Beasts of Beyond
as days go by / return - Printable Version

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as days go by / return - Hope Arcanium - 12-13-2018

It had become quite chilly since she had left.

Her birthday had passed, and she didn’t even realize it due to the fact she constantly had her nose in a book when she wasn’t moving around trying to find her way back to Sunhaven. The former Solbinder had only meant to go on a research trip and to collect herbs for the coming months, but ended up spending a few weeks alone in the wilderness. No one was with her, and there had not been a single sentient life form during her time exploring.

With no one around to distract her from her thoughts, she had become depressed and contemplated remaining isolated in the vast forest lands unclaimed by any groups. Her self-doubt was getting to her, eating away at what little will she had left to do something meaningful with her life. She had practically vanished from camp, and in the eyes of her clanmates was likely seen as abandoning them and her responsibilities as one of their official healers.

Would anyone miss her? Had they even realized she went out and like an inexperienced child, had gotten lost in the middle of no-man’s-land? Would everything still be the same as when she was there and active? Would they even welcome her back completely, without resentment or flat out rejecting her? She wouldn’t know unless she carried her tired, sore and aching body back home.

Enough was enough- she couldn’t stand being alone for so long. It damn near drove the medic insane. She could never be left alone with herself, for things would take a turn for the worse and the mutated domestic would likely give herself up to her feral instincts or harm herself or others. None of those possibilities yielded positive results. Bottom line was: Never leave Leona by herself for extended periods of time, or when she is having mental health flare ups.

Eventually, the alabaster mutant feline arrived at the border of Sunhaven, exhausted and afraid. She had bandages wrapped around her left foreleg and her right shoulder, the bandages bore a deep, dark scarlet color characteristic of dried blood. The former Solbinder knew she needed to have them replaced with fresh coverings, but was too physically weak to do so on her own.

With a heavy sigh, Leona gently laid down, hoping to rest her weary limbs and body. With what strength and breath she had left, she called out,

H-Hello? Any-one there...?

They could kill her if they wanted. The thought suddenly struck her- Memories of her time in the Pitt as a slave began to resurface- and her calm and relief turned to fear and anticipation for a merciless beating from those barbaric animals. This weakness would be the end of her...

She knew it.

Re: as days go by / return - venus - 12-13-2018

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it had been long since venus had seen the other solbinder that had been promoted alongside themselves, leona, the kitsune had sort of melded her entire disappearance alongside the flood that occurred and chaos that had ensued. for it wasn't too far of a reach to say that the girl had simply been washed away with the rest of the territory - that was what had happened to wendall and he had been located just fine. perhaps?

never would have venus imagined that the girl simply had gotten lost on a way too long herb hunting trip, the situation seeming rather comical for the actually rather seriousness of the severity of leona's disappearance. the girl was in one piece thankfully, but badly hurt. what kinds of herbs was she hunting? coming across the injured former solbinder the kitsune came bounding over to the girl who once shared the same quarters as venus, sapphire gaze bewildered and dilated to the size of saucers. "leona? oh, wow. you're alive?" airy gasps littered their way through the vulpine's tone, as the silvery teen edged closer to make of what injuries the girl had sustained in her unplanned holiday. "well.. mostly at least, at least i can count all of your limbs and am glad to say you haven't lost any of them yet. teeth? i don't know yet, but you'd best come make yourself comfy in the solbinder's den. as a patient now, bit weird isn't that?" it was hard to admit defeat, it was hard to let yourself be weak but it was damn ironic to had a medic role reversal. 


Re: as days go by / return - guts - 12-14-2018


She didn't remember much about Leona, only that she was a medic or something to that similar affect. She wasn't around her much and that was about all she could gather. Nevertheless she found herself padding over when she saw her and Venus, tilting her head slightly. "[glow=black,2,300]Hey, welcome back. Got washed away or something?[/glow]" she smirks slightly, shrugging to adjust the cover over her shoulders.

Re: as days go by / return - buckingham barnes - 12-14-2018

[Image: untitled_artwork__32__by_vvintersoldier-dct5ahm.png]
Despite them both on the high position team for a good amount of time, Bucky never got the chance to get to know Leona. He didn't see her around Sunhaven a lot when she was a Solbinder, and he was curious as to where she mysteriously disappeared to. Her presence among the clan slowly, yet surely, diminished, and Buckingham wasn't sure if the feline mutant would make an appearance again.

Much to his surprise, the alabaster feline laid at the border, covered in old, dried up bandages. He rose an invisible eyebrow, what in the world happened to her? If anyone here is going to understand what it's like to be a slave, forced to work against your will, it's Bucky. To be honest, he never called his time in his old home as the Winter Soldier slavery. It certainly has aspects of it-- though the difference is Bucky was manipulated to believe what he did was for the greater good. He took orders and missions, he killed- but how it ties back to slavery- he did things Bucky Barnes wouldn't want to do. "Leona? Where've you been.. What happened to you?"