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brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - Printable Version

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brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - vellichor - 12-15-2018

She had seen him and she had known him. Not literally, of course. They'd never met before but she knew exactly what the man needed when she laid eyes on him and his ravaged skin. It had been easy enough to topple the vampire but now came the interesting part. She'd brought him back on a large slab of earth, not even bothering to lift him. Now that they were back, though, she knew he'd likely wake up soon and this sort of thing required precision. With that in mind, she attempted to form the earth around his paws, preventing him from moving, but still allowing her enough space to work with. She called a variety of flora to appear around the tablet on which her newest patient sat. One patch was a combination of poisons, in order to keep him subdued. Her goal wasn't to necessarily kill or harm him, after all. It would certainly hurt later on but she'd never been a fan of all the screaming in blood during the process of a makeover. She didn't find it lovely enough to keep in her own procedures. The other patch was some simple flowers with little to no negative effects. No, these ones she began to pluck and compare to the current fur and skin tone. After all, before making anything permanent she had to be sure it looked good, otherwise she'd have to do it all over again.


Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - emil - 12-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Captures. Tortures. In her prime, Carmen hosted plenty. From time to time she would send out a small party to raid a neighboring village, bring back the last person they found alive. It was all pure fun; the blood on her claws, seeping into the sand, the stench of fear prominent on the breeze. She would always say her finest moments had been those in which she had tortured her rat of a father. For countless days she had kept him on the brink of death, teetering on the edge. Wounds would be treated, then the next day she would be tearing them open again and inflicting more. Her approaches had never been the most subtle. Things like poison or sedatives had never occurred to her. Just pain. Just bloodshed.

She'd been basking in the shade when her maroon gaze settled upon Briar. Another pretty face she had not yet had the pleasure of meeting, and behind her, a body on a slab of earth. Carmen couldn't say she wasn't impressed by the display. Her limbs stretched out before her and her chin slowly set upon her paws, eyes half-lidded as she decided to watch the scene from the comfort of the shade. A lazy, sly smile graced her lovely face as she drew her gaze over both Briar and the unconscious foreigner, and a smooth purr rumbled within her chest. "Put on a good show." Carmen cooed, her gold adorned tail twitching lightly.

Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - teef - 12-16-2018

[align=center][Image: bd673b20-59a5-0133-9e4e-0af7184f89fb.gif]


" i am the god-damn king !! "


he wouldn't lie, the attack had come completely as a surprise. the gut-twisting stench of the pitt hadn't escaped the former member. throughout all of his years, this had been far from the worst attack he had suffered.

coming around after having a bundle of herbs shoved into his mouth, the emotionless and recently turned vampire groggily shaking his head. "...herbs, really? to think ..." his voice was rough and hard, filled with time and scars that would never heal.

he was content to sit up, shaking himself while caught, his prosthetic leg dropping a few new blooms in regards to the magick or element of the fellow creature. a tired golden eye looked out from the skull mask that covered the entirety of his face, hiding the most vulnerable of his scars.

"been a while since I've been in this hellhole. thought stryker would've told his minions to kill me on sight after tsuyu and i escaped. brings back memories, really." the hellhound murmured, pointedly ignoring carmen. he didn't recognize either of the two femmes, but that didn't really bother him all that much. what would bother him, was if the blood soaked criminals themselves came to play.

watching briar work, he gave a hum of amusement, "looking to make me pretty, love? ain't nothing can fix this old body. you'd be further in making me look pretty if you could see my damned wings." there was a hint of tired laughter in his voice. the lack of his wings had been a deep annoyance to the hellhound, former human and formerly before his most recent birth, a former god. oh, he probably still was, but being unableto use his wings just simply meant he was a little bit behind on the list of important things for fate to handle.

Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - Stryker - 12-16-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center][img width=690][/img]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Upon arrival, neon eyes widened in surprise. What a lovely gift. The ardent was thoroughly pleased by Jeriside's unholy return to the Pitt. After his actions with Tsuyu, along with Dabi, there was some needed punishment. With Briar's previous work with maiming, he was pleased to have her on the job, despite her holding no previous knowledge or grudge towards Jeriside. She just got lucky. For now, Stryker remained quiet on that part. If he wanted to indulge in his past and proceed to torture the wolf further because of that, he would gladly do so. In the meantime, he'd let Briar have her fun. It was not his capture.

Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - teef - 12-19-2018

[align=center][Image: bd673b20-59a5-0133-9e4e-0af7184f89fb.gif]


" i am the god-damn king !! "


one golden eye would land on the lion's form, a sneer ready on his lips as he growled at him, "just going to sit back now? nothing left in ya, big guy?" he rumbled with a backwards twitch of his ears before they stood up again, listening to what happened around them. there was one person here that he wanted to see in this entire storm of shit. and he didnt even know if that person was alive -- he couldn't feel anything from that end of their bond.

Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - ninazu - 12-19-2018

© lexasperated
The sound of crackling flames preceded her arrival, as the fire plumage around her neck hissed and spit. The woman contemptuously eyed Jeriside, upper lip curled back. "He's not the one you should be worried about," the lioness spoke, her tone frosty. Others might assume Ninazu spoke about Briar, but if the other woman didn't start playing with her captive, then the lioness would more than happily take her damn place at the alter.

Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - Stryker - 12-19-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] At Jeriside's comment, his brow rose inquisitively. Stryker surely had a lot left in him, but found himself holding back. This was not his capture. Despite that, if there was any troubles, he wouldn't be against stepping in with the help of Ninazu. They were quite the duo. Unaffected, the ivory lion awaited Briar's move towards Jeriside. He dearly hoped for her to shoot vines up his ass.

Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - vellichor - 12-20-2018

//apologies for replying so late!! moving + finishing up finals has been wild but it's all good now

Her amber eyes slid to Carmen, a soft smile coming to the woman's maw, although there was a hint of regret in it. "I must apologize, I'm afraid you might not find it very entertaining. I'm not much a fan of blood or screaming. It ruins my images," she admitted. Then he was awake, her patient. Her alluring smile only grew as she danced on light paws to the man, her eyes raking down his being as she took in a deep breath. When he claimed nothing could fix him, laughter akin to bells came from the woman. "That's what makes you so wonderful! Quite frankly, I haven't an idea who you are or why Stryker wants you dead, but I certainly could accommodate that. I just like to see my canvases walk around a bit at least. Live art is never beautiful forever, though, unfortunately," she sounded a bit forlorn about that, but her dark mood didn't last long as she continued pairing flowers with his fur. When he mentioned Stryker again, the woman rolled her eyes. "Now, you're getting on my nerves. I do like the idea of wings, though. I know just what you need. Don't worry much, though. It won't hurt at all, until you wake up, of course. As I said, not much for screaming. Ruins my thought process entirely and you wouldn't want a thorn in your spine, now would you? Of course not, that'd be terrible and bloody. I don't do blood," she continued, a new edge in her voice as she slowly began to extract the proper herbs for forcing her captive to sleep once again. Once she had it all condensed, she attempted to push them into the Jerisidie's mouth so she could begin her work. Hopefully he would stay asleep for the entire process or else things would get exceedingly more complicated.   

Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - teef - 12-20-2018

[align=center][Image: bd673b20-59a5-0133-9e4e-0af7184f89fb.gif]


" i am the god-damn king !! "


the hellhound smirked when ninazu appeared, eye rolling over the lioness, "kitty's got claws now?" he hummed, back to his usual asshole attitude. rolling his eye he would sigh, settling his weight as he flicked his tail. the mention of torture really didnt bother the man, no, not one bit. he had been exposed to a lot of it throughout his life.

but he did suppose that sometimes there would be some stupid ball of emotion and wiry feelings growing in his belly. none of that today, though. there never was anymore. he just simply lacked most of his emotions even if he sounded otherwise.

eyes carrying back to briar, he gave a grin, unused muscles of his jaw pulling under the skin and mask that he wore, "wouldnt want to know the reason either. just consider me another score on the list to climb the ranks." he laughed, voice full of what should have been mocking humor but it sounded more like pity. he didn't like this place one bit, but he supposed that everyone needed to figure out what was black and white for their morals.

a lazy smile could be heard in his voice as he answered her before the herbs were shoved his way, "let me stay awake. i want to know what it's like. don't worry -- i don't scream easily." he responded in an almost bored voice, studying the different flowers and storing away the knowledge for other purposes. he chuckled now, "give me some time and you can see them eventually. you might even laugh." he snorted, shaking out his fur where he was held.

Re: brush off the dirt and let my change of heart occur / roseblood capture - guts - 12-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She takes a seat to watch, to observe what blows would be dealt. But, from the looks of it, things were going quite slow. She huffs, looking unimpressed as she glances between all those gathered. Finally she looks over towards the one they had captured. He had a smart mouth for someone who had been dragged to their camp, that was for sure.
