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HEART OF GOLD ★ hazel's bio - Printable Version

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HEART OF GOLD ★ hazel's bio - ★ HAZEL - 04-22-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:300px;font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;"]
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Re: HEART OF GOLD ★ hazel's bio - ★ HAZEL - 04-22-2018


[sup][b][i]princess of dawn and death — multi-soul — resident flower child nerd — played by miithers[/sup]

FULL NAME Hazel Elise Caelum
goes by Hazel, Haze, Princess, H, Sunshine, Golden Girl
of Teutonic origin meaning "commander"
of French origin meaning "pledged to god"
Latin for "heaven" or "sky"

GENDER female
accepted pronouns are she/her
BIRTHDAY 09 october 2017
time 6:59am
PHYSICAL AGE 11 months
human age is 18 years
aging method is monthly
ZODIAC libra
Libra are elegant and charming, with a great love of beauty and harmony. They know how to appreciate the various pleasures of life, and they are naturally kind. Because they are even-tempered, they can be very social and diplomatic, and they are one of the most empathetic of the signs. Libra need to work at being more objective when it comes to love. They don’t like work environments that involve complicated politics or chaos and conflicts.
DRUID SIGN mountain ash
These people always seem to be in a good mood, which they happily share with the rest of the world. Along with their friendliness, Mountain Ashes possess an incredible talent for self-control. They can never bring themselves to bug others with their problems. They have both dignity and respect for others. They are independent and a bit self-centered, but always know when they should give in and when they should stand their ground. They are very goal-driven.

ROMANTIC ORIEN. biromantic
SEXUALITY bisexual
STATUS single

biological: Aurora, Roman goddess of Dawn
biological: Pluto, Roman god of Wealth and the Underworld
adopted … thinks of Arion as her little brother sometimes
CLOSEST FRIENDS Suiteheart, Margaery, Bastilleprisoner
MENTOR Margaery

COMPANION/PET Arion; Buckskin Thoroughbred colt
HOBBIES art, making jewelry/art out of pieces of junk/material she finds
QUIRKS she’s oddly sentimental about saffron, as it is a reminder of her birth mother, though she is unaware of it; leaves her door open almost always

CURRENT ALLIANCE the ascendants
CURRENT POSITION kuiper corporal
一 previous positions fireball, Starstruck Guardian
UNOFFICIAL TITLES resident golden girl

Ferrokinesis the ability to control precious metals
Photokinesis the ability to control/produce light
Earth Elementals

Peachy sunrises and dusky sunsets with clear skies; golden summer days with cottonwood tufts frosting the ground. Picnics with friends on checkered blankets under ancient oak trees, laughing to music that thumps, young and wild and free. The childish glee that comes with blowing bubbles, followed by the awe of watching the multi-color spheres glint in the sunlight. The tranquil state of mind when a breeze brushes exposed skin. A child’s laughter. The softness of paper that has been crumpled too many times. The pleased buzz after receiving a compliment.


body: cocoa fur with dark points; not quite a chocolate point. has slightly tall ears and small paws, and a feathered tail.
eyes: vivid gold (glows a little in the dark)
build: delicate, just under average
scars: one on her left foreleg, one on her haunches, and a few on the inside of her back legs.
accessories: a patterned gold bandana tied around the scar on her left foreleg, spiral sun necklace with a turquoise bead
other possessions: a seashell necklace from lunafreya, a box of paints and brushes, a cookbook that used to belong to margaery's mother
smells like: cinnamon and vanilla


SUPPORTIVE – ISFJs are the universal helpers, sharing their knowledge, experience, time and energy with anyone who needs it, and all the more so with friends and family. People with this personality type strive for win-win situations, choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible.

HUMBLE AND SHY – The meek shall inherit the earth, but it’s a long road if they receive no recognition at all. This is possibly ISFJs’ biggest challenge, as they are so concerned with others’ feelings that they refuse to make their thoughts known, or to take any duly earned credit for their contributions. ISFJs’ standards for themselves are also so high that, knowing they could have done some minor aspect of a task better, they often downplay their successes entirely.

RELIABLE AND PATIENT – Rather than offering sporadic, excited rushes that leave things half finished, ISFJs are meticulous and careful, taking a steady approach and bending with the needs of the situation just enough to accomplish their end goals. ISFJs not only ensure that things are done to the highest standard, but often go well beyond what is required.

TAKE THINGS TOO PERSONALLY – ISFJs have trouble separating personal and impersonal situations – any situation is still an interaction between two people, after all – and any negativity from conflict or criticism can carry over from their professional to their personal lives, and back again.

IMAGINATIVE AND OBSERVANT – ISFJs are very imaginative, and use this quality as an accessory to empathy, observing others’ emotional states and seeing things from their perspective. With their feet firmly planted on the ground, it is a very practical imagination, though they do find things quite fascinating and inspiring.

REPRESS THEIR FEELINGS – People with the ISFJ personality type are private and very sensitive, internalizing their feelings a great deal. Much in the way that ISFJs protect others’ feelings, they must protect their own, and this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to a lot of stress and frustration.

ENTHUSIASTIC – When the goal is right, ISFJs take all this support, reliability and imagination and apply it to something they believe will make a difference in people’s lives – whether fighting poverty with a global initiative or simply making a customer’s day.

OVERLOAD THEMSELVES – Their strong senses of duty and perfectionism combine with this aversion to emotional conflict to create a situation where it is far too easy for ISFJs to overload themselves – or to be overloaded by others – as they struggle silently to meet everyone’s expectations, especially their own.

LOYAL AND HARDWORKING  – Given a little time, this enthusiasm grows into loyalty – ISFJ personalities often form an emotional attachment to the ideas and organizations they’ve dedicated themselves to. Anything short of meeting their obligations with good, hard work fails their own expectations.

RELUCTANT TO CHANGE – These challenges can be particularly hard to address since ISFJ personalities value traditions and history highly in their decisions. A situation sometimes needs to reach a breaking point before ISFJs are persuaded by circumstance, or the strong personality of a loved one, to alter course.

GOOD PRACTICAL SKILLS – The best part is, ISFJs have the practical sense to actually do something with all this altruism. If mundane, routine tasks are what need to be done, ISFJs can see the beauty and harmony that they create, because they know that it helps them to care for their friends, family, and anyone else who needs it.

TOO ALTRUISTIC – This is all compounded and reinforced by ISFJs’ otherwise wonderful quality of altruism. Being such warm, good-natured people, ISFJs are willing to let things slide, to believe that things will get better soon, to not burden others by accepting their offers of help, while their troubles mount unassisted.

— Because of her father and her early childhood as an outcast, she has a deeper sympathy for misunderstood and odd things. She gravitates towards towards all types of people, spare for the stuck up and bitchy.
— For all the pushing around and beating on her as a child, Hazel really won’t hesitate to stand up for her opinion. It might take her a while to get there, but she knows that deep down, there’s a rock solid self-righteousness that cements her morals.

FEARS & PHOBIAS fear of drowning, fear of dying without having accomplished anything // hydrophobia, athazagoraphobia (being left behind)

ENJOYS soft things, sunrises, golden hour, happy music, company, clear nights, nighttime summer sounds, saffron, marble, gentle touches, firelight
DISLIKES loud arguments, water, disappointing someone

TRIGGERS any sort of water exercise, unexpected physical contact/intimate physical contact, anger
HABITS singing/humming while she works, biting her lip when nervous
human habits include doodling on her arms/hands/legs in metallic gold sharpie, curling a lock of hair around her finger, wringing her hands when speaking in public,

mental strength is [inexperienced] [weak] [moderate] [strong] [experienced]
emotional strength is [inexperienced] [weak] [moderate] [strong] [experienced]


Charlotte was the daughter of the greek god Hades. She lived as a black Morgan filly in ArcadianClan for all her life. At a barely socially conscious age, she fled her abusive human owner at the demands of her mother. Charlotte was kind and strong willed; the perfect mother figure. She cared deeply about all her friends and clanmates, no matter their history or personality. However, her mythological lineage clung to her skin in all the wrong places. It made her uncomfortable, and she wanted nothing more than to get rid of it. Lost souls would constantly whisper to her -- telling her somber and sorrowful things that dragged her deep into depression. They would reach out to her, brushing ghostly fingertips against her sides, begging in croaking voices to revive them, to free them. Charlotte becomes so distraught by their wailing and sadness that she drowns herself, desperate to escape the voices. She becomes Hazel’s sometimes shocking maturity, and is also largely responsible for Hazel’s love of horses. Unfortunately, she is also one of the main causes of Hazel’s fear of water.

Titaniumstars was once a deaf healer in Tidalclan, and the daughter of Ladyliberty. She was bitter and lonely despite her close-knit clan and family, having only ever been able to see the world, and not once hear the clamor or beauty of nature. Never would she know what a splash of water sounded like, or the laugh that followed a good joke. Never would she know a bird chirping, a cricket playing, or the warm voice of her mother. For this, she would always hold a grudge. She died young and unexpectedly, and her petulant nature carries with her lack of aging. She contributes largely to Hazel’s childish as well as insecure side, since Tinny has a bad habit of being the second voice of doubt/sarcasm.

Re: HEART OF GOLD ★ hazel's bio - ★ HAZEL - 04-22-2018


Born of morning light and cold shadows, of beginning and end, of love and apathy; born of the sweet scent of roses and the prick of their thorns, of the fluff of clouds and their ever changing shapes; of yin and yang, of cosmic stardust, of interlocking universal forces and exploding nebulae. Born to the Roman goddess of dawn and god of the Underworld, this child is destined to lead a life of constant opposites, of constant ups and downs. She is destined to experience misery and laughter and things immortals should never know of 一 for what must the universe do with the walking embodiment of Life and Death?

With skin the color of cocoa, wild curls the color of topaz and amber, and eyes seemingly so concentrated with gold they glowed, the little girl was a bundle of joy. She rarely cried, and her infant peals of laughter were contagious.

Given the name Stella for its Latin meaning, Aurora and Pluto doted on this baby girl. Aurora with all the bubbling excitement of a mother, and the latter more hesitant to step up to the role. Pluto was unsure of how to approach the precarious situation he had created, for one wrong step and his wife, Proserpina, would discover the child and Aurora and see to their immediate demise. His discomfort also lay with the child herself. His objection to light was steadfast, but curiosity often won the battle that presided. Like a child fascinated with a flame they could not touch, Pluto was engrossed with this little girl, bubbling with pride at his achievement of contributing to something that wasn’t so completely wicked. Quickly, he became defensive of her existence, and kept Stella and her bouncing curls a secret from the rest of Olympus.

To keep Stella hidden, Aurora kept up her daily appearances at dawn, the immortal ichor in her veins saving her youth and need for rest. After her morning ride, she would return to the expansive palace in the East: a great sprawling estate of marble and glass, with saffron draperies and other luxuries mortals could only dream of. It was here, tucked away in the depths of the palace during the winter months, that Aurora kept Stella. Stella could find no fault in it as a child, for she had every reason to keep happy. Aurora dedicated hours and hours of time to slip Stella to the fringes of the palace to show her the world, pointing at and teaching her all the things she could touch for herself one day. When Stella got upset at being unable to leave 一 as a child inevitably will 一 Aurora would sit her in her lap and let her play with her saffron toga, telling her “Mea clara stella, per aspera ad astra.” Through difficulties to the stars, my bright firefly. She would have Stella repeat the phrase, until it became habit to say it at bedtime.

At the beginning of the spring and summer months, Aurora would trek to the Underworld with her daughter, carefully in disguise to slip Stella into the looming obsidian castle of Pluto while he returned Proserpina to her mother, Ceres. As they passed through the halls encrusted with gold, opal, silver, and other precious metals, Stella would reach out to brush small fingertips against the jewels, making them rattle in their stone beds. Ferrokinesis would be a trait carried from her father, therefore making it Pluto’s responsibility to teach her, wheras photokinesis would be Aurora’s specialty.

Aurora would journey deep into the corridors of the castle and await Pluto’s return, keeping Stella busy with small light tricks. Upon his arrival, Pluto would sit silently whilst Aurora rambled on. When Aurora said her goodbyes, Pluto would sweep Stella into his arms, cooing at her while the child laughed. Quickly, she came to recognize him as her father, and refused to call him anything except “Pa’er” which turned to “Pear” in her infant years, for her young tongue couldn’t quite wrap itself around “Pater.” Pluto would indulge in her childish ways and rumble “Mea regis filia,” My Princess, or “Antemeridialis rosa,” Morning Rose, at her.

While Pluto had more rigorous duties than Aurora, he would try to spend as much time with Stella as he could. The castle attendants quickly became familiar with the little girl, as bursts of light dispelled them when she smacked her hands together. Nevertheless, Stella was undeterred, and spent hours chasing the servants with giddy happiness. Pluto allowed her to play in the throne room when she pleased, and because of it, held the most important meetings elsewhere in the castle. When frustrated with her endless amounts of happiness, he would send her to play in Elysium, where the fallen heroes would regale her with stories of the world and what it was like. Pluto took the extra measure to warn everything in the Underworld that if they so much whispered a word to any passing deity, even Tartarus could not punish them as severely as he would. He also warned Stella to stay far away from any of the rivers she came across, as any one of them could destroy her sanity or soul. Surprisingly, Stella took this warning very seriously, and refused to go near them.

For six years, this cycle spun. For six years, Aurora and Pluto traded duties, always keeping Stella out of sight from the wrath of Proserpina. Until one, horrible, inevitable Autumn day.

Aurora was late to retrieve Stella due to a meeting Apollo had called. And, like everything Apollo did, the meeting was extravagant and lengthy. Pluto had reassured her that he could keep Stella hidden until Aurora smuggled her away. Unfortunately, Stella was so unaccustomed to being locked in her room, she managed to warp the metal hinges of the door and escape into the castle, dismissing servants with a snap of her fingers. In a petulant outrage, she stormed right into Pluto’s throne room, ready to hop onto the throne to the right of his, only to find it...occupied. Chaos quickly ensued, with Proserpina taking little time to figure that this was Pluto’s child, and Pluto being helpless to stop as she turned on little Stella. After all, he made a promise to Ceres and Jupiter that he would not hurt Proserpina, so long as she was still his wife. Proserpina demanded to know who Stella was, who her mother was, and everything else about her. Stella began to cry, which was such a rare sight for Pluto, his anger became visibly tangible as curls of black smoke frothed at his feet. This only frightened Stella more, and as Proserpina’s echoing voice rose and Pluto’s anger grew, Stella increasingly grew more panicked, until a sudden flash of light threw Proserpina to the ground. Too terrified to do much more than stifle her sobs, Stella was powerless to do anything as Proserpina swept forward, having taken the little girl’s power slip as an attack, furious and merciless. She gathered the child and stormed out of the castle, with Stella screaming for her father’s help until her screams faded into the distance. Pluto would feel the inklings of guilt for months.

Proserpina immediately stripped the girl of her immortality, but as she was not nearly as powerful as Jupiter, the job was only half complete; Stella retained her abilities, but could remember nothing of her mother, father, or the person she was. As cruelty ran side by side with anger and jealousy in deity’s veins, Proserpina plucked two souls at random from The Fields of Asphodel, and stuffed them into Stella, confusing the child even more. Determined to thoroughly finish the deed, Proserpina changed Stella’s name to Hazel, cast her to Earth, and turned her into a feline. She handed a newly-reborn Hazel to a mother who had recently lost her entire litter, knowing full well that the she-cat was grief stricken and would take to Hazel with a bitter, cruel intent.

[INFANCY/CHILDHOOD] birth - 6 months
— Raised in a massive clan, so Hazel never knew the feeling of close family; her mother was extremely verbally abusive; not so much physically so, but it wasn’t uncommon. Hazel became very used to doing what she was told when she was told, and to expect even the smallest of errors to be found and punished for them. Contributes to her perfectionism. Deep down, she’s frustrated and angry, but is terrified of the consequences if she speaks out. Confusion is an untouchable residue from her godly life. Very few people in the clan treat her like a friend.
— Set out on her own at 5 months; managed to survive that way for a month
— Found Arion during that month, and befriended him quickly after she rescued him from a sticky situation.
23 April 2018 Joined the Ascendants

[ADOLESCENCE] 7 months - 15 months
19 May 2018 First Flashback
24 May 2018 Starrynight, leader of the Ascendants, dies

[ADULTHOOD] 18 months +

Re: HEART OF GOLD ★ hazel's bio - ★ HAZEL - 07-29-2018


[sup]updated as of 09 september 2018[/sup]
FULL NAME hazel elise caelum
NICKNAMES haze, princess, golden girl, sunshine
CLAN/GROUP[b] the ascendants
— ranking ...?
11 months
— mental age 12/13 months
— human age 18 years
— aging ratio monthly
GENDER female
— pronouns she/her

used to be a goddess
has no memory of immortality
has two extra souls
grew up with an abusive mother
wears a golden bandana on her forearm to cover scars
speaks latin, but doesn't know why
has a thoroughbred colt named arion
has a mental bond with bastilleprisoner

health status -[47%]

SPECIES[b] feline
—accessories patterned gold bandanna tied around her foreleg, spiral sun necklace with a bead of turquoise on the string
—smells like cinnamon, vanilla and/or honey
—scars has small scars on the insides of her hind legs from her mother; has a large scar that runs almost all the way around her left forearm
—injuries none
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] curious, but not overbearing
—posture reserved; holds herself out of physical contact of others, but politely so

isfj - lawful good - hufflepuff

positive - negative
supportive - humble and shy - reliable and patient - takes things too personally
imaginative and observant - represses feelings - enthusiastic - overloads herself
loyal and hardworking - reluctant to change - good practical skills - too altruistic

— extra notes because of her biological father and her early childhood as an outcast, she has a deeper sympathy for misunderstood and odd things // she gravitates towards all types of people because of her curiosity, but stays away from extra/fake/easily angered types due to her adoptive mother // she can get sassy pretty easily, but it varies from friendly teasing to a passive-aggressive "i don't like you" sass
— interests arts & crafts, cooking (even though she’s horrible at it), painting, sketching with charcoal, learning to play the ukulele,


ORIENTATION[b] biromantic bisexual
[b]STATUS[b] single but hazille
— crush bastilleprisoner
— friends suiteheart, margaery, lunafreya, bastilleprisioner, pele
— family Pluto, Roman god of wealth & the Underworld/Aurora, Roman goddess of dawn (biological) && -- (adoptive)
— enemies 

won't start fights - won't fight back - will end fights - won't kill

SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] easy to get along with
— platonic relationships it's extremely easy to befriend her, but she has a mental roadblock when it comes to physical touch or sharing her past
— romantic relationships is terrified of disappointing/losing a significant other
— rivalries if you strike a nerve, she might hold a grudge; if not, she's very hard to anger
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] easy
— physical difficulty easy
— mental difficulty medium
dm this account, @ this account, or if attacking, attack in bold c79b6c

Re: HEART OF GOLD ★ hazel's bio - ★ HAZEL - 07-29-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:500px;font-family:verdana;font-size:12px;"][align=center]★ — ART

[Image: tiny_pixel_hazel.png] (creds to [member=874]kinglykingstone[/member] !!)