had work drag me away //

a gentle breath would turn hard as a canine appeared before them, all in a rush. they noticed the subtle changes in sephiroth's stance, amusement rippling through them at the thought that their pharoah would be the one to guard them in this instance.

their gaze flickered to the demon canine, eyes rolling over takao and usagi in a dark way. "asteri has his own reasons for leaving home, takao. and yes, you should be calling me your majesty now. the crown and throne are my own, and i am the new general of our hell." they responded in a strict tone, refusing to succumb to the brutish taunts.

a grimace would claim their maw, "the murderer remains anonymous despite our best attempts. since we cannot call them to justice, we offer our apologies for their passings. words might not be enough, but be assured-- justice will be served."