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lipstick, red wine, long nights / joining / it's a lifestyle - Printable Version

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lipstick, red wine, long nights / joining / it's a lifestyle - vellichor - 12-11-2018

Amber eyes scanned the barren terrain and the woman let out a soft sigh. How boring. If she knew her journey would take her to such a plain place, perhaps she wouldn't have bothered to make the trip. Not that she had a choice, but still. Maybe she would've picked a different direction. Still, she could see a speck of green some ways off, not that it mattered. She could produce whatever she wanted all on her own, but she liked to be surrounded by beauty. Maybe this place was just in desperate need of a makeover. People didn't really understand beauty. That was why they feared it so much. Briar was good at displaying it, though. She knew that. She could open their eyes and make them see what was right in front of them. They often refused to acknowledge anything beautiful until it was gone, but they never realized that it being gone was the most beautiful thing of all. Maybe there were some people here who'd like to see that.

Either way, she didn't have time to think about it for very long. It was hot here and she was getting rather thirsty. Still, she didn't want to meet whoever was here looking so ragged. So, where her front left paw was, she sprouted a small patch of lobelias. The purple, tiny blooms were difficult to weave together but that was part of the fun. Part of the beauty. She plucked them all and, with deft movements, gently wove enough of them together until she was able to place it on her head, as gingerly as though she were handling a crowd of solid gold before stalking towards the forest. In her wake, flowers of varying kinds and colors sprang alive. After all, she was here to spread beauty, wasn't she? That was her entire purpose. She may as well start now.

Re: lipstick, red wine, long nights / joining / it's a lifestyle - LUCKY LUCIANO - 12-11-2018

[glow=#000,1,400]BUT YOU WERE BORN UNDER A BAD SIGN — TAGS[/glow]
He didn't care much for the "beauty" or "aesthetic" of where he lived, where he dwelled. Hell, he had grown up in a stinky, run-down city with cracked pavement in desperate need of improvements and broken windows and graffiti-covered walls. It was as impoverished as a place could get. As for his own self? Lucky took great pride in his appearance. It wasn't until his uncle had taught him how to look presentable that he really started to take ownership of his physical appearance. Although an undeniable air of cigarette smoke and alcohol tended to follow him around wherever he went, he made sure to wash his fur and even spurt some spicy, earthy fragrances into it if he could manage to get his paws on such a product. Your smell could fill your space or clear your space, he was told. It was easy to say that Lucky never smelled like wet dog again. Perhaps his most prominent accessories was the jewelry that he wore on his forelegs. They were all bracelets of varying styles and colors, though most were silver and gold. He figured that it was a classy look, something that broadcasted his power to the world.

The bracelets shifted over his dark fur and occasionally clinked together as he walked slowly. He kept his ears and eyes peeled for any possible threats in his field of vision, a habit he had adopted when he had joined his family's gang. You could never let your guard down, especially not in a place fraught with danger.

Something had caught his attention - the [u]rapid[/u] blooming of vibrant flora. This raised a brow for the hellhound, who had frankly never seen a thing like it. Was this chick some sort of flower-whisperer or something? Lucky locked his hardened gaze onto the lioness and held his head high, dwarfing her by an easy two-and-a-half feet. Grunting in his deep, accented voice, he questioned, [glow=black,1,400]"You're on Pitt territory. Who are you?"[/glow] Quite the friendly one, wasn't he? Then again, Lucky was never one to mess around and waste any more time than was necessary. He didn't have all day, and she probably didn't either. It would be beneficial to both parties if she stated her business here quickly and clearly.

Re: lipstick, red wine, long nights / joining / it's a lifestyle - Stryker - 12-12-2018

[div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10.2pt; font-family: arial;"][align=center][img width=690][/img]
[glow=#000,2,300]☣ —[/glow] Unlike Lucky, beauty was something Stryker could vibe with. To him, the aesthetic of the area set the mood and allowed the environment shift to whatever it's influences were. For example, while the Pitt was rather dull of the sorts look-wise, it did have it's undertones. Later on, that'll change. The ardent did have some plans to spruce the place up. For now they were stuck with the temples and the looming desert in the distance. In the meantime, hopefully this stranger didn't make them seem like pansies... Literally and figuratively.

Rolling up from behind Luciano, the lion let his neon gaze wander over the appearance of the newfound rouge. So far they haven't responded to Lucky's words. Stryker was not too intent on butting in yet.

Re: lipstick, red wine, long nights / joining / it's a lifestyle - vellichor - 12-12-2018

The woman stopped to look at the hound before her, not flinching as she looked up at him. She didn't fail to notice his bracelets, his polished appearance. That was something she could appreciate at least. "I know where I am, but thank you for reminding me. My name is Briar. I've come to... join." There was hesitation in the final world. Joining. She wasn't so sure how she felt about that word, but it was an necessary one so she would allow it. Her eyes flicked to the albino lion that soon arrived, her eyes lingering a bit longer. How unique. She wasn't quite sure if the green went well with the white but she supposed he couldn't help it. Or could he? Well, that didn't matter for right now. It was a problem for another time. It looked like she had a lot more to do here than question how well neon green and white went together. Her eyes floated past the two men and she began to walk between them, deeper into the territory. "Well, if you don't mind, it looks as though I have quite a bit of work to do-" Her voice drifted off as more flowers sprung up in her wake. She paused briefly and adjusted the flowers atop her head before looking back at the two figures. "I assume I'm welcome?"