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MISTER GRINCH | MEETING 12.15 - Printable Version

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MISTER GRINCH | MEETING 12.15 - ATTICUS - 12-15-2018

―――― "Ascendants, gather," Atticus called out into the open air of the mid-afternoon. Despite the sun hanging overhead, a chill ran through the territory; it really was winter now, wasn't it? It was already cold enough to snow, if the frost in the early mornings and the late evenings wasn't enough to say that it already had been. "First, I wanted to thank you all for your participation this week. From sparring, to cocoa, to new joiners and weekly tasks, it's been great to see everyone around." He dipped his head softly for a moment before he continued on. "The neutrality with Sunhaven seems to be going well. Notably, there is rumors that the Pitt and Sunhaven are having issues as of late, so while I do not believe that will cause issues for us, it is something for Ambassadors to be aware of. Additionally, in regards to the news of murders from last week, nothing more has occurred. It seems to have been a one-time thing, perhaps related to the tensions with Sunhaven and the Pitt," at the very least, they could all rest a little easier knowing for now that there would be no scorn upon the Ascendants.

"Moving on, the title system has been fully implemented at this point. Additionally, given there has been no arguments against it, I will move forward with changing the Pendant system. Not much will be changed, truthfully. All members of the ascendants - Observers and above- will receive a metal pendant with the image of a moon upon it. The backs may be engraved to the person's choosing. Additionally, with the title system and the traditions, you may earn beads to put upon your pendant, which can also be carved to be more individualistic. However, the main pendant will remain the same, as a unified symbol of the Ascendants. In regards to Traditions, I will be making more of an effort to host these traditions through the course of the month. Feel free to remind me if I forget," He gave a moment's pause to allow that to sink in.

"Next, and I believe last in regards to Clan news, I still wish to host a party here in the Ascendants for our allies and neutrals. I will try to have invitations and such out by tomorrow if at all possible. If you're interested in sending out invitations when ready, let me know. Otherwise, this is the present plan: We will have one main party at the Observatory for people to talk and mingle. This will include a hot-chocolate bar and a cookie bar, as well as more alcoholic choices for the adults. There will also obviously be dinner prepared, and perhaps some dancing as well. In the middle of camp, we will have the Ascendants Holiday Tree and Ornament Decorating. There, people can decorate ornaments to both put in the Ascendants, as well as take home to their own Clans. If there are any other ideas that anyone has, or something they think should be different, do let me know as soon as possible. Lastly, there may be an Ice Skating event soon for the Ascendants members alone, so if you have interest, keep an eye out for that too."

He took another moment to clear his throat. Despite trying to make these meetings short, they never really seemed to, did they? "Next, I need someone to host Weekly Tasks or Prompts for this week if anyone would like to. Moving on," Another pause as his gaze searched the faces of the crowd for one in particular, "Clarence, I would like you to step up to Lunar Lieutenant, if you would like. I appreciate your activity around the Clan, and your ability to get everyone involved." For a moment, Atticus offered a warm smile to the man as he tried to catch his eye, eventually dipping his head before continuing on. "Orpheus, while you only just joined some days ago, you have not gone unnoticed in the slightest. A shoutout to you and your presence around the Clan. For that, given the pendant system is now working, I would like to offer you the title of 'Promised.' Pendants, and appropriate beads, will be given out in a ceremony within the next week."

Was he missing anything? "Lastly, there is now a Secret Santa event running. Yes, it's a bit late in the season, but if you have any interest, I encourage you to participate. Also, there is a meet and greet for anyone who is interested. Above all, thank you for a wonderful week, and let's make next one even better. Any questions?" Leaving it open-ended, Atticus would simply smile, waiting in case there was anything more that needed to be said.

Summary -
Thank you all for your participation this week! Need a volunteer for Weekly Tasks or OOC prompts this week!

Neutrality with Sunhaven is going well- no further mention of the murders that occurred last week. Rumors of tensions between Pitt and Sunhaven.

Title system fully implemented. Pendant system also being redone: each member (observer and above) will receive the same pendant, that can be customized with engravings on the back, and carved beads earned from titles.

Traditions will be attempted to be more implemented. Pendant Ceremony will be held roughly next week.

Ascendants Party (likely Sunday)! Plans for a dual-thread party to avoid flooding; there will be the 'main' party at the observatory with hot chocolate bars, food, dancing, and talking. Another thread will host an Ascendants Christmas Tree decorating and ornament making.

There may possibly be an Ascendants-only Ice Skating party as well, likely next week.

There is an Ascendants Secret Santa, as well as a Mass Meet + Greet (and a game of Never Have I Ever)

Lastly, [member=2934]clarence a.[/member]  to Lunar Lietuenant. Shoutout to [member=3063]ORPHEUS[/member] , and award of the title, "Promised."

Re: MISTER GRINCH | MEETING 12.15 - clarence a. - 12-18-2018

Clarence arrived quietly, as he often did. Not one to draw attention to himself in a crowd, the man made his way between a few other members before settling down and fixing his eyes on Atticus to hear what he had to say. While it'd been a little odd at first, he had to admit that the weekly meetings were a nice aspect of his life here. Thanks to them, he always felt as though he knew what was going on and where he could find it. Even if he'd struggled with the idea of a community of talking animals at first, he was learning more and more each day that they were just like, if not better than, the community he'd had in his old home. Clarence understood what Atticus meant when he discussed various events but then he went on for some time discussing traditions, something the panther hadn't really taken the time to familiarize himself. He kept thinking he needed to ask someone about all of that, but he just hadn't really gotten around to it. Then his own named was mentioned. His dark eyes widened in mild surprise as the Seraph looked towards him and spoke of some kind of 'promotion,' saying he'd now be a lieutenant. He wasn't really sure where that fell within all the ranks here, but it sounded rather important. He waited until he heard Orpheus' name spoken and and then the last bit of announcements before he spoke, "Congratulations to Orpheus for his title and thank you very much, Atticus, for my promotion. I'll do my best to serve you well." And he meant it. Clarence wasn't one to pledge loyalty lightly, but he felt it was the only reasonable response in this case. The Ascendants had taken him in without a second thought and put up with his endless questions and 'discoveries.' They'd truly welcomed him. For that, he was in their debt. 

Re: MISTER GRINCH | MEETING 12.15 - VALE - 12-19-2018

Right on time for her first meeting in the Ass-scent-ants, the she-wolf managed to get herself cleaned up. Apparently these animals were a tad more civilized than the ones from back home; smelling like dead deer, apparently, ‘upset the children’ or some shit. Like Vale cared about children. Children smelled worse than her, with their nasty vomit and shit! But, she had to admit, it was nicer walking around when she didn’t occasionally get a whiff of her own ‘funk.’

Spotting her brother in the crowd, the lanky she-wolf walked over to him and took a seat – but not before playfully smacking him in the shoulder for a greeting. She didn’t know jack shit about what a lunar lieutenant did, but she knew a promotion always came with a bump in responsibilities (and pay, but nobody in this world seemed to have a strong enough government to form their own currency). “Congratulations, Clare-bear,” she chuckled, proud of him. Seemed that he got more shit done than her in their first few weeks here, though that shouldn’t have surprised her – he’d always been the dependable one. She, on the other hand… fucked up a spell she had one shot at, because she was too impatient to practice drawing the symbols.

Looking back at the leader – who, quite frankly, she ought to remember his name by now – the wolf’s ears flicked as she tried to think of a damn question. Well, a lot of what he said did confuse her. But she’d rather not rattle off a ten-page questionnaire, because even she wouldn’t be able to sit through the lecture that’d be needed to catch her up to speed on how this world worked. “Yeah, Boss, why’re we celebrating? And do we need to pay to attend the party?” she called out, thinking that would make the most sense. While she enjoyed hot chocolate and presents, admissions fees were sneaky little bastards.