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you should be scared of me / weekly task + "beauty killer" - Printable Version

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you should be scared of me / weekly task + "beauty killer" - vellichor - 12-12-2018

/warning for gore. if you'd like to read the post except for the gore, i've italicized the gore so you won't have to read it!! i also feel like it's not super detailed (i'm not a huge fan of excessive gore myself) but yeah!! just be aware i guess lol. also a brief summary is just that Briar killed a stranger for stepping on a flower she liked and then made him "beautiful" by growing flowers all over his body.

It had been an accident. But that was what everyone said and she couldn't believe everyone, now could she? It'd been a lovely morning in the forest when she heard footsteps. The scent of whoever it was didn't belong to the group of which she was a new member. She was approaching with the intent asking their purpose, perhaps if they knew where they were. Briar wasn't needlessly violent. Despite what some may think, she was far from a monster. She was just someone who understood the importance of beauty. No one else seemed to understand and sometimes that made things... difficult. They didn't understand her purpose. But they would. The man seemed nice enough initially. He was a little bigger than her, some kind of big cat. But then he did the unforgivable. There'd been a flower there, a flower which Briar had marked with beauty. That flower was her's, as was every kind that belonged to it. It was impossible to tell which flowers were her's and which ones weren't, but she always seemed to know. And he stepped on it. "Oh, that really is a shame-" The words left her lips before she could think about it and she glanced up at the man. "I wish you hadn't done that. You seemed so nice. But how could you be so thoughtless?" She let out a soft sigh and regarded him in a new way. Her eyes swept up and down his body and she crept closer. At this point, the man seemed to sense something was wrong but it was far too late. She let the ground swallow his legs so he'd stay in place for a moment.

He started yelling and she winced. That was not beautiful. That high pitched, squealing, cowardly sound. "Oh, hush now. Is that really necessary? I'm not sure why you're so scared. I'm going to make you look better than you ever have before." This idea seemed to bring her more excitement but the moment was ruined by the man's whining. Without hesitation, she slipped vines into his mouth, letting it occupy his entire body. It was unbelievably fast and, when the vines were removed, he was limp and silent. Perfect. Now she could think. She knew just the colors to compliment his dark fur, so black he would fade into the night. But not when she was done with him. Well, the first order of business was to make sure her precious flower got its revenge. It had been a soft lilac. Carefully, she began to weave it and it's sisters through his skin. She allowed the lilacs to have the spotlight, showing them the way to the top of his head and wrapping them around so they'd create a lovely crown. What else? She wanted to keep the theme of soft colors and soon she found a soft yellow that wanted to burst through in place of his eyes. Of course, there was no blood in this process. There could be, but she didn't think blood was lovely enough. She had spent a long time perfecting this process so there'd be no blood. Any empty space was taken up by the flowers. Sometimes she had the issue of the flowers soaking up some blood, but not this time. This time it was going so well.

She didn't want to go overboard. It wasn't possible to make every single inch covered by beauty without losing the source material. Still, she wanted a little jacket. She let a few more lilacs and soft yellow flowers, along with a few blue ones for more variety, burst around his body as to make a lovely, flower, hand-woven jacket. It did look rather dashing on him. That was enough, though. She didn't want to push it too far. This was good enough. She let the vines crawl through his being once again so that he would stand straight up, looking as though he were about to speak or move. Death was best when it imitated life, in her opinion. It evoked more responses that way. Now that the stranger was in just the right position, with just the right amount of flowers, and with more lilacs than the one he'd destroyed all over his body, Briar had a soft smile on her maw as she observed her artwork. How lovely.


Re: you should be scared of me / weekly task + "beauty killer" - Stryker - 12-15-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center][img width=690][/img]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] The smell of lilacs filled the air, causing the ardent to let out a huff of annoyance. They were such a potent scent. Nevertheless, he proceeded to go to the source. Burning them would be a smart idea, but then it'd be a mixture of burning lilac and they was even worse. Promptly placing them elsewhere would suffice. Stryker is too particular with his environment. Nevertheless, he tried to close off the flower's disgusting musk and trudge forward.

Upon arrival, his maw hung open. To think that their luxurious member would have such a gift was expected to Stryker, but to see the woman use that beautiful gift for something like this was rather interesting. The white lion couldn't expect less though. Her charming smile was unnerving. Somehow, it was pleasant. Perhaps it was the eye of the beholder, but she held a certain glamour, despite the dark side of her. "This would be a nice decoration to leave on the border," he commented. 'The smell of the lilac would scare our enemies away.' "Shows off your lovely talents." Plus, come spring, he did plan to showcase more there.

// This is an EXCELLENT interpretation of the prompt. Wonderful job!