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THE HOODED MAN // OPEN - Printable Version

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THE HOODED MAN // OPEN - REAPER - 12-12-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]//basically reaper unearthed moonmade's body, but he's experienced some memory/personality bleed from gabriel, so he's sitting with the body

Pincher was gone.

He was gone, and he hadn't released Reaper from his shackles. No one held them, but they didn't have to. They dragged and caught in the dirt, chafed around his neck, rubbed his skin raw- they bound him to this directionless purpose, this impossible goal. Knowing the futility did not free him from his duty. Reaper would not find peace until The Ascendants belonged to The Typhoon,  whether or not the current captain wanted control, but though they were all weak, they communicated this time. Didn't leap to accusations and violence. Too many new variables, he knew.

Bastille was to fall to his claws, but he disappeared. Moonmade was to gurgle dying breaths in a pool of his blood, not away in a bed. Agathe. Now there was another- Atticus. Watching this succession, how did any of them believe they were irreplaceable? Their places were filled so easily, so quickly. Dominos.

It was supposed to be easier, with the weak, soft-hearted fool out of his mind. But like the repeated replacements in this place, the hunger filled whatever cavern was left, and it grew, tunneling deeper, mining away Reaper's tenuous control. He often opened his eyes to the smattering of bloodied bones encircling his body, an uneven nest of unrecognizable creatures. Reaper knew now they had been two sides of the same coin, he and Gabriel. As one eroded, the other followed suit.

He woke this time on a grave. There was a smaller imprint on the side he knew would fit Gabriel's dimensions, and he knew this belonged to one of the whelps.

Maybe these people needed a refresher course- a little reminder of the chaos they ignored, of the blood they would leave behind. He tore at the dirt mindlessly, a snarl on each of his mouths, the world shifting in and out of focus as his many eyes struggled to find a focal point. Dense soil flew in every direction, and he wasn't certain how long it was, but when he reached a decomposing body, his muscles burned, and his mouth salivated automatically at death. It was a lion, this corpse.

Moonmade, then. He looked so small, so much smaller than Gabe remembered-

A growl leaped out of his chest, and he hauled the body out of the grave, dropping it on the side. He could tear it apart, pile the limbs in a heap and settle the skull atop it; he could hang it from a tree, or sneak it into the observatory and leave it there. Could find where Atticus slept and leave his predecessor's corpse curled on his bed.

Reaper did none of those things.

A feather drifted across his main gaze, dark, speckled with white; it landed on the body's side, and hadn't settled for more than a heartbeat before he was bent over Moon, a paw beneath his head, face buried in his neck. Both of the tar lion's pinioned wings curved around him, over him. "Perdóname- lo siento, I'm so sorry, so sorry- luz de mi vida, te extraño. What- ¿qué te he hecho yo?"[sup]1[/sup] Laz- he didn't- Wild, frenzied eyes sought the direction of Lazarus' grave, ill with the idea that he might have dragged him from his rest, that his body was exposed, but he couldn't move, muscles ravaged by constant tremors.

1 (in order). Forgive me, I'm sorry, light of my life, I miss you. What have I done to you?

Re: THE HOODED MAN // OPEN - clarence a. - 12-12-2018

Clarence hadn't been here for long. The only two leaders he'd known in his time here were Agathe, a woman who he'd never even really met apart from when she was making some poor tiger suffer, and Atticus, a man whom he trusted greatly. While he didn't know him well, he seemed honorable and wise enough to lead a group of people, or animals, in this case. Clarence at least trusted that he would keep this area relatively safe while he stayed here, which was a comfort. He was sick of looking out for everyone and fighting back all the enemies. He was more than happy to let someone else handle his safety for a little while, no matter how long it might really be. It was comforting to know there was an entire clan behind a leader that kept each other safe. As long as they didn't sail into any stormy waters, so to speak, he thought they'd be safe for quite some time and, even if they did, that Atticus would be able to lead them out of it. Hopefully. He had thought the same thing about Finnis and that hadn't ended so well for anyone.

In any case, Clarence was trying to do his best to ignore those sorts of thoughts. It was hard enough to wrap his mind around his current situation after leaving the human world, one where he'd been aboard the Queen Charlotte for months with a strict schedule and the fear of impending death at any moment, to this one. This world which, for all it's problems, seemed more peaceful than his old one, and one filled with animals that had complex thoughts, languages, and societies, all of which he understood as a fellow animal. It was a lot to take in.

Then there was that smell again. That awful smell. He smelled it here more often than he'd like to. Some sort of blood or rotting or terrible thing. Despite himself, despite ever logical thought in his head telling me to go in the opposite direction, away from the dead thing, he made the decision to hurry towards it. His mind screamed in protest but his paws carried him quickly to a strange scene of some kind of creature trembling beside a body of some kind. The man stiffened but stopped himself from any sort of attack. Despite what the events of the last week or so might bring one to believe, Clarence wasn't a man who preferred violence. In fact, he'd like to stay out of it as much as possible, but that simply wasn't what he was meant to do. While he didn't like violence, he also wasn't a man of inaction. If he felt there was danger, he would do his best to take care of it before it seriously hurt anyone. "Who are you?" He tried his best to steel his voice, but soon his expression and tone both softened and he was quick to add, "Are you well?" Clearly not but he wasn't sure how to help in this situation. He still stood at a distance, carefully guarded and with his entire body coiled, as though ready to move if need be. The creature didn't seem to be a threat but he wouldn't take any chances, not when it was standing over a body.

Re: THE HOODED MAN // OPEN - ATTICUS - 12-12-2018

―――― Atticus was no fool to assert that he was irreplaceable. On the contrary, he lived his life knowing very well that every situation that he encountered held the potential of one of several things. Perhaps, for the case of the Sunhaven Neutrality, it was the debate of if new leadership could overwrite old leadership; if two leaders, and two clans, could find peace among each other despite horrific circumstances. When he had become leader, he had done so with the knowledge that he would be responsible for the safety and well-being of the Ascendants, and though he had never voiced the notion aloud, he was more than prepared to die for any of them if he had to. It was simply the matter of loyalty, and of family. Certainly he did not truly have any blood relations in the Ascendants, but one thing was for certain, they were family.

And this act of desecration was unforgivable.

Kit had never been particularly close with Moonmade- aside from one instance where he had somehow ended up being required to call the leader mistress- but... That was really aside the point, wasn't it? The matter of the fact was that this person, this being, was disturbing the dead. They were disturbing the final resting places of their members, and... Well, they themselves didn't seem... Normal. It was the odd spoken language - odd only in the sense that it hadn't been spoken around the Ascendants in some time- that caught his ears first, and Clarence's timbre second.

And the sight that he was greeted with was one that he was not prepared to see. He stepped up besides Clarence quickly, a few paces ahead as if putting himself between him and the stranger, his brows furrowing as he stared ahead at the scene and the man's... crying? In the dim lighting of the evening Atticus could not place a name to the face before him, no matter how quickly he tried to dig in his memories for it. Dirt was displaced everywhere, and the scent of a decomposing body made Atticus had to steel himself before he ended up gagging at the sharp scent. But even if the body that the man now held in his paws and covered with his wings was hardly a body anymore, Atticus knew the location of the grave that he had now misplaced. "You knew Moonmade," he dared, more a statement than a question. If he knew Moonmade, there was a likelihood that Atticus really did know the creature before them now. "And yet you dig their body up? Why?" Perhaps the answer was already certain, yet Kit posed the question regardless, perhaps more as a means to stall if this creature was dangerous, more than he was curious about the actual answer. 

Re: THE HOODED MAN // OPEN - REAPER - 12-16-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The mutated lion stiffened gradually, different muscles along his back and shoulders drawing taut against bone, coiling beneath inky fur and patches of hairless skin where eyes and mouths parted for a taste. Their heartbeats quivered like insects in a web, sending ripples through his senses, saliva pooling in his jaws. He saw, simultaneously, Moon's slack, decaying body, and two figures with blood slipping through their veins. He could taste it over his tongue, sweet and cloying, before thickened ash settled at the roof of his mouth. Atticus. Kill him now. Finish it.

"Get ready to see a lot more of me, Feathers, because I'm not lettin' you leave till Hell freezes over." Moon was dead, but in one gaze he was alive, overlapping the image of his stiffened body, eyes hollow but bright. The heartbeats behind him thudded away, dinner bells clanging, pulling him away from a tired face and dead memories.

Even gone, Gabriel could haunt him. Reaper, the ghost, was haunted, chased by death when his purpose was to bring it and disappear. Simpler times.

The lion dropped the corpse, pinioned wings folding back, the eyes along his legs beginning to bleed out of onyx into alizarin. The mouths splitting down his neck and sides bared yellowed teeth, long pink tongues tasting their scent in the air, the siren call of blood and flesh. Smoke furled from his head in a hazed halo, and he turned to face them both, features flat. A gravel-scraped laugh rolled out of his throat, harsh and humorless. "I will be once I've picked your bones from my teeth."

He shifted to pace around the empty grave, wings dragging lines in the dirt as the many mouths along his body snarled. "Why? Little mouse, I don't answer to you."

The lion disappeared, and reappeared beside Atticus, lunging for the jaguar's throat, attempting to bowl him over.

Re: THE HOODED MAN // OPEN - ORPHEUS - 12-16-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die, passing through nature to eternity. There was an end to all things. When said to Hamlet, the words were meant as something to push him away from his grief. Stop wearing dark clothes, don't be sad — move on. But there was something about death that made it so impossible to step away. Getting close to someone was winding yourself around them, colors bleeding together at the edges until there was no clean way to separate them. Orpheus couldn't imagine what it would have been like to be two people the way that Reaper and Gabriel had been. To lose someone that wasn't just close to you, but a part of you... the closest he'd been to that was Brigand, but losing him wasn't like losing the other side of a coin. It was climbing up construction scaffolding, higher and higher until you stood on the roof, only to watch everything that had helped you get here crumble as you stood on the edge. It was better up here, but you wanted to come back down.

Maybe at that point, the solution would be to jump. To trust in your own feet and your ability to recover even if you don't land just right. Orpheus — he's a fragile thing, for all of the scars on his body and all of the hard days he's lived through. Making that jump might very well kill him, and that is the scary part of healing. Losing someone that gave you stability, something to cling to, and having to find a new way to trust in your future.

Now isn't the time to wax poetic or to get lost in thought. The stench of decay pulls Orpheus closer like a rope around his neck, even though his heart drags nervously in the dirt to try and slow him down. The last time he had been this close to a long-dead body was an unpleasant memory. All he can remember is dark blood and glassy, milky eyes. It's worse this time, everything's worse and his chest feels tight now, until bright eyes manage to focus in on Reaper. For a moment, Orpheus is sure he's hallucinating as his eyes fall on the teeth, the tongues, the eyes, and the way he disappears. Reappears. At that point it's instinct, his paws finally working again as he pushes himself towards the attacker, powerful hindquarters shoving him at the other (larger, mutated) lion. Although he doesn't assume he could fully stop Reaper, he attempts to dig his claws into his hindquarters and sink his teeth somewhere on his back.