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dancing all alone in the morning light / open, weekly task - Printable Version

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dancing all alone in the morning light / open, weekly task - Margaery - 04-22-2018

She wondered if Suiteheart thought herself clever, assigning this weekly task and all. She knew that Margaery both loved to garden but had yet to establish one since arriving- even going as far as mentioning her favorite flower as if she had just gone and forgotten it. She would never not grow geraniums, especially red ones, in her garden. They were even more of a staple than her roses. This time around, she'd also grow lilies, a silent nod to the daughter whom she missed dreadfully. She could not have her physically at her side so this, like everything else in her life recently, would have to do.

Without powers, starting this garden certainly was going to be a bit of a challenge, but by some strand of luck, she had stumbled across nearly ever seed packet known to man, abandoned probably on accident by some travelling merchant. She took advantage of their loss by grabbing all of them and returning to a flat, relatively sunny patch of land. [color=black]"This is perfect," she murmured to herself, digging a few little holes for her flowers.

This was fun and all, she just wished she had a little company while doing it.

Re: dancing all alone in the morning light / open, weekly task - Character Graveyard. - 04-22-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Before Luna would go do her own weekly task, she decided to go see Margaret plant some flowers in her garden in her curiosity. Luna had a favorite type of flowers, known as Syval Blossoms. But she hadn't seen the flowers since her early childhood.

The winged-serval had taken a seat, a little ways away from the other feline, so she didn't bother while she planted her flowers.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: dancing all alone in the morning light / open, weekly task - Suiteheart - 04-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Oh, Suiteheart did think herself clever for this. She knew of Margaery's love for gardening, and she knew that there were no gardens on the Ascendant's territory. Creating a garden would prove stress relieving for her wife. And it would be reminiscent of home. This was perfect, wasn't it?

The girl strolled forward, a small rose bush clasped in her maw. The thorns had proven extremely tricky, and they had cut up her mouth and her paws. But it was okay. It would make Margy happy, and that was all Suite cared about at this moment in time. After everything, she wanted her wife to be okay. And if cutting her paws and mouth up just a bit to bring her a rose bush meant it would bring a smile to Margaery's face, Suite would do this for the rest of her life.

"Think you can find a place for this little guy?" she questioned, gently setting the plant down before waving to Lunafreya. The gift was a peach-colored plant, small yet promising. When it grew, it would be amazing. She hoped Margy liked it.

[color=#73B1B7][b]"This is really going to be something good, you know? Like there's tons of seeds here. In a few months, it'll be absolutely beautiful."

Re: dancing all alone in the morning light / open, weekly task - BASTILLEPAW - 04-22-2018

the ascendants — kuiper corporal — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; width: 305px; border-bottom: 1px solid black; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin: auto; color: black; font-family: Georgia; text-size: 6pt"]
Bastille, of course, remembered that one of Margy's only requests was to make a garden. He was still working on the first request, though he had only vaguely referenced it to Starry. For the most part, his plan was to just start putting together plans for the outer bunker and see if Starry noticed or cared. He was so used to living on his own, that his general inclination was to just do shit and ask for forgiveness later if something went amiss. (What was the worst Starry would do to him? Demote him? Oh, say it weren't so. Wouldn't that be just tragic. Bastille was clearly really fucking broken up about the possibility.)

As it were, he wasn't sure how any one else knew that, unless Margy had been sharing her passion with others. Clearly, she and Suite had some sort of flirtatious dancing happening, but all it did was make Bastille more suspicious. Neither of the two had exactly been all bright and perky when they first arrived on the border; now, they shared a casual and instant chemistry. They looked happiest near one another. It was interesting. Obviously, they had similar backgrounds and arrived close together in a similar fashion. But why travel separately? Why masquerade as strangers?

Bastille seriously doubted that there was any malicious plot at hand, if they did know one another. Their auras were good ones. He trusted them, readily enough, which was a rare thing. So what the fuck was up with the two of them?

Pushing his questions aside, the bengal ambled after Suite with a yawn, his agitation having dimmed a bit today. He felt too exhausted by lack of sleep to feel restless and twitchy, but he had a feeling the energy would be back soon enough. Most likely another sleepless night. "Yo," he muttered, gaze flickering briefly between Suite and Margy before he nodded to Luna.

Re: dancing all alone in the morning light / open, weekly task - Margaery - 04-23-2018

Margaery's attention raised from the small hole she was digging for her next batch of seeds to the three individuals that had stumbled upon her. The first was Luna whom, despite seeing around quite often, she still didn't know all that well. Since the other girl didn't say a word, she merely offered her a quick nod in greeting, unsure of what else to do. She'd quite like to get to know her better, she was intriguing, albeit a bit quiet. Oh well, she could work with quiet.

The next to snag her gaze was of course Suiteheart. And look! She had brought with her a tiny rose bush to start the garden off on the right foot. You know me better than I know myself, love She thought with a tiny, knowing smirk, wishing for a moment they were still connected so that she may hear the sentiment. Perhaps it was better to leave her guessing though, it spiced things up a little bit, especially in the peculiar situation that the pair had found themselves in. [color=black]"You make my heart absolutely flutter, darling! I'd say our relationship certainly is blooming," She purred, unable truly to contain her pure joy towards the little act of kindness. She just wished her clanmates were in on the secret.

[color=black]"And hello, Bast! Do you have any flower requests?" She inquired with a raised brow. Roses were a definite, lilies another, and of course geraniums, but she wished to share her garden- it only made sense to let everyone contribute a little here and there. [color=black]"I probably have close to every flower under the sun here."