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Yuletide || Never Have I Ever + Mass Meet and Greet - Printable Version

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Yuletide || Never Have I Ever + Mass Meet and Greet - ATTICUS - 12-15-2018

―――― There had been many new joiners of late, of which Atticus was glad, and while they had quickly settled into life at the Ascendants with little issue, Atticus couldn't truly say that he knew any of them that well in any capacity. Sure, he knew their names, maybe a little bit about what they were like based on interactions with them, but if someone asked what their favorite color was, or what they did on their days off, he wouldn't have the slightest idea. While he knew community was important, and it was something he strove to facilitate within the clan, it wasn't always easy to do so. Hence, sitting near the observatory with some cups of cocoa and some treats set out on a platter, he took in a breath to speak, "Meet and Greet! And a game of Never Have I Ever," it was simple, but it would work. As people began to arrive, he would begin to set out small cups of jelly beans, five in each, in front of those that sat down. After a while longer, for the sake of getting things started, he would bring himself to quickly explain the rules, "We'll go around in a circle. First, introduce yourself- your name, maybe one or two things about yourself, or what you like to do, then a statement for Never Have I Ever. For instance, if you've never known how to swim, you could say that- anyone who does know how to swim has to eat one of their jellybeans. If you run out of jelly beans, you're out of the round. Last person standing wins. Anyone may start."

Re: Yuletide || Never Have I Ever + Mass Meet and Greet - ORPHEUS - 12-17-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Orpheus, although being one of the mentioned newbies, was already starting to feel at home in this place. People were pleasant and kind (for the most part), and having people around him who are emotionally available (ish; again, mostly) is starting to heal old wounds. He feels content with what he has, despite the nagging curiosity that the lion had so far directed mostly at Ambroise. Maybe it's because he's the one that seems most closed off — Orpheus sure wouldn't expect him to show up here of all places. But he does, with a grin and a nod towards Atticus. Already he's struggling with what he could say. There were few things that he hasn't really done, at least when talking solely about what he could say in public. After a moment, he clicks his tongue. "Guess I'll start? I'm Orpheus, I like strawberries, and... never have I ever kissed a lady." An interesting way to start, but it's the only thing he can think of.

Re: Yuletide || Never Have I Ever + Mass Meet and Greet - AMBROISE - 12-17-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]What the hell was this? Ambroise knew full well how this game worked- which was exactly the reason he knew it was played with alcohol, not this candy shit. The lion stared down at the cup with faintly disguised disgust, and then side-eyed Orpheus with an even more obvious disdain. For a very long second, he debated throwing the cup at him and leaving, body going tense, before he told himself he was overreacting. Orpheus didn't know. Orpheus didn't know shit, and Ambroise wasn't going to be cowed by a stupid game, so he tipped over the cup to release one jelly bean. He didn't eat it, but he figured it was obvious enough what that meant. "Never have I ever verbally outed myself in a game of Never Have I Ever," he grumbled, with a pointed glare sent Orpheus' way. No, Ambroise did not care that he singled him out on that one. And no, he wasn't going to introduce himself, or give a few random facts that no one actually gave any shits about.


Re: Yuletide || Never Have I Ever + Mass Meet and Greet - ORPHEUS - 12-17-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Well now that sure says that there are surprises left in the world. His eyes widen a little bit as Ambroise joins the group, more pleasantly interested than upset. Definitely not upset. The other lion is reluctant to say anything about himself, so anything to get a few facts out of him. Of course he doesn't give anything — of course. He's not even eating his candy. Something about his stubbornness is strangely endearing, enough to leave him hiding a smile as he knocks a jelly bean out of his cup. "Aren't you fun to play with." Orpheus tips out a candy of his own but actually eats his, not at all bothered by being one bean down due to someone's judgmental nature. "Since he's about as talkative as a rock, I'll play for him. His name is Ambroise —" he intentionally stresses the pronunciation "— he likes long walks on the beach and deep conversations." His own sideways glance to Ambroise is teasing, with a light smile. "Never have I ever been swimming in the ocean." He thinks he'd like it, though.

Re: Yuletide || Never Have I Ever + Mass Meet and Greet - clarence a. - 12-19-2018

Clarence had never heard of this game before, so he assumed it was something more modern, as most of the things here were. Perhaps one day he'd have to have a day where he put together some of the old games he played and see if anyone knew what they were or remembered them. It was so strange to think he was technically the oldest among a group of people who were technically, physically he same age as him. Even in terms of mental state, they seemed to be just as matured as he was, for the most part. Yet his life had to be much longer than theirs, as a human, but he assumed they must develop quite a bit faster than humans do, given their shorter lifespans (in most cases). In any case, Clarence was aware that many of his experiences wouldn't match theirs, but he still wanted to put in some effort to be involved with the group. He listened as Orpheus and Ambroise began to play, although the second man seemed rather disgruntled with the whole thing. When Orpheus stated he'd never kissed a lady, Clarence didn't eat one of his jelly beans. He hadn't kissed a lady. He hadn't actually kissed anyone. It was a fact the man was a bit embarrassed about, given most men his age were married by now, but he told himself he hadn't had the time for it and there was no one he was interested in anyway. There wasn't a single woman in all of London he wanted to marry, so he hadn't bothered with it. At Ambroise's specific statement, once again he didn't eat any of his jelly beans. Honestly, he wasn't sure what 'outing' oneself meant but he didn't dare ask. The man seemed to be in a sour mood, as he often was, and Clarence wasn't one to test anyone's patience. Finally, with Orpheus' last statement, he picked up a jelly bean and ate it. He'd been swimming in the ocean many times, having lived near a coast and having been a member of the Navy. Then he seemed to realize it was his turn and he paused a moment, thinking, before speaking, "Never have I ever... um... forgotten to blow out the candles before going to sleep?" It was an important aspect of his life previously but he wasn't sure if it was 'relatable.' Still, he was trying his best.     

Re: Yuletide || Never Have I Ever + Mass Meet and Greet - Grimm - 12-19-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]Common was the use of alcohol within this, something the child would never freely admit to tasting though bitter had it been, small the mouthful but enough to turn him from such, though it had not been within such a setting. Few and far between were the games he had found himself caught within, moments suspended in time when calm had touched the few counted amongst his family, warmth within the illusion of it, laughter arising easy as the cards passed between them.

Different was it all, the settling not contained within the small structure he had known for much of his life and instead touched with the chill of wind, curling and working into the fine fur, no matter the length of it settling in a thin coat about him. All the same soft was the curl of smile, slight the bounce in step as Keyne moved closer, hitch within starting as the bickering of the two men found him. Brief the raise of thought wondering if better it might be to not participate but it was swept away when the next approached, familiar face leaving his heart to skip a beat, shaky the edge of smile as the tabby moved to sit by Clarence.

Paw moved over the cup, circled its lip before he took one out, the blue sheen of the candy hidden within the curl of claws before he placed it between his teeth. There he held it, sheepish the look within his eyes, apparent he bore no want to eat the treat. Though it proved a core part of the game Key quickly took it from between his teeth and instead set it by the cup, marking it as one lost, his lack of a sweet tooth making eating it unappealing. Indeed had he done just that, many times he remembered the gentle reprimands of his mother, though teasing had they been, pushing at his buttons more then it was to truly show her ire.

“Um... never have I ever said a bad word...” It was the best one may expect of him, chin pressing into his chest as he spoke, unsure of how to continue or even if he should.

Re: Yuletide || Never Have I Ever + Mass Meet and Greet - JERSEYBOY - 12-19-2018

Jerseyboy hadn't been out-and-about lately, which was somewhat abnormal for the normally social creature. Maybe it was the sickeningly-sweet holiday season that had driven him away from everything? Probably. He knew of Christmas and all that, but he seldom actually celebrated it. Nobody ever got him everything and vice versa, it was just the way that it went. He was fine with the fact.

The tuxedo tom had gathered his jelly beans, quietly thinking to himself how much more fun this game would have been with shots instead of sweets. He couldn't help but snort at the answers that the others gave. "Never Have I Ever" kissed a lady? Said a bad word? "Sheesh, yous makin' me lose al-fuckin'-ready." Whoops. He was terrible at this, wasn't he?

After swallowing down two pink jellybeans, he supposed that it was his turn to go. "Name's Jerseyboy, 'n that's all there is to it. Neva' have I eva' gotten a Christmas present." Which may have sounded sad to some, but he personally didn't give a shit. He had only been alive for, what? One or two Christmases? His parents or friends sure didn't give a crap about the holidays, considering that they were strays who only had their next meal to worry about.