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So if any of y'all have read the Maximum Ride series, it's about this group of avian-human experiments. Your character can be premade or new, but they would have had to been cruel and had experimented on her to make her into a bird-avian hybrid. There's bomus points if she's like an x NPC child of the experimenter and they would be cruel and abusive, but these are not needed. Click the star for her info. I am open to changing her species (except for qhat type of bird she was hybridized with). I am open to a lot, including any placement!

Re: BE THIS EXPERIMENT'S CRUEL MAD SCIENTIST? - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 12-31-2018

Read it when I was a teenager, it was great.
Been watching this hoping you'd find someone who could give you exactly as you want, but since its been a few weeks I figured I'd offer the best I could.

I can't offer something purposefully cruel.
However Jiyu carries genes within her very soul that makes herself and her descants very prone mutations. So at least she could be Thirteens mother and someone else could have done the experiment. Not too long ago she came to believe herself a bad influence for any of her children, so if she had a young kit I could easily see her having given them away, especially if they were born normal. (Thirteen would be the first of her children to be born like that) Thinking she was protecting them form herself, not realizing what the other animal actually intended with her child.

Due to Jiyu's genes I could also give a rough idea of how the experiments may have functioned as well, as Jiyu mutates when 'forced' by an eternal force, need, but the one time she consumed vampiric blood she became vampiric herself for a while due to how easily she mutates until her immune system fought it off. Thus if someone carrying the same gene as her had the blood/genetic material of another animal placed in their blood system repeatedly overtime I could see them turning hybrid as the part of the family which mutates due to need would latch onto the more stable blood type and use it to finally stabilize the animal possessing them if they were kept away from other triggers until they stabilized.

I can't offer for Jiyu to have done the experiments herself as she could never hurt a child especially her own, but I can offer her to be the mother.