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wow, already? | sick - Printable Version

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wow, already? | sick - pallid-i - 12-12-2018

How did he already get sick? He didn't know, but the creature groaned and curled around himself, shivering. He had intense stomach pains, and quiet frankly, he despised the feeling of pain. Skeleton Key would have called for help, but as he opened his mouth, bile bubbled out of his maw, some maggots coming out. How disgusting...

Re: wow, already? | sick - stella - 12-13-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]stemming from the passions of her thought-to-be late pater, stella had an affinity for healing and health management, not something inherently based in science and the biology of living things, but something more like wanting to be a soothing force. an angel, inside and out. there was something that the hybrid child could really work on, but the state of this creature - no, he was too far beyond the hand of any regular medic. nor did stella harness the ability to aid this man on a more otherworldly level. all the cloaked child could, and would do, was stare into the gaping maw of the presumably deceased man with half-lidded lavender eyes.

fearing the detestable little creatures that escaped the open jaw of the unknown man, stella stared bewildered at the sight and the whole situation - what was expected of the girl now? she should probably go tell someone else, someone older, but for some reason it seemed unnecessary. the man's corpse would feed a few native species here even if it was infected, and it seemed selfish to take it away for some rituals conceived by the mortals who walked this earth. then on the contrary, mortal was what stella was too. sighing slightly, the girl glanced behind her, hoping that someone would follow suit soon and decide for her the right thing to do with the body. the angellic girl couldn't stand the sight and thought of death right now.

Re: wow, already? | sick - pallid-i - 12-13-2018

His milky white eyes looked up at the girl, and the dragon hybrid grunted before coughing up more maggots. "Child.. You smell of life. Perhaps you do not know that as a ghoul, I am undead... Did you even think I was dead?" His voice was beginning to waver near the end of his sentence, and Skeleton Key remained silent for a moment. His eyes narrowed before he decided to get up on shaky feet. He ignored the pain that shot throughout him, and he opted to fake a smile. Though his wool covered most parts of his body, there were exposed areas of muscle and bone, though his vital organs remained covered with skin. He towered over the child and stared, teeth chittering.

Re: wow, already? | sick - drachen - 12-13-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; max-width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 10pt;"]    the vague smell sickness is more than enough to bring forth the hound to the scene, larger form trotting in the direction as he nose guides him along. it's not the ordinary sickness of one ready to keel over and pass over to the other side. no, it is different and large ears swivel in the direction whilst picking up two separate beings, one being a mutt of various partners and spirit of sorts. feet move in a quicker fashion before the ginger arrives at the scene, cold metallic gaze lands on skeleton key with sharp facial features before it slides to stella. it softens before large ears swivel forward while he listens in silence to the comment the undead breathes out and allows umber lips to press into a thin line.

    then comes fake smile to a child unaware of more being to this life, head tilts to examine the odd dragon hybrid with a question lingering on the tongue. nostrils flare as vaughn keeps the query to himself and moves forth to stand behind the cloaked child and tail tip twitches several times before jaws part in order to speak.

    "not a surprise if some were to assume so. had i not known better i, too, would have thought so." words lazily roll off the tongue. perhaps the newcomer doesn't think those with little knowledge to the supernatural, or paranormal, world live about. it almost feels like common sense to know others had knowledge on such a topic than others, but he can't be judge too quick.


Re: wow, already? | sick - Luca - 12-15-2018

When Luca was a child, sickness was something that he encountered often. It was inevitable really, considering the way that everyone was kept in such tight quaters. Every night the silence was broken by sniffels and coughs, but the threat of sickness didn't stop the others from huddling for warmth. In the harsh cold of Winter, sleeping alone could very well mean death. Not that the sickness was any better. It wasn't uncommon to wake up staring at the blank face of someone that had succumbed to their conditions overnight. Luca had been lucky, but even that wasn't enough to save him from the coal dust that hung thick in the air around the processing plant. Now he lives with a constant souvenir from those frozen days. With every laboured breath that he squeezes from his lungs, he's reminded of cold stone floors and the haunting death rattle of those he once considered friends. These grim thoughts are the ones that return to him as he catches sight of Skeleton Key on the ground. Perhaps one would expect sympathy, considering Luca's past, but the disgusted curl of his lips proves any of those expectations wrong. There is no sympathy found in his eyes, only hate and a faint glimmer of fear. Isn't it natural for one to despise that which scares them?

"Maybe you'd be better off," Luca says as he draws closer to the group, hovering a distance away from the undead creature. It's near impossible for the incubus to get sick now, but that doesn't stop the nagging fear that tugs constantly at his stomach. His eyes crinkle at the corners as he squints, staring Skeleton Key down. He's never seen an illness like this, he thinks, all maggots and bile. At least diseases involving blood could be pretty. There was nothing pretty about this. "Half alive and half dead. Choose a damn side," he says in a somewhat strained voice, turning his gaze away from the hybrid and off to the side. Anything to distract himself from the constant thump, thump of his heart.

Re: wow, already? | sick - stella - 12-15-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family: arial; line-height: 109%; text-align: left; padding: 20px;font-size: 12px;"]with a word but not a breath, stella took one surprised step back from the creature before her when it started to speak to her. bewildered from what the child had assumed to be just a simple corpse awaiting to be pecked out like prometheus, it now appeared as if this being was a creature of the likes of which stella had never met before. something the hybrid child had never come across in her journey across multitudes of literary pieces detailing the nature of an abundance of creatures. but not this one. what was he?

from the question he posed, stella became suddenly very defensive about her previous thoughts and assumptions, childish nature telling her to try and make it appear as if she wasn't dull but just misled and misunderstood. not stupid. "n-no.. no, i did not know you were a ghoul. i was just, coming to make sure you weren't dozing off or something else.. i'm smart." a plea that even stella wasn't sure she believed herself. but what was a ghoul? the undead sounded familiar, almost alike to a zombie but this was a word that stella had yet to come across in any of her books spinning tales full of wonder about these fantastical beasts and creatures all totally unalike to one another. to stella, the ghoul was like a corpse, but it walked, and it talked like a normal being might do. so was that it? a talking and walking corpse with a mind still functioning despite all the veins in its body refusing to flow? the conclusion that the child had to come to was this; that information would have to suffice - for now. "and i'm not scared either. ego sum fortis." okay, maybe just a little bit.

as others gathered to watch on the amusing show, stella felt a wave of warm embarrassment rush down her spine as the older members watched the younger babble to the ghoul.


Re: wow, already? | sick - PEPPINO - 12-16-2018

There were so many strange creatures. The textbooks had never addressed...ghouls, if that was what this person was. How was he to treat the condition of someone who was, somehow, partially dead? But he was alive, too, and Pip didn't want to keep on walking when help was needed. He just wished he knew what to do. Would Junji- would he remember these things? Would he know what to do? The canine didn't want to seek him out, afraid that he wouldn't, or that he'd remember flashes of Pip as a failure. Or he wouldn't remember him at all, which seemed most likely. Pip wasn't especially memorable, all things considered.

"Whatever is on your mind, that doesn't excuse what you've said," the canine remarked firmly, his gaze on Luca, frowning. "If you aren't going to be helpful, I suggest you find something productive to do elsewhere." His mismatched eyes shifted to the ill creature, softening, frown more concerned than chastising. How was he alive in this state? Exposed bone and muscle tissue were just begging for infection. "Have you ever been sick before? I'm sorry, I've- never treated someone with your condition."