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TAKE WHAT I CAN GET / territory decorating - Printable Version

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TAKE WHAT I CAN GET / territory decorating - bubblegum - 12-12-2018

Re: TAKE WHAT I CAN GET / territory decorating - pallid-i - 12-12-2018

"Huh?" He dumbly called out, looking extremely confused. "Why are we decorating? Is there something going on here that I don't get?" To be frank, Skeleton Key had never... celebrated a holiday. He didn't even know what Christmas was, or any of the other holidays for that matter. Growing up, he never heard of Christmas, or celebrated it. His father never taught him much of anything, after all.

Re: TAKE WHAT I CAN GET / territory decorating - BUBONICPLAGUE - 12-12-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Over the years, holidays had become considerably drab to the demon. They were far less primitive than they once were he supposed, but as time went on he found it all painfully repetitive and annoying. Bubonicplague had always been something of a Grinch. He cared not for the days of the year that roused cheer and pointless celebration among mortals; in the past he had even done what he could to prevent the festivity, but his efforts were for null. Mortals would find cause for celebration anywhere. A rather annoying trait, really, but it was almost... admirable.

The call for decorations was one that incited a curl of the decaying beast's lip. There was no escaping it, was there? He was forever cursed to live among the din of the holiday season. He breathed a heavy sigh as he pulled himself from the ashen earth, long legs stretching before him as he loped to the beach toward Goldenluxury's voice. There was a pang of disappointment that hit his cold heart as he remembered her having stepped up to captain after Pincher had resigned the position. A shame, but he hoped that at the very least, now he would have a slightly better chance at getting close to the male. A friendship (perhaps that wasn't the right word for his intentions) between the two would be beneficial for him, regardless of whether or not the other was leader.

He approached the scene in silence, stopping a generous distance away. Ears twitched as he listened before his sightless gaze drifted to Skeleton Key. A scornful snort left Bubonicplague at the questions. "Why? In the spirit of Christmas, of course," The demon rumbled out. He exhaled a cloud of smoke and gave a scoff. "A horribly festive little holiday centered about religion. I don't suppose there are any crucifixes or bibles in those crates of yours?" A heavy paw thrust forward to point at the large boxes, one brow raised almost accusingly. The words were sewn with a mocking tone. While it would be a good way to pass time, the enormous creature had already decided he would not participate. He seated himself where he was and wrinkled his nose at the crates.

Re: TAKE WHAT I CAN GET / territory decorating - Masie - 12-16-2018

Spirits weren't the only thing 'raising' if one watched the growing raptor close enough the top of her 'head' seemed to rise sometimes as if breathing, though this was just growing feathers attacked to muscles atop her head. Apart from that? Raising could also be considered growth which she was doing in pretty decent spurts. Blinking softly the raptor rose from between several crates where she had been napping until the noise of her pack mates awoke her. Standing she shook her head slightly as the young creature tried to orientate herself.

Apparently they were supposed to be poking around in the crates and doing stuff with what was inside of them, easy enough. Masie walked up to one of the crates, sticking her maw in to grab something, only the box was full of glitter so she quickly sneezed and stumbled back glitter rising up and covering her!

Re: TAKE WHAT I CAN GET / territory decorating - Whisper - 12-18-2018

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"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain . vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "
Sure , vaas knew of chrismas . but ain't no one selfless enough to die for everyone's sins . no way that one animal can atone for it all ; much less be the sun of god . sure, gods roamed the earth - but the idea of there being only one god and that one son - whose only known for killing himself - is ridiculous . the whole idea is ridiculous , and vaas would gladly chatter his own idea's to the bloody world if it meant that the winter season wasn't drowned in such moquerie.

but vaas loved parties. if he knew anything about Christmas - which wasn't much ; the whole christian religion was so full of shit vaas couldn't contain himself every time someone tried to tell him about it - it was that the season sold party supplies like a greedy merchant . he was a party animal and even now the idea of a party  made the tiger thrum with anticipation . the battered beast was there , slick russet and blacks - daring green eyes looking up and watching other's gather , discuss and unpack the festive looking decorations. His eyes slid to the area around them - no shifting shadows , no hidden footsteps - no responsibility .

Vaas' walk was confident as he tuned into the conversation , chipper mood for once . willing to even help and jolly gosh - wasn't that a surprise! "such a damper on the fun - religion" at this , the panther dragged his words - dramatizing the words grossly "if you're looking for the answer kiddos , the only reason most even amuse such a ridiculous tradition is because it usually involves a party . no one is usually ever in it for themselves - animals want things , and Christmas is the giving holiday."

vaas slipped past demon , raptor and ghost alike to get to the large crates. claws snapping whatever binding kept them shut and swinging one of the boxes open. a slight grin set on hi maw , the tiger pulled out spools of itchy tinsel . Vibrant reds and greens and silvers. he grabbed them by the pawful - the mouthful, the once scarred juvanile drowned in festive colors. Vaas looked around with a critical eye - looking for good spots to hide it for now - planning. stopping when he spotted his new clanmates. with a grin he twirled some of the silver tinsel around goldenluxery - aiming for it to look like a scarf around her neck - red for the raptor : maise - and bright green for bubonicplague.